Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /home/allslyeo/locallogistics.net/wp-content/plugins/optinmonster/OMAPI/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/allslyeo/locallogistics.net/wp-content/plugins/optinmonster/OMAPI/Menu.php

 * Menu class.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package OMAPI
 * @author  Thomas Griffin
class OMAPI_Menu {

	 * Holds the class object.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @var object
	public static $instance;

	 * Path to the file.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @var string
	public $file = __FILE__;

	 * Holds the base class object.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @var OMAPI
	public $base;

	 * Holds the admin menu slug.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @var string
	public $hook;

	 * Holds a tabindex counter for easy navigation through form fields.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @var int
	public $tabindex = 429;

	 * Primary class constructor.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param bool $isTesting
	public function __construct( $isTesting = false ) {

		if ( ! $isTesting ) {
			// Set our object.

			// Load actions and filters.
			add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'menu' ) );
			// Load helper body classes
			add_filter( 'admin_body_class', array( $this, 'admin_body_classes' ) );



	 * Sets our object instance and base class instance.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	public function set() {

		self::$instance = $this;
		$this->base 	= OMAPI::get_instance();
		$this->view     = isset( $_GET['optin_monster_api_view'] ) ? stripslashes( $_GET['optin_monster_api_view'] ) : $this->base->get_view();


	 * Loads the OptinMonster admin menu.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	public function menu() {

		$this->hook = add_menu_page(
			__( 'OptinMonster', 'optin-monster-api' ),
			__( 'OptinMonster', 'optin-monster-api' ),
			apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_menu_cap', 'manage_options' ),
			array( $this, 'page' ),

		// Load global icon font styles.
		add_action( 'admin_head', array( $this, 'icon' ) );

		// Load settings page assets.
		if ( $this->hook ) {
			add_action( 'load-' . $this->hook, array( $this, 'assets' ) );


	 * Loads the custom Archie icon.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	public function icon() {

		<style type="text/css">@font-face{font-family: 'archie';src:url('<?php echo plugins_url( '/assets/fonts/archie.eot?velzrt', OMAPI_FILE ); ?>');src:url('<?php echo plugins_url( '/assets/fonts/archie.eot?#iefixvelzrt', OMAPI_FILE ); ?>') format('embedded-opentype'),url('<?php echo plugins_url( '/assets/fonts/archie.woff?velzrt', OMAPI_FILE ); ?>') format('woff'),url('<?php echo plugins_url( '/assets/fonts/archie.ttf?velzrt', OMAPI_FILE ); ?>') format('truetype'),url('<?php echo plugins_url( '/assets/fonts/archie.svg?velzrt#archie', OMAPI_FILE ); ?>') format('svg');font-weight: normal;font-style: normal;}#toplevel_page_optin-monster-api-settings .dashicons-before,#toplevel_page_optin-monster-api-settings .dashicons-before:before,#toplevel_page_optin-monster-api-welcome .dashicons-before,#toplevel_page_optin-monster-api-welcome .dashicons-before:before{font-family: 'archie';speak: none;font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;font-variant: normal;text-transform: none;line-height: 1;-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;}#toplevel_page_optin-monster-api-settings .dashicons-before:before,#toplevel_page_optin-monster-api-welcome .dashicons-before:before{content: "\e600";font-size: 38px;margin-top: -9px;margin-left: -8px;}</style>


	public function admin_body_classes( $classes ) {

		$classes .= ' omapi-screen ';

		if ( $this->base->get_api_key_errors() ) {
			$classes .= ' omapi-has-api-errors ';

		return $classes;


	 * Loads assets for the settings page.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	public function assets() {

		add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'styles' ) );
		add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'scripts' ) );
		add_filter( 'admin_footer_text', array( $this, 'footer' ) );
		add_action( 'in_admin_header', array( $this, 'output_plugin_screen_banner') );
		add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'fix_plugin_js_conflicts'), 100 );


	 * Register and enqueue settings page specific CSS.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	public function styles() {

		wp_register_style( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-select2', plugins_url( '/assets/css/select2.min.css', OMAPI_FILE ), array(), $this->base->version );
		wp_enqueue_style( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-select2' );
		wp_register_style( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-settings', plugins_url( '/assets/css/settings.css', OMAPI_FILE ), array(), $this->base->version );
		wp_enqueue_style( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-settings' );

		// Run a hook to load in custom styles.
		do_action( 'optin_monster_api_admin_styles', $this->view );


	 * Register and enqueue settings page specific JS.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	public function scripts() {

		wp_register_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-select2', plugins_url( '/assets/js/select2.min.js', OMAPI_FILE ), array( 'jquery' ), $this->base->version, true );
		wp_enqueue_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-select2' );
		wp_register_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-settings', plugins_url( '/assets/js/settings.js', OMAPI_FILE ), array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-datepicker', $this->base->plugin_slug . '-select2' ), $this->base->version, true );
		wp_enqueue_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-settings' );
		wp_register_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-clipboard', plugins_url( '/assets/js/clipboard.min.js', OMAPI_FILE ), array( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-settings' ), $this->base->version, true );
		wp_enqueue_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-clipboard' );
		wp_register_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-tooltip', plugins_url( '/assets/js/tooltip.min.js', OMAPI_FILE ), array( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-settings' ), $this->base->version, true );
		wp_enqueue_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-tooltip' );
		wp_register_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-jspdf', plugins_url( '/assets/js/jspdf.min.js', OMAPI_FILE ), array( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-settings' ), $this->base->version, true );
		wp_enqueue_script( $this->base->plugin_slug . '-jspdf' );
			$this->base->plugin_slug . '-settings',
			   	'ajax'	      => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
			   	'nonce'       => wp_create_nonce( 'omapi-query-nonce' ),
				'confirm'     => __( 'Are you sure you want to reset these settings?', 'optin-monster-api' ),
				'date_format' => 'F j, Y',
				'supportData' => $this->get_support_data(),

		// Run a hook to load in custom styles.
		do_action( 'optin_monster_api_admin_scripts', $this->view );


	 * Deque specific scripts that cause conflicts on settings page
	 * @since
	public function fix_plugin_js_conflicts(){

		// Get current screen.
		$screen = get_current_screen();

		// Bail if we're not on the OptinMonster Settings screen.
		if ( isset( $screen->id ) && 'toplevel_page_optin-monster-api-settings' !== $screen->id ) {

		// Dequeue scripts that might cause our settings not to work properly.
		wp_dequeue_script( 'optimizely_config' );


	 * Combine Support data together to pass into localization
	 * @since 1.1.5
	 * @return array
	public function get_support_data() {
		$server_data = '';
		$optin_data = '';

		if ( isset($_GET['optin_monster_api_view']) && $_GET['optin_monster_api_view'] == 'support') {
			$optin_data = $this->get_optin_data();
			$server_data = $this->get_server_data();
		$data = array(
			'server' => $server_data,
			'optins' => $optin_data

		return $data;

	 * Build Current Optin data array to localize
	 * @since 1.1.5
	 * @return array
	private function get_optin_data() {

		$optins = $this->base->get_optins();
		$optin_data = array();

		if ( $optins ) {
			foreach ( $optins as $optin ) {
				$optin = get_post( $optin->ID );
				$slug = $optin->post_name;
				$design_type = get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_type', true );
				$optin_data[ $slug ] = array(
					'Campaign Type'                    => $design_type,
					'WordPress ID'                     => $optin->ID,
					'Associated IDs'                   => get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_ids', true ),
					'Current Status'                   => get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_enabled', true ) ? 'Live' : 'Disabled',
					'User Settings'                    => get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_users', true ),
					'Pages to Never show on'           => get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_never', true ),
					'Pages to Only show on'            => get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_only', true ),
					'Categories'                       => get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_categories', true ),
					'Taxonomies'                       => get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_taxonomies', true ),
					'Template types to Show on'        => get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_show', true ),
					'Shortcodes Synced and Recognized' => get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_shortcode', true ) ? htmlspecialchars_decode( get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_shortcode_output', true ) ) : 'None recognized',
				if ( 'post' == $design_type ) {
					$optin_data[$slug]['Automatic Output Status'] = get_post_meta( $optin->ID, '_omapi_automatic', true ) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled';

		return $optin_data;

	 * Build array of server information to localize
	 * @since 1.1.5
	 * @return array
	private function get_server_data() {

		$theme_data = wp_get_theme();
		$theme      = $theme_data->Name . ' ' . $theme_data->Version;

		$plugins        = get_plugins();
		$active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins', array() );
		$used_plugins   = "\n";
		$api_ping       = wp_remote_request( 'https://api.optinmonster.com/v1/ping' );
		foreach ( $plugins as $plugin_path => $plugin ) {
			if ( ! in_array( $plugin_path, $active_plugins ) ) {
			$used_plugins .= $plugin['Name'] . ': ' . $plugin['Version'] . "\n";

		$array = array(
			'Server Info'        => esc_html( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ),
			'PHP Version'        => function_exists( 'phpversion' ) ? esc_html( phpversion() ) : 'Unable to check.',
			'Error Log Location' => function_exists( 'ini_get' ) ? ini_get( 'error_log' ) : 'Unable to locate.',
			'Default Timezone'   => date_default_timezone_get(),
			'WordPress Home URL' => get_home_url(),
			'WordPress Site URL' => get_site_url(),
			'WordPress Version'  => get_bloginfo( 'version' ),
			'Multisite'          => is_multisite() ? 'Multisite Enabled' : 'Not Multisite',
			'Language'           => get_locale(),
			'API Ping Response'  => wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $api_ping ),
			'Active Theme'       => $theme,
			'Active Plugins'     => $used_plugins,


		return $array;

	 * Customizes the footer text on the OptinMonster settings page.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $text  The default admin footer text.
	 * @return string $text Amended admin footer text.
	public function footer( $text ) {

		$url  = 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/optinmonster/reviews?filter=5#new-post';
		$text = sprintf( __( 'Please rate <strong>OptinMonster</strong> <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener">&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;</a> on <a href="%s" target="_blank">WordPress.org</a> to help us spread the word. Thank you from the OptinMonster team!', 'optin-monster-api' ), $url, $url );
		return $text;


	 * Outputs the OptinMonster settings page.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	public function page() {


		<div class="wrap omapi-page">
			<div class="omapi-ui">
				<div class="omapi-tabs">
					<ul class="omapi-panels">
							$i = 0; foreach ( $this->get_panels() as $id => $panel ) :
							$first  = 0 == $i ? ' omapi-panel-first' : '';
							$active = $id == $this->view ? ' omapi-panel-active' : '';
						<li class="omapi-panel omapi-panel-<?php echo sanitize_html_class( $id ); ?><?php echo $first . $active; ?>"><a href="<?php echo esc_url_raw( add_query_arg( 'optin_monster_api_view', $id, admin_url( 'admin.php?page=optin-monster-api-settings' ) ) ); ?>" class="omapi-panel-link" data-panel="<?php echo $id; ?>" data-panel-title="<?php echo $panel; ?>"><?php echo $panel; ?></a></li>
						<?php $i++; endforeach; ?>
				<div class="omapi-tabs-content">
						foreach ( $this->get_panels() as $id => $panel ) :
						$active = $id == $this->view ? ' omapi-content-active' : '';
					<div class="omapi-content omapi-content-<?php echo sanitize_html_class( $id ); ?><?php echo $active; ?>">
						do_action( 'optin_monster_api_content_before', $id, $panel, $this );
						do_action( 'optin_monster_api_content_' . $id, $panel, $this );
						do_action( 'optin_monster_api_content_after', $id, $panel, $this ); ?>
					<?php endforeach; ?>


	 * Retrieves the available tab panels.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @return array $panels Array of tab panels.
	public function get_panels() {

		// Only load the API panel if no API credentials have been set.
		$panels 	 = array();
		$creds  	 = $this->base->get_api_credentials();
		$can_migrate = $this->base->can_migrate();
		$is_legacy_active = $this->base->is_legacy_active();

		// Set panels requiring credentials.
		if ( $creds ) {
			$panels['optins'] = __( 'Campaigns', 'optin-monster-api' );

		// Set default panels.
		$panels['api'] 	= __( 'API Credentials', 'optin-monster-api' );

		// Set the settings panel.
		//$panels['settings'] = __( 'Settings', 'optin-monster-api' );

		// Set the Support panel
		$panels['support'] = __( 'Support', 'optin-monster-api' );

		// Set the migration panel.
		if ( $creds && $can_migrate && $is_legacy_active ) {
			$panels['migrate'] = __( 'Migration', 'optin-monster-api' );

		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_panels', $panels );


	 * Retrieves the setting UI for the setting specified.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $id 	  The optin ID to target.
	 * @param string $setting The possible subkey setting for the option.
	 * @return string		  HTML setting string.
	public function get_setting_ui( $id, $setting = '' ) {

		// Prepare variables.
		$ret      = '';
		$optin_id = isset( $_GET['optin_monster_api_id'] ) ? absint( $_GET['optin_monster_api_id'] ) : 0;
		$value 	  = 'optins' == $id ? get_post_meta( $optin_id, '_omapi_' . $setting, true ) : $this->base->get_option( $id, $setting );
		$optin = get_post( $optin_id);

		// Load the type of setting UI based on the option.
		switch ( $id ) {
			case 'api' :
				switch ( $setting ) {
					case 'user' :
						$ret = $this->get_password_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Legacy API Username', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The Legacy API Username found in your OptinMonster Account API area.', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'Enter your Legacy API Username here...', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
					break 2;

					case 'key' :
						$ret = $this->get_password_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Legacy API Key', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The Legacy API Key found in your OptinMonster Account API area.', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'Enter your Legacy API Key here...', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
					break 2;

					case 'apikey' :
						$ret = $this->get_password_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'API Key', 'optin-monster-api'), __( 'A single API Key found in your OptinMonster Account API area.', 'optin-monster-api'), __( 'Enter your API Key here...', 'optin-monster-api') );
					break 2;

			case 'settings' :
				switch ( $setting ) {
					case 'cookies' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Clear local cookies on campaign update?', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'If checked, local cookies will be cleared for all campaigns after campaign settings are adjusted and saved.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
					break 2;

			case 'support' :
				switch ( $setting ) {
					case 'video' :
						$ret = '<div class="omapi-half-column"><div class="omapi-video-container"><iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tUoJcp5Z9H0?rel=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>';
						break 2;

					case 'links' :
						$ret = $this->get_support_links( $setting, 'Helpful Links' );
						break 2;

					case 'server-report';
						$ret = $this->get_plugin_report($setting, 'Server / Plugin Report');
						break 2;

			case 'toggle' :
				switch ( $setting ) {
					case 'advanced-start' :
						$ret = $this->get_toggle_start( $setting, __( 'Advanced Settings', 'optin-monster-api'), __('More specific settings available for campaign visibility.', 'optin-monster-api') );
					break 2;
					case 'advanced-end' :
						$ret = $this->get_toggle_end();
					break 2;
					case 'woocommerce-start' :
						$ret = $this->get_toggle_start( $setting, __( 'WooCommerce Settings', 'optin-monster-api'), __('More specific settings available for WooCommerce integration.', 'optin-monster-api') );
						break 2;
					case 'woocommerce-end' :
						$ret = $this->get_toggle_end();
						break 2;

			case 'optins' :
				switch ( $setting ) {
					case 'enabled' :
				    	$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Enable campaign on site?', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will not be displayed on this site unless this setting is checked.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
				    break 2;

					case 'automatic' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Automatically add after post?', 'optin-monster-api' ), sprintf( __( 'Automatically adds the campaign after each post. You can turn this off and add it manually to your posts by <a href="%s" target="_blank">clicking here and viewing the tutorial.</a>', 'optin-monster-api' ), 'https://optinmonster.com/docs/manually-add-after-post-optin/' ), array('omapi-after-post-auto-select') );
					break 2;
					case 'automatic_shortcode' :
						$full_shortcode ='[optin-monster-shortcode id="'. $optin->post_name .'"]';
						$ret = $this->get_text_field(
							__( 'Shortcode for this campaign', 'optin-monster-api' ),
							sprintf( __( 'Use the shortcode to manually add this campaign to inline to a post or page. <a href="%s" title="Click here to learn more about how this work" target="_blank">Click here to learn more about how this works.</a>', 'optin-monster-api' ), 'https://optinmonster.com/docs/how-to-manually-add-an-after-post-or-inline-optin/' ),
					break 2;

					case 'users' :
						$ret = $this->get_dropdown_field( $setting, $value, $id, $this->get_user_output(), __( 'Who should see this campaign?', 'optin-monster-api' ), sprintf( __( 'Determines who should be able to view this campaign. Want to hide for newsletter subscribers? <a href="%s" target="_blank">Click here to learn how.</a>', 'optin-monster-api' ), 'https://optinmonster.com/docs/how-to-hide-optinmonster-from-existing-newsletter-subscribers/' ) );
					break 2;

					case 'never' :
						$val = is_array( $value ) ? implode( ',', $value ) : $value;
						$ret = $this->get_custom_field( $setting, '<input type="hidden" value="' . $val . '" id="omapi-field-' . $setting . '" class="omapi-select-ajax" name="omapi[' . $id . '][' . $setting . ']" data-placeholder="' . esc_attr__( 'Type to search and select post(s)...', 'optin-monster-api' ) . '">', __( 'Never load campaign on:', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'Never loads the campaign on the selected posts and/or pages. Does not disable automatic Global output.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
					break 2;

					case 'only' :
						$val = is_array( $value ) ? implode( ',', $value ) : $value;
						$ret = $this->get_custom_field( $setting, '<input type="hidden" value="' . $val . '" id="omapi-field-' . $setting . '" class="omapi-select-ajax" name="omapi[' . $id . '][' . $setting . ']" data-placeholder="' . esc_attr__( 'Type to search and select post(s)...', 'optin-monster-api' ) . '">', __( 'Load campaign specifically on:', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'Loads the campaign on the selected posts and/or pages.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
					break 2;

					case 'categories' :
						$categories = get_categories();
						if ( $categories ) {
							wp_category_checklist( 0, 0, (array) $value, false, null, true );
							$cats = ob_get_clean();
							$ret  = $this->get_custom_field( 'categories', $cats, __( 'Load campaign on post categories:', 'optin-monster-api' ) );

					case 'taxonomies' :
						// Attempt to load post tags.
						$html = '';
						$tags = get_taxonomy( 'post_tag' );
						if ( $tags ) {
							$tag_terms = get_tags();
							if ( $tag_terms ) {
								$display = (array) $value;
								$display = isset( $display['post_tag'] ) ? implode( ',', $display['post_tag'] ) : '';
								$html    = $this->get_custom_field( $setting, '<input type="hidden" value="' . $display . '" id="omapi-field-' . $setting . '" class="omapi-select-ajax" name="tax_input[post_tag][]" data-placeholder="' . esc_attr__( 'Type to search and select post tag(s)...', 'optin-monster-api' ) . '">', __( 'Load campaign on post tags:', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'Loads the campaign on the selected post tags.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );

						// Possibly load taxonomies setting if they exist.
						$taxonomies                = get_taxonomies( array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ) );
						$taxonomies['post_format'] = 'post_format';
						$data                      = array();

						// Allow returned taxonmies to be filtered before creating UI.
						$taxonomies = apply_filters('optin_monster_api_setting_ui_taxonomies', $taxonomies );

						if ( $taxonomies ) {
							foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
								$terms = get_terms( $taxonomy );
								if ( $terms ) {
									$display = (array) $value;
									$display = isset( $display[ $taxonomy ] ) ? $display[ $taxonomy ] : array();
									$tax     = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
									$args    = array(
										'descendants_and_self' => 0,
										'selected_cats'        => (array) $display,
										'popular_cats'         => false,
										'walker'               => null,
										'taxonomy'             => $taxonomy,
										'checked_ontop'        => true
									wp_terms_checklist( 0, $args );
									$output = ob_get_clean();
									if ( ! empty( $output ) ) {
										$data[ $taxonomy ] = $this->get_custom_field( 'taxonomies', $output, __( 'Load campaign on ' . strtolower( $tax->labels->name ) . ':', 'optin-monster-api' ) );

						// If we have taxonomies, add them to the taxonomies key.
						if ( ! empty( $data ) ) {
							foreach ( $data as $setting ) {
								$html .= $setting;

						// Return the data.
						$ret = $html;

					case 'show' :
						$ret = $this->get_custom_field( 'show', $this->get_show_fields( $value ), __( 'Load campaign on post types and archives:', 'optin-monster-api' ) );

					case 'mailpoet' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Save lead to MailPoet?', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'If checked, successful campaign leads will be saved to MailPoet.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
					break 2;

					case 'mailpoet_list' :
						$ret = $this->get_dropdown_field( $setting, $value, $id, $this->get_mailpoet_lists(), __( 'Add lead to this MailPoet list:', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'All successful leads for the campaign will be added to this particular MailPoet list.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
					break 2;

					// Start WooCommerce settings.
					case 'show_on_woocommerce' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on all WooCommerce pages', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show on any page where WooCommerce templates are used.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_shop' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce shop', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show on the product archive page (shop).', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_product' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce products', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show on any single product.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_cart' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Cart', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show on the cart page.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_checkout' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Checkout', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show on the checkout page.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_account' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Customer Account', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show on the WooCommerce customer account pages.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_endpoint' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on all WooCommerce Endpoints', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show when on any WooCommerce Endpoint.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;
					case 'is_wc_endpoint_order_pay' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Order Pay endpoint', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show when the endpoint page for order pay is displayed.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_endpoint_order_received' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Order Received endpoint', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show when the endpoint page for order received is displayed.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_endpoint_view_order' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce View Order endpoint', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show when the endpoint page for view order is displayed.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_endpoint_edit_account' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Edit Account endpoint', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show when the endpoint page for edit account is displayed.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_endpoint_edit_address' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Edit Address endpoint', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show when the endpoint page for edit address is displayed.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_endpoint_lost_password' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Lost Password endpoint', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show when the endpoint page for lost password is displayed.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_endpoint_customer_logout' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Customer Logout endpoint', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show when the endpoint page for customer logout is displayed.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_endpoint_add_payment_method' :
						$ret = $this->get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Add Payment Method endpoint', 'optin-monster-api' ), __( 'The campaign will show when the endpoint page for add payment method is displayed.', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_product_category' :
						$taxonomy = 'product_cat';
						$terms = get_terms( $taxonomy );
						if ( $terms ) {
							$display = isset( $value ) ? (array) $value : array();
							$args    = array(
								'descendants_and_self' => 0,
								'selected_cats'        => $display,
								'popular_cats'         => false,
								'walker'               => null,
								'taxonomy'             => $taxonomy,
								'checked_ontop'        => true
							wp_terms_checklist( 0, $args );
							$output = ob_get_clean();
							if ( ! empty( $output ) ) {
								$ret = $this->get_custom_field( $setting, $output, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Product Categories:', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

					case 'is_wc_product_tag' :
						$taxonomy = 'product_tag';
						$terms = get_terms( $taxonomy );
						if ( $terms ) {
							$display = isset( $value ) ? (array) $value : array();
							$args    = array(
								'descendants_and_self' => 0,
								'selected_cats'        => $display,
								'popular_cats'         => false,
								'walker'               => null,
								'taxonomy'             => $taxonomy,
								'checked_ontop'        => true
							wp_terms_checklist( 0, $args );
							$output = ob_get_clean();
							if ( ! empty( $output ) ) {
								$ret = $this->get_custom_field( $setting, $output, __( 'Show on WooCommerce Product Tags:', 'optin-monster-api' ) );
						break 2;

			case 'note' :
				switch ( $setting ) {
					case 'sidebar_widget_notice' :
						$ret = $this->get_optin_type_note( $setting, __('Use Widgets to set Sidebar output', 'optin-monster-api'), __('You can set this campaign to show in your sidebars using the OptinMonster widget within your sidebars.', 'optin-monster-api'), 'widgets.php', __('Go to Widgets', 'optin-monster-api') );
					break 2;

		// Return the setting output.
		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_setting_ui', $ret, $setting, $id );


	 * Returns the user output settings available for an optin.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @return array An array of user dropdown values.
	public function get_user_output() {

		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_user_output',
					'name'  => __( 'Show campaign to all visitors and users', 'optin-monster-api' ),
					'value' => 'all'
					'name'  => __( 'Show campaign to only visitors (not logged-in)', 'optin-monster-api' ),
					'value' => 'out'
					'name'  => __( 'Show campaign to only users (logged-in)', 'optin-monster-api' ),
					'value' => 'in'


     * Returns the available MailPoet lists.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @return array An array of MailPoet lists.
    public function get_mailpoet_lists() {

		// Prepare variables.
		$mailpoet  = null;
		$lists     = array();
		$ret       = array();
		$listIdKey = 'id';

		// Get lists. Check for MailPoet 3 first. Default to legacy.
		if ( class_exists( '\\MailPoet\\Config\\Initializer' ) ) {
			$lists = \MailPoet\API\API::MP('v1')->getLists();
		} else {
			$mailpoet  = WYSIJA::get( 'list', 'model' );
			$lists     = $mailpoet->get( array( 'name', 'list_id' ), array( 'is_enabled' => 1 ) );
			$listIdKey = 'list_id';

	    // Add default option.
	    $ret[]	  = array(
		    'name'  => __( 'Select your MailPoet list...', 'optin-monster-api' ),
		    'value' => 'none'

	    // Loop through the list data and add to array.
	    foreach ( (array) $lists as $list ) {
		    $ret[] = array(
			    'name'  => $list['name'],
			    'value' => $list[ $listIdKey ],

		 * Filters the MailPoet lists.
		 * @param array       $ret      The MailPoet lists array.
		 * @param array       $lists    The raw MailPoet lists array. Format differs by plugin verison.
		 * @param WYSIJA|null $mailpoet The MailPoet object if using legacy. Null otherwise.
		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_mailpoet_lists', $ret, $lists, $mailpoet );


     * Retrieves the UI output for the single posts show setting.
     * @since 2.0.0
     * @param array $value  The meta index value for the show setting.
     * @return string $html HTML representation of the data.
    public function get_show_fields( $value ) {

        // Increment the global tabindex counter.

        $output  = '<label for="omapi-field-show-index" class="omapi-custom-label">';
        $output .= '<input type="checkbox" id="omapi-field-show-index" name="omapi[optins][show][]" value="index"' . checked( in_array( 'index', (array) $value ), 1, false ) . ' /> ' . __( 'Front Page and Search Pages', 'optin-monster-api' ) . '</label><br />';
        $post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ) );
        foreach ( (array) $post_types as $show ) {
            $pt_object = get_post_type_object( $show );
            $label     = $pt_object->labels->name;
            $output   .= '<label for="omapi-field-show-' . esc_html( strtolower( $label ) ) . '" class="omapi-custom-label">';
            $output   .= '<input type="checkbox" id="omapi-field-show-' . esc_html( strtolower( $label ) ) . '" name="omapi[optins][show][]" tabindex="' . $this->tabindex . '" value="' . $show . '"' . checked( in_array( $show, (array) $value ), 1, false ) . ' /> ' . esc_html( $label ) . '</label><br />';

            // Increment the global tabindex counter and iterator.

        return $output;


     * Retrieves the UI output for a plain text input field setting.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param string $setting The name of the setting to be saved to the DB.
     * @param mixed $value    The value of the setting.
     * @param string $id	  The setting ID to target for name field.
     * @param string $label   The label of the input field.
     * @param string $desc    The description for the input field.
     * @param string $place   Placeholder text for the field.
     * @param array $classes  Array of classes to add to the field.
     * @param boolean $copy   Turn on clipboard copy button and make field readonly
     * @return string $html   HTML representation of the data.
	public function get_text_field( $setting, $value, $id, $label, $desc = false, $place = false, $classes = array(), $copy = false ) {

		// Increment the global tabindex counter.

		// Check for copy set
		$readonly_output = $copy ? 'readonly' : '';

		// Build the HTML.
		$field  = '<div class="omapi-field-box omapi-text-field omapi-field-box-' . $setting . ' omapi-clear">';
				$field .= '<p class="omapi-field-wrap"><label for="omapi-field-' . $setting . '">' . $label . '</label><br />';
				$field .= '<input type="text" id="omapi-field-' . $setting . '" class="' . implode( ' ', (array) $classes ) . '" name="omapi[' . $id . '][' . $setting . ']" tabindex="' . $this->tabindex . '" value="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"' . ( $place ? ' placeholder="' . $place . '"' : '' ) . $readonly_output .' />';
				if ( $copy ) {
					$field .= '<span class="omapi-copy-button button"  data-clipboard-target="#omapi-field-' . $setting . '">Copy to clipboard</span>';
				if ( $desc ) {
					$field .= '<br /><span class="omapi-field-desc">' . $desc . '</span>';
				$field .= '</p>';
		$field .= '</div>';

		// Return the HTML.
		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_text_field', $field, $setting, $value, $id, $label );


	 * Retrieves the UI output for a password input field setting.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $setting The name of the setting to be saved to the DB.
	 * @param mixed $value    The value of the setting.
	 * @param string $id	  The setting ID to target for name field.
	 * @param string $label   The label of the input field.
	 * @param string $desc    The description for the input field.
	 * @param string $place   Placeholder text for the field.
	 * @param array $classes  Array of classes to add to the field.
	 * @return string $html   HTML representation of the data.
	public function get_password_field( $setting, $value, $id, $label, $desc = false, $place = false, $classes = array() ) {

		// Increment the global tabindex counter.

		// Build the HTML.
		$field  = '<div class="omapi-field-box omapi-password-field omapi-field-box-' . $setting . ' omapi-clear">';
			$field .= '<p class="omapi-field-wrap"><label for="omapi-field-' . $setting . '">' . $label . '</label><br />';
				$field .= '<input type="password" id="omapi-field-' . $setting . '" class="' . implode( ' ', (array) $classes ) . '" name="omapi[' . $id . '][' . $setting . ']" tabindex="' . $this->tabindex . '" value="' . $value . '"' . ( $place ? ' placeholder="' . $place . '"' : '' ) . ' />';
				if ( $desc ) {
					$field .= '<br /><span class="omapi-field-desc">' . $desc . '</span>';
			$field .= '</p>';
		$field .= '</div>';

		// Return the HTML.
		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_password_field', $field, $setting, $value, $id, $label );


	 * Retrieves the UI output for a hidden input field setting.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $setting The name of the setting to be saved to the DB.
	 * @param mixed $value    The value of the setting.
	 * @param string $id	  The setting ID to target for name field.
	 * @param array $classes  Array of classes to add to the field.
	 * @return string $html   HTML representation of the data.
	public function get_hidden_field( $setting, $value, $id, $classes = array() ) {

		// Increment the global tabindex counter.

		// Build the HTML.
		$field  = '<div class="omapi-field-box omapi-hidden-field omapi-field-box-' . $setting . ' omapi-clear omapi-hidden">';
		$field .= '<input type="hidden" id="omapi-field-' . $setting . '" class="' . implode( ' ', (array) $classes ) . '" name="omapi[' . $id . '][' . $setting . ']" tabindex="' . $this->tabindex . '" value="' . $value . '" />';
		$field .= '</div>';

		// Return the HTML.
		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_hidden_field', $field, $setting, $value, $id );

	 * Retrieves the UI output for a plain textarea field setting.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $setting The name of the setting to be saved to the DB.
	 * @param mixed $value    The value of the setting.
	 * @param string $id	  The setting ID to target for name field.
	 * @param string $label   The label of the input field.
	 * @param string $desc    The description for the input field.
	 * @param string $place   Placeholder text for the field.
	 * @param array $classes  Array of classes to add to the field.
	 * @return string $html   HTML representation of the data.
	public function get_textarea_field( $setting, $value, $id, $label, $desc = false, $place = false, $classes = array() ) {

		// Increment the global tabindex counter.

		// Build the HTML.
		$field  = '<div class="omapi-field-box omapi-textarea-field omapi-field-box-' . $setting . ' omapi-clear">';
			$field .= '<p class="omapi-field-wrap"><label for="omapi-field-' . $setting . '">' . $label . '</label><br />';
				$field .= '<textarea id="omapi-field-' . $setting . '" class="' . implode( ' ', (array) $classes ) . '" name="omapi[' . $id . '][' . $setting . ']" rows="5" tabindex="' . $this->tabindex . '"' . ( $place ? ' placeholder="' . $place . '"' : '' ) . '>' . $value . '</textarea>';
				if ( $desc ) {
					$field .= '<br /><span class="omapi-field-desc">' . $desc . '</span>';
			$field .= '</p>';
		$field .= '</div>';

		// Return the HTML.
		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_textarea_field', $field, $setting, $value, $id, $label );


	 * Retrieves the UI output for a checkbox setting.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $setting The name of the setting to be saved to the DB.
	 * @param mixed $value    The value of the setting.
	 * @param string $id	  The setting ID to target for name field.
	 * @param string $label   The label of the input field.
	 * @param string $desc    The description for the input field.
	 * @param array $classes  Array of classes to add to the field.
	 * @return string $html   HTML representation of the data.
	public function get_checkbox_field( $setting, $value, $id, $label, $desc = false, $classes = array() ) {

		// Increment the global tabindex counter.

		// Build the HTML.
		$field  = '<div class="omapi-field-box omapi-checkbox-field omapi-field-box-' . $setting . ' omapi-clear">';
			$field .= '<p class="omapi-field-wrap"><label for="omapi-field-' . $setting . '">' . $label . '</label><br />';
				$field .= '<input type="checkbox" id="omapi-field-' . $setting . '" class="' . implode( ' ', (array) $classes ) . '" name="omapi[' . $id . '][' . $setting . ']" tabindex="' . $this->tabindex . '" value="' . $value . '"' . checked( $value, 1, false ) . ' /> ';
				if ( $desc ) {
					$field .= '<span class="omapi-field-desc">' . $desc . '</span>';
			$field .= '</p>';
		$field .= '</div>';

		// Return the HTML.
		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_checkbox_field', $field, $setting, $value, $id, $label );


	 * Retrieves the UI output for a dropdown field setting.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $setting The name of the setting to be saved to the DB.
	 * @param mixed $value    The value of the setting.
	 * @param string $id	  The setting ID to target for name field.
	 * @param array $data     The data to be used for option fields.
	 * @param string $label   The label of the input field.
	 * @param string $desc    The description for the input field.
	 * @param array $classes  Array of classes to add to the field.
	 * @return string $html   HTML representation of the data.
	public function get_dropdown_field( $setting, $value, $id, $data, $label, $desc = false, $classes = array() ) {

		// Increment the global tabindex counter.

		// Build the HTML.
		$field  = '<div class="omapi-field-box omapi-dropdown-field omapi-field-box-' . $setting . ' omapi-clear">';
			$field .= '<p class="omapi-field-wrap"><label for="omapi-field-' . $setting . '">' . $label . '</label><br />';
				$field .= '<select id="omapi-field-' . $setting . '" class="' . implode( ' ', (array) $classes ) . '" name="omapi[' . $id . '][' . $setting . ']" tabindex="' . $this->tabindex . '">';
				foreach ( $data as $i => $info ) {
					$field .= '<option value="' . $info['value'] . '"' . selected( $info['value'], $value, false ) . '>' . $info['name'] . '</option>';
				$field .= '</select>';
				if ( $desc ) {
					$field .= '<br /><span class="omapi-field-desc">' . $desc . '</span>';
			$field .= '</p>';
		$field .= '</div>';

		// Return the HTML.
		return apply_filters( 'omapi_dropdown_field', $field, $setting, $value, $id, $label, $data );


	 * Retrieves the UI output for a field with a custom output.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param string $setting The name of the setting to be saved to the DB.
	 * @param mixed $value    The value of the setting.
	 * @param string $label   The label of the input field.
	 * @param string $desc    The description for the input field.
	 * @return string $html   HTML representation of the data.
	public function get_custom_field( $setting, $value, $label, $desc = false ) {

		// Build the HTML.
		$field = '<div class="omapi-field-box omapi-custom-field omapi-field-box-' . $setting . ' omapi-clear">';
			$field .= '<p class="omapi-field-wrap"><label for="omapi-field-' . $setting . '">' . $label . '</label></p>';
			$field .= $value;
			if ( $desc ) {
				$field .= '<br /><span class="omapi-field-desc">' . $desc . '</span>';
		$field .= '</div>';

		// Return the HTML.
		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_custom_field', $field, $setting, $value, $label );


	 * Starts the toggle wrapper for a toggle section.
	 * @since 1.1.5
	 * @param $label
	 * @param $desc
	 * @return mixed|void
	public function get_toggle_start( $setting, $label, $desc ) {
		$field = '<div class="omapi-ui-toggle-controller">';
			$field .= '<p class="omapi-field-wrap"><label for="omapi-field-' . $setting . '">' . $label . '</label></p>';
			if ( $desc ) {
				$field .= '<span class="omapi-field-desc">' . $desc . '</span>';
		$field .= '</div>';
		$field .= '<div class="omapi-ui-toggle-content">';

		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_toggle_start_field', $field, $label, $desc  );

	 * Closes toggle wrapper.
	 * @since 1.1.5
	 * @return string HTML end for toggle start
	public function get_toggle_end(){

		$field = '</div>';

		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_toggle_end_field', $field );

	 *  Helper note output with title, text, and admin linked button.
	 * @since 1.1.5
	 * @param $setting
	 * @param $title
	 * @param $text
	 * @param $admin_page
	 * @param $button
	 * @return mixed|void
	public function get_optin_type_note( $setting, $title, $text, $admin_page, $button ) {

		$field = '<div class="omapi-field-box  omapi-inline-notice omapi-field-box-' . $setting . ' omapi-clear">';
		if ($title ) {
			$field .= '<p class="omapi-notice-title">' . $title . '</p>';
		if ($text) {
			$field .= '<p class="omapi-field-desc">' . $text . '</p>';
		if ( $admin_page && $button ) {
			// Increment the global tabindex counter.
			$field .= '<a href="' . esc_url_raw( admin_url( $admin_page ) ) . '" class="button button-small" title="' . $button . '" target="_blank">' . $button . '</a>';
		$field .= '</div>';

		return apply_filters('optin_monster_api_inline_note_display', $field, $title, $text, $admin_page, $button );

	 * Support Link output
	 * @param $setting
	 * @return mixed|void HTML of the list filtered as needed
	public function get_support_links( $setting, $title ) {

		$field ='';

		$field .= '<div class="omapi-support-links ' . $setting . '"><h3>' . $title . '</h3><ul>';
		$field .= '<li><a target="_blank" href="' . esc_url( 'https://optinmonster.com/docs/' ) . '">'. __('Documentation','optin-monster-api') . '</a></li>';
		$field .= '<li><a target="_blank" href="' . esc_url( 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/optinmonster/changelog/' ) . '">'. __('Changelog','optin-monster-api') . '</a></li>';
		$field .= '<li><a target="_blank" href="' . esc_url( 'https://app.optinmonster.com/account/support/' ) . '">'. __('Create a Support Ticket','optin-monster-api') . '</a></li>';
		$field .= '</ul></div>';

		return apply_filters( 'optin_monster_api_support_links', $field, $setting);

	public function get_plugin_report( $setting, $title ) {

		$field ='';

		$field .= '<div class="omapi-support-data ' . $setting . '"><h3>' . $title . '</h3>';
		$link = 'https://app.optinmonster.com/account/support/';
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	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
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	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M417.955,308.72C419.046,309.994 419.591,315.357 418.318,319.263C417.955,319.355 417.5,319.445 417.047,319.445C415.047,319.628 413.137,318.72 411.866,317.629C411.957,318.174 412.139,318.537 412.321,318.81C411.23,318.358 410.322,316.994 409.685,315.448C409.774,316.721 409.958,317.266 410.139,317.994C408.775,317.539 407.686,315.994 406.867,314.36C406.14,312.905 406.231,310.814 407.503,309.907C410.865,307.453 416.591,307.271 417.862,308.816L417.955,308.72Z" style="fill:rgb(161,225,65);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M491.106,348.068C492.105,352.611 496.648,355.61 501.193,355.428C507.462,355.154 517.185,348.249 517.002,341.434C516.914,337.618 514.094,334.163 511.188,331.984C508.371,329.8 503.644,327.531 500.01,328.53C496.377,329.53 493.832,334.528 492.65,337.798C491.559,340.616 490.469,345.071 491.198,348.069L491.106,348.069L491.106,348.068Z" style="fill:rgb(133,197,31);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M492.561,347.613C492.469,347.068 492.376,346.522 492.376,345.886C493.559,340.888 496.375,335.164 499.556,334.256C504.463,332.8 514.367,339.344 513.823,346.069C511.096,350.249 505.279,353.702 501.101,353.882C497.284,354.065 493.376,351.519 492.558,347.703L492.558,347.613L492.561,347.613Z" style="fill:rgb(112,169,27);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M497.194,342.524C495.92,339.98 498.01,335.527 501.193,335.89C504.555,336.345 511.824,341.343 511.824,345.251C511.824,347.705 508.462,349.432 504.918,348.433C502.282,347.705 498.194,344.615 497.194,342.524M494.377,348.885C493.741,347.34 494.649,344.615 496.467,344.886C498.375,345.251 502.917,348.521 502.737,350.339C502.646,351.794 500.102,353.066 498.102,352.338C496.648,351.794 494.922,350.157 494.377,348.885" style="fill:rgb(93,141,23);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M502.102,330.712C502.01,332.348 505.192,333.8 506.463,332.62C507.554,330.529 507.28,327.985 506.373,327.44C505.373,326.895 502.918,327.895 502.102,330.712" style="fill:rgb(44,68,12);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M508.28,333.711C507.919,335.526 510.37,337.073 511.553,336.255C513.097,334.71 513.641,331.984 512.917,331.348C512.188,330.712 509.552,331.712 508.28,333.711" style="fill:rgb(44,68,12);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M512.915,338.254C512.368,339.436 513.552,341.071 514.914,340.981C516.366,339.89 517.729,337.346 517.186,336.709C516.64,335.983 514.187,336.709 512.915,338.254" style="fill:rgb(44,68,12);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M489.651,321.352C488.924,319.989 490.923,319.078 492.561,318.442C494.197,317.898 495.012,317.898 495.649,319.261C496.376,320.624 496.74,322.713 495.012,323.258C493.378,323.804 490.287,322.713 489.56,321.35L489.651,321.35L489.651,321.352Z" style="fill:rgb(44,68,12);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M488.288,316.264C488.107,317.808 490.287,318.626 492.105,318.99C493.832,319.354 494.559,319.171 494.74,317.626C494.922,316.079 494.469,313.628 492.65,313.265C490.924,312.902 488.471,314.718 488.288,316.264" style="fill:rgb(44,68,12);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M487.835,311.174C487.651,312.629 489.834,313.358 491.649,313.721C493.376,314.082 494.104,313.902 494.284,312.358C494.469,310.903 494.013,308.632 492.285,308.268C490.559,307.904 488.106,309.631 487.924,311.083L487.835,311.174Z" style="fill:rgb(44,68,12);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M502.192,307.812C501.918,308.996 499.646,308.72 497.919,308.36C496.195,307.905 495.557,307.541 495.92,306.36C496.195,305.178 497.283,303.543 499.009,303.997C500.737,304.451 502.463,306.633 502.192,307.905L502.192,307.812Z" style="fill:rgb(44,68,12);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
		<path d="M503.646,322.261L503.101,323.805L504.282,322.897C504.83,322.442 505.282,321.806 505.645,321.079C505.556,321.806 505.464,322.262 505.282,322.897C507.008,320.079 508.555,316.99 507.555,312.902C506.645,309.175 502.918,307.448 500.284,306.722C498.648,306.268 496.833,305.995 495.197,306.177C494.198,306.268 492.471,306.54 491.744,307.448C491.016,308.36 490.653,310.266 490.472,311.538C490.2,313.537 490.288,315.627 490.562,317.626C490.835,319.442 491.378,321.17 492.288,322.624C493.014,323.715 493.834,324.532 494.922,324.988C496.197,325.532 497.468,325.623 498.832,325.351C500.647,324.988 502.283,323.897 503.739,322.352L503.646,322.261Z" style="fill:rgb(133,197,31);fill-rule:nonzero;"/>
	<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-37.6592,-251.388)">
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	 * Return html of header banner
	 * @return string
	public function get_plugin_screen_banner() {

		$screen = get_current_screen();

		$html = '';

		$html .= '<div class="omapi-static-banner">';
			$html .= '<div class="inner-container">';
			$html .= '<div class="logo-wrapper">' . $this->get_svg_logo() . '<span class="omapi-logo-version">' . sprintf( __( 'v%s', 'optin-monster-api' ), $this->base->version ) . '</span></div>';
			$html .= '<div class="static-menu"><ul>';
			$html .= '<li><a target="_blank" href="' . esc_url_raw( 'https://optinmonster.com/docs/' ) . '">' . __('Need Help?', 'optin-monster-api') . '</a></li>';
			$html .= '<li><a href="' . esc_url_raw( 'https://optinmonster.com/contact-us/' ) . '" target="_blank">' .  __('Send Us Feedback', 'optin-monster-api') . '</a></li>';
			if( $screen->id === 'toplevel_page_optin-monster-api-settings' ) {
				$html .= '<li class="omapi-menu-button"><a id="omapi-create-new-optin-button" href="https://app.optinmonster.com/campaigns/new/" class="button button-secondary omapi-new-optin" title="' . __( 'Create New Campaign', 'optin-monster-api' ) . '" target="_blank">' . __( 'Create New Campaign', 'optin-monster-api' ) . '</a></li>';
			$html .= '</ul></div>';
		$html .= '</div>';
		$html .= '</div>';

		return $html;


	 * Echo out plugin header banner
	 * @since
	public function output_plugin_screen_banner() {
		echo $this->get_plugin_screen_banner();

	 * Called whenever a signup link is displayed, this function will
	 * check if there's an affiliate ID specified.
	 * There are three ways to specify an ID, ordered by highest to lowest priority
	 * - add_filter( 'optinmonster_sas_id', function() { return 1234; } );
	 * - define( 'OPTINMONSTER_SAS_ID', 1234 );
	 * - get_option( 'optinmonster_sas_id' ); (with the option being in the wp_options
	 * table) If an ID is present, returns the affiliate link with the affiliate ID. If no ID is
	 * present, just returns the OptinMonster pricing page URL.
	public function get_sas_link() {

		global $omSasId;
		$omSasId = '';

		// Check if sas ID is a constant
		if ( defined( 'OPTINMONSTER_SAS_ID' ) ) {

		// Now run any filters that may be on the sas ID
		$omSasId = apply_filters( 'optinmonster_sas_id', $omSasId );

		 * If we still don't have a sas ID by this point
		 * check the DB for an option
		if ( empty( $omSasId ) ) {
			$sasId = get_option( 'optinmonster_sas_id', $omSasId );

		// Return the sas link if we have a sas ID
		if ( ! empty( $omSasId ) ) {
			return 'https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?u='
				   . urlencode( trim( $omSasId ) )
				   . '&b=601672&m=49337&afftrack=&urllink=optinmonster.com';

		// Return the regular pricing page by default
		return 'https://optinmonster.com/pricing/?utm_source=orgplugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=wpdashboard';


	 * Called whenever a signup link is displayed, this function will
	 * check if there's a trial ID specified.
	 * There are three ways to specify an ID, ordered by highest to lowest priority
	 * - add_filter( 'optinmonster_trial_id', function() { return 1234; } );
	 * - define( 'OPTINMONSTER_TRIAL_ID', 1234 );
	 * - get_option( 'optinmonster_trial_id' ); (with the option being in the wp_options
	 * table) If an ID is present, returns the trial link with the affiliate ID. If no ID is
	 * present, just returns the OptinMonster pricing page URL.
	public function get_trial_link() {

		global $omTrialId;
		$omTrialId = '';

		// Check if trial ID is a constant
		if ( defined( 'OPTINMONSTER_TRIAL_ID' ) ) {

		// Now run any filters that may be on the trial ID
		$omTrialId = apply_filters( 'optinmonster_trial_id', $omTrialId );

		 * If we still don't have a trial ID by this point
		 * check the DB for an option
		if ( empty( $omTrialId ) ) {
			$omTrialId = get_option( 'optinmonster_trial_id', $omTrialId );

		// Return the trial link if we have a trial ID
		if ( ! empty( $omTrialId ) ) {
			return 'https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?u='
				   . urlencode( trim( $omTrialId ) )
				   . '&b=601672&m=49337&afftrack=&urllink=optinmonster.com%2Ffree-trial%2F%3Fid%3D' . urlencode( trim( $omTrialId ) );

		// Return the regular pricing page by default
		return 'https://optinmonster.com/pricing/?utm_source=orgplugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=wpdashboard';


	public function get_action_link() {
		global $omTrialId, $omSasId;
		$trial = $this->get_trial_link();
		$sas   = $this->get_sas_link();

		if ( ! empty( $omTrialId ) ) {
			return $trial;
		} else if ( ! empty( $omSasId ) ) {
			return $sas;
		} else {
			return 'https://optinmonster.com/pricing/?utm_source=orgplugin&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=wpdashboard';

	public function has_trial_link() {

		$link = $this->get_trial_link();
		return strpos( $link, 'optinmonster.com/pricing' ) === false;


	public function get_dashboard_link() {

		return $this->has_trial_link() ? esc_url_raw( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=optin-monster-api-welcome' ) ) : esc_url_raw( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=optin-monster-api-settings' ) );



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