Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /home/allslyeo/Jekasbbq.com/wp-content/themes/mineral/includes/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/allslyeo/Jekasbbq.com/wp-content/themes/mineral/includes/slider-content.php

 * Prints the Content slider in header.

global $slider_data, $post, $pexeto_scripts, $pexeto_content_sizes;

$img_width = pexeto_get_column_width(2, 'content_slider', 'full');
$img_height = pexeto_option( 'content_img_height' );
$slider_height = pexeto_option('content_slider_height');
//get the slider items(posts)

$first_color = get_post_meta($slider_items[0]->ID, PEXETO_CUSTOM_PREFIX.'bg_color', true);
$color_style= $first_color ? 'style="background-color:#'.$first_color.'";':'';

<div class="content-slider-wrapper" <?php echo $color_style; ?>>
<div class="content-slider cols-wrapper cols-2" id="<?php echo $slider_div_id; ?>" >
	<div class="section-boxed">
	<ul id="cs-slider-ul" style="min-height:<?php echo $slider_height; ?>px;">

		//set the meta key values for each item that will be retrieved
		$data_keys = array('layout', 'animation', 'bg_color', 'text_color', 'bg_image_url', 'bg_image_opacity', 
			'image_url', 'main_title', 'small_title', 'description', 'but_one_text', 'but_one_link', 
			'but_two_text', 'but_two_link', 'video_url', 'bg_align', 'bg_style');

		foreach ( $slider_items as $item ) {

			//get the meta values for the current item
			$item_data = pexeto_get_multi_meta_values($item->ID, $data_keys, PEXETO_CUSTOM_PREFIX);	

			//get the image URL
			if ( pexeto_option( 'content_auto_resize' )=='true' && !empty($imgurl)) {
				// $imgurl=pexeto_get_resized_image( $imgurl, $img_width , pexeto_option( 'content_img_height' ) );
				$imgurl = pexeto_get_resized_image( $imgurl, $img_width, $img_height, true );

			$slide_layout = $item_data['layout'];
			if(empty($item_data['animation'])) $item_data['animation'] = 'random';

			//set the data attribute to the slide with the slide settings
			$slide_data_keys = array('bg_image_url', 'bg_image_opacity', 'layout', 'animation', 'bg_color');
			foreach ($slide_data_keys as $key) {
				$slide_data.=' data-'.$key.'="'.$item_data[$key].'"';

				$slide_data.=' data-bg_align="'.pexeto_get_align_value_by_id($item_data['bg_align']).'"';
			if(!empty($item_data['bg_style']) && $item_data['bg_style']!='default'){
				$slide_data.=' data-bg_style="'.$item_data['bg_style'].'"';

			//apply the slide text color if it is set
			$style = isset($item_data['text_color']) ? 'style="color:#'.$item_data['text_color'].';"' : '';

			$content_class = "cs-content-";
			$media_class = "cs-content-";
			$media_type = 'img';

				$media_type = "none";
			}elseif($slide_layout=='img-text' || $slide_layout=='video-text'){
			}elseif($slide_layout=='text-img' || $slide_layout=='text-video'){

			if($slide_layout=='text-video' || $slide_layout=='video-text'){
				$media_type = 'video';
				$media_class.=' cs-type-video';
					$video_url_elem = parse_url($item_data['video_url']);
						parse_str($video_url_elem['query'], $query_parts);
							$slide_data.=' data-video="'.$query_parts['v'].'"';

			 <li<?php echo $slide_data; ?> class="cs-layout-<?php echo $slide_layout; ?>" <?php echo $style; ?>>

				<!-- first slider box -->
				<div class="<?php echo $content_class; ?> col cs-content">
					<?php if ( !empty( $item_data['small_title'] ) ){ 
							//display the small title
						 	?><p class="cs-small-title cs-element"><?php echo $item_data['small_title']; ?></p>

					<?php } if ( !empty( $item_data['main_title'] ) ) { 
							//display the main title
							?> <h1 class="cs-title cs-element"><?php echo $item_data['main_title']; ?></h1>

					<?php } if ( !empty( $item_data['description'] ) ) {
							//display the description text
							?><p class="cs-element"><?php echo $item_data['description']; ?></p>
							<p class="clear"></p>
					<?php } if ( !empty( $item_data['but_one_text'] ) && !empty( $item_data['but_one_link'] ) ) {
							//display the first button
							?><a href="<?php echo $item_data['but_one_link']; ?>" class="button cs-element"><?php echo $item_data['but_one_text']; ?></a>

					<?php } if ( !empty( $item_data['but_two_text'] ) && !empty( $item_data['but_two_link'] ) ) {  
							//display the second button
							?><a href="<?php echo $item_data['but_two_link']; ?>" class="button btn-alt cs-element"><?php echo $item_data['but_two_text']; ?></a>
					<?php } ?>
				<!-- second slider box -->

				<?php if($slide_layout!=='centered'){ ?>
				<div class="<?php echo $media_class; ?> col nomargin">
					if(!empty($imgurl)){ ?>
						<img src="<?php echo $imgurl; ?>" class="cs-element" />
					<?php } 
				} else if($media_type=='video'){

					<div class="cs-video video-wrap"></div><?php
				} ?>
				<?php } ?>


		//set the slider initialization arguments
		$args = array();
		$args['autoplay'] = pexeto_option('content_autoplay');
		$args['pauseOnHover'] = pexeto_option('content_pause_hover');
		$args['animationSpeed'] = intval(pexeto_option('content_speed'));
		$args['animationInterval'] = intval(pexeto_option('content_interval'));

		$exclude_navigation = pexeto_option('exclude_content_navigation');
		$args['buttons'] = in_array('buttons', $exclude_navigation) ? false : true;
		$args['arrows'] = in_array('arrows', $exclude_navigation) ? false : true;

		//add the slider to the scripts to print
		$pexeto_scripts['contentslider']=array( 'selector'=>'#'.$slider_div_id, 'options'=>$args );


Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox