Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /home/allslyeo/Jekasbbq.com/wp-content/themes/mineral/lib/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/allslyeo/Jekasbbq.com/wp-content/themes/mineral/lib/class-pexeto-update-notifier.php

 * Update notifier:
 * - adds notices to the menus and admin bar when an update is avialable
 * - creates an update page that contains update instructions, changelog and
 * option to automatically update the theme. The automatic theme update
 * uses the Envato Toolkit Library.
 * This class partially contains some code from the Joao Araujo's update
 * notifier : Profile: http://themeforest.net/user/unisphere
class PexetoUpdateNotifier {

	protected $theme_name = '';
	protected $short_name = '';
	protected $xml_url = '';
	protected $cache_interval = 21600;
	protected $update_page_name = '';
	protected $options_url = '';
	protected $transient_id;
	protected $documentation_url;
	public $current_version = '1.0.0';
	const NONCE = 'pexeto_update_nonce';
	const UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE = 'pexeto_update';

	 * Main constructor.
	 * @param srting  $theme_name       the theme name
	 * @param srting  $short_name       short theme name
	 * @param srting  $xml_url          the URL of the XML file that will contain the latest version and changelog
	 * @param int     $cache_interval   cache interval in milliseconds - the time the XML data will be cached
	 * @param srting  $update_page_name the name of the update page
	 * @param string  $options_url      the URL of the theme options page
	function __construct( $theme_name, $short_name, $xml_url, $cache_interval, $update_page_name, $options_url, $documentation_url ) {
		$this->theme_name = $theme_name;
		$this->short_name = $short_name;
		$this->xml_url = $xml_url;
		$this->cache_interval = $cache_interval;
		$this->update_page_name = $update_page_name;
		$this->options_url = $options_url;
		$this->transient_id = $this->short_name.'_update_data';
		$this->documentation_url = $documentation_url;

	 * Inits the main update functionality, adds the actions.
	public function init() {
		$theme_data = wp_get_theme($this->short_name);
			$theme_data = wp_get_theme();
		$this->current_version = $theme_data->Version;

		//add the actions
		add_action( 'admin_menu', array( &$this, 'add_menu_noification' ) );
		add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', array( &$this, 'add_admin_bar_noification' ), 1000 );

	 * Adds an update notification to the WordPress Dashboard menu.
	public function add_menu_noification() {
		if ( function_exists( 'simplexml_load_string' ) ) { // Stop if simplexml_load_string funtion isn't available
			if ( $this->is_new_version_available() ) {
				$count = ( isset( $_GET[self::UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE] ) &&  $_GET[self::UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE]=='true' )?'':'<span class="update-plugins count-1"><span class="update-count">1</span></span>';
				add_dashboard_page( $this->theme_name . ' Theme Updates', $this->theme_name . ' Update '.$count, 'administrator', $this->update_page_name, array( &$this, "print_update_page" ) );

	 * Adds an update notification to the WordPress 3.1+ Admin Bar.
	public function add_admin_bar_noification() {
		if ( function_exists( 'simplexml_load_string' ) ) { // Stop if simplexml_load_string funtion isn't available
			global $wp_admin_bar, $wpdb;

			if ( !is_super_admin() || !is_admin_bar_showing() ) // Don't display notification in admin bar if it's disabled or the current user isn't an administrator

			if ( $this->is_new_version_available() ) { // Compare current theme version with the remote XML version
				$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array( 'id' => 'pexeto_update_notifier', 'title' => '<span>' . $this->theme_name . ' <span id="ab-updates">New Updates</span></span>', 'href' => get_admin_url() . 'index.php?page='.$this->update_page_name ) );

	 * Checks if a new version of the theme is available.
	 * @return boolean true if a new version is available and false if there isn't a new version available
	public function is_new_version_available() {
		if ( !isset( $this->new_available ) ) {
			$xml = $this->get_update_xml(); // Get the latest remote XML file on our server
			$this->new_available = $this->is_version_newer( $this->current_version, $xml->latest );
		return $this->new_available;

	 * Compares between two versions if one of them is newer.
	 * @param [type]  $current_ver the current version
	 * @param [type]  $latest_ver  the latest version
	 * @return boolean true if $latest_ver is newer than $current_ver and false in all other cases
	public function is_version_newer( $current_ver, $latest_ver ) {
		$latest = explode( '.', $latest_ver );
		$current= explode( '.', $current_ver );
		for ( $i=0; $i<sizeof( $latest ); $i++ ) {
			if ( (int)$current[$i]<(int)$latest[$i] ) {
			}elseif ( (int)$current[$i]>(int)$latest[$i] ) {

		return $new_available;

	 * Get the remote XML file contents and return its data (Version and Changelog).
	 * Uses the cached version if available and inside the time interval defined.
	 * @return XML object containing the parsed XML data
	public function get_update_xml() {
		if ( !isset( $this->xml ) ) {
			$cached_xml = get_transient( $this->transient_id );

			// check the cache
			if ( !$cached_xml ) {
				// cache doesn't exist, or is old, so refresh it

				$res = wp_remote_get( $this->xml_url );
				$cache_interval = $this->cache_interval;
				$notifier_data = '';

				$is_error = is_wp_error($res);
					$notifier_data = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $res );

				if ($is_error || strpos( (string)$notifier_data, '<notifier>' ) === false ) {
					//the XML data could not be loaded, set the version back to 1.0 to prevent errors
					$notifier_data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><notifier><latest>1.0</latest><changelog></changelog></notifier>';
					$cache_interval = HOUR_IN_SECONDS; //set the transient to expire in an hour to try again

				set_transient($this->transient_id, $notifier_data, $cache_interval);
			}else {
				// cache file is fresh enough, so read from it
				$notifier_data = $cached_xml;

			// Load the remote XML data into a variable and return it
			$this->xml = simplexml_load_string( $notifier_data );

		return $this->xml;

	public function print_update_notification_message( $add_link = false ) {
		$xml = $this->get_update_xml();

		$message = '<div class="notice updated below-h2"><p><strong>'.wp_kses_post($xml->message)
			.'</strong> You have version '.$this->current_version.' installed. Please ';
		if ( $add_link ) {
			$message.= '<a href="'.admin_url( 'index.php?page='.$this->update_page_name ).'">';
		$message .= 'update to version '. wp_kses_post($xml->latest);
		if ( $add_link ) {
			$message.= '</a>';
		$message .='.</p></div>';
		echo $message;

	 * Prints the update page containing instructions, update changelog and an option to update the theme automatically.
	public function print_update_page() {
		$xml = $this->get_update_xml();

		echo '<div class="wrap">
		<div id="icon-tools" class="icon32"></div>
		<h2 class="pexeto-updates-title">'.$this->theme_name.' Theme Updates</h2>';

		if ( !( isset( $_GET[self::UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE] ) &&  $_GET[self::UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE]=='true' ) ) {
		//print the changelog
		echo '<div class="icon32 icon32-posts-page" id="icon-edit-pages"><br></div>
		<h2 class="title" id="changes-title"><span class="pexeto-changes-icon dashicons dashicons-list-view"></span> Recent Update Changes</h2>
		<div id="changelog">'.wp_kses_post($xml->changelog).'</div></div>';


	 * Prints the update instructions including the option links to update the theme automatically.
	protected function print_instructions() {
		$nonce = wp_create_nonce( self::NONCE );
		$update_url= admin_url( 'index.php?page='.$this->update_page_name.'&'.self::UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE.'=true&'.self::NONCE.'='.$nonce );
		$envato_details = ( pexeto_option( 'tf_username' ) && pexeto_option( 'tf_api_key' ) )?"true":"false";
		$envato_market_state = '';
			$envato_market_github = envato_market_github();
			if(method_exists($envato_market_github, 'state')){
				$envato_market_state = $envato_market_github->state();

		<div id="instructions">
			<div class="two-columns">
				<h3><span class="pexeto-update-icon dashicons dashicons-update"></span> Automatic Update Instructions</h3>
				You can use the <a href="https://github.com/envato/wp-envato-market">Envato Market Plugin</a> to install
				 updates of your ThemeForest and CodeCanyon items from your dashboard.
				 This is the new way to install updates from the dashboard since the retirement of the old Envato API.
					if($envato_market_state == 'deactivated'){
					}elseif($envato_market_state != 'activated'){

			<div class="two-columns no-margin">
				<h3><span class="pexeto-update-icon dashicons dashicons-admin-generic"></span> Manual Update Instructions</h3>
				<p>You can find detailed instructions on how to install an update manually in the <a href="<?php echo $this->documentation_url; ?>">Updates</a> section of the documentation.</p>
				<p>You can download the documentation from the <a href="https://themeforest.net/downloads">Downloads</a> section of your ThemeForest profile or access it <a href="<?php echo $this->documentation_url; ?>">online</a>.
			<div class="clear"></div>
			<div class="pexeto-update-notice notice-error"><p><b>If you have modified the theme's code: </b><i>your modifications will be lost when you install the update.
				Please create a backup of your code modifications and consider using a child theme instead of modifying the theme's code. More info <a href="http://pexetothemes.com/support/knowledgebase/updating-the-theme/">here.</a>
			<p>For more detailed instructions on installing the update, please refer to the <a href="<?php echo $this->documentation_url; ?>">Updates</a> section of the documentation.</p>
			<br />
	protected function print_instructions_deactivated(){
		<li>Activate the <a href="<?php echo admin_url('plugins.php'); ?>">Envato Market Plugin</a></li>
	protected function print_instructions_install_envato_market(){
		$slug = 'envato-market';
		$install_url = add_query_arg( array(
			'action' => 'install-plugin',
			'plugin' => $slug,
		), self_admin_url( 'update.php' ) );

		$link = esc_url( wp_nonce_url( $install_url, 'install-plugin_' . $slug ) );
		<li><a href="<?php echo $link; ?>">Install the Envato Market Plugin</a></li>
	protected function print_instructions_after_activated(){
		$em_page = admin_url('admin.php?page=envato-market');
		<li>Go to the <a href="<?php echo $em_page; ?>">Envato Market Page</a> of your admin dashboard.</li>
		<li>If you haven't setup your Enavto API token, follow the instructions on the page to add your token.</li>
		<li>Click on the Themes tab, find the <?php echo $this->theme_name; ?> theme in the list and click on the "Update Available" link to install the update.</li>


Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox