Hacked By AnonymousFox
* Hybridauth
* https://hybridauth.github.io | https://github.com/hybridauth/hybridauth
* (c) 2017 Hybridauth authors | https://hybridauth.github.io/license.html
namespace Hybridauth\Provider;
use Hybridauth\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Hybridauth\Exception\UnexpectedApiResponseException;
use Hybridauth\Adapter\OAuth2;
use Hybridauth\Data;
use Hybridauth\User;
* Facebook OAuth2 provider adapter.
* Facebook doesn't use standard OAuth refresh tokens.
* Instead it has a "token exchange" system. You exchange the token prior to
* expiry, to push back expiry. You start with a short-lived token and each
* exchange gives you a long-lived one (90 days).
* We control this with the 'exchange_by_expiry_days' option.
* Example:
* $config = [
* 'callback' => Hybridauth\HttpClient\Util::getCurrentUrl(),
* 'keys' => ['id' => '', 'secret' => ''],
* 'scope' => 'email, user_status, user_posts',
* 'exchange_by_expiry_days' => 45, // null for no token exchange
* ];
* $adapter = new Hybridauth\Provider\Facebook($config);
* try {
* $adapter->authenticate();
* $userProfile = $adapter->getUserProfile();
* $tokens = $adapter->getAccessToken();
* $response = $adapter->setUserStatus("Hybridauth test message..");
* } catch (\Exception $e) {
* echo $e->getMessage() ;
* }
class Facebook extends OAuth2
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $scope = 'email, public_profile';
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $apiBaseUrl = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v8.0/';
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $authorizeUrl = 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth';
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $accessTokenUrl = 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token';
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $apiDocumentation = 'https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/overview';
* @var string Profile URL template as the fallback when no `link` returned from the API.
protected $profileUrlTemplate = 'https://www.facebook.com/%s';
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function initialize()
// Require proof on all Facebook api calls
// https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/securing-requests#appsecret_proof
if ($accessToken = $this->getStoredData('access_token')) {
$this->apiRequestParameters['appsecret_proof'] = hash_hmac('sha256', $accessToken, $this->clientSecret);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function maintainToken()
if (!$this->isConnected()) {
// Handle token exchange prior to the standard handler for an API request
$exchange_by_expiry_days = $this->config->get('exchange_by_expiry_days') ?: 45;
if ($exchange_by_expiry_days !== null) {
$projected_timestamp = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $exchange_by_expiry_days;
if (!$this->hasAccessTokenExpired() && $this->hasAccessTokenExpired($projected_timestamp)) {
* Exchange the Access Token with one that expires further in the future.
* @return string Raw Provider API response
* @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\HttpClientFailureException
* @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\HttpRequestFailedException
* @throws \Hybridauth\Exception\InvalidAccessTokenException
public function exchangeAccessToken()
$exchangeTokenParameters = [
'grant_type' => 'fb_exchange_token',
'client_id' => $this->clientId,
'client_secret' => $this->clientSecret,
'fb_exchange_token' => $this->getStoredData('access_token'),
$response = $this->httpClient->request(
$this->validateApiResponse('Unable to exchange the access token');
return $response;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getUserProfile()
$fields = [
if (strpos($this->scope, 'user_link') !== false) {
$fields[] = 'link';
if (strpos($this->scope, 'user_gender') !== false) {
$fields[] = 'gender';
// Note that en_US is needed for gender fields to match convention.
$locale = $this->config->get('locale') ?: 'en_US';
$response = $this->apiRequest('me', 'GET', [
'fields' => implode(',', $fields),
'locale' => $locale,
$data = new Data\Collection($response);
if (!$data->exists('id')) {
throw new UnexpectedApiResponseException('Provider API returned an unexpected response.');
$userProfile = new User\Profile();
$userProfile->identifier = $data->get('id');
$userProfile->displayName = $data->get('name');
$userProfile->firstName = $data->get('first_name');
$userProfile->lastName = $data->get('last_name');
$userProfile->profileURL = $data->get('link');
$userProfile->webSiteURL = $data->get('website');
$userProfile->gender = $data->get('gender');
$userProfile->language = $data->get('locale');
$userProfile->description = $data->get('about');
$userProfile->email = $data->get('email');
// Fallback for profile URL in case Facebook does not provide "pretty" link with username (if user set it).
if (empty($userProfile->profileURL)) {
$userProfile->profileURL = $this->getProfileUrl($userProfile->identifier);
$userProfile->region = $data->filter('hometown')->get('name');
$photoSize = $this->config->get('photo_size') ?: '150';
$userProfile->photoURL = $this->apiBaseUrl . $userProfile->identifier;
$userProfile->photoURL .= '/picture?width=' . $photoSize . '&height=' . $photoSize;
$userProfile->emailVerified = $userProfile->email;
$userProfile = $this->fetchUserRegion($userProfile);
$userProfile = $this->fetchBirthday($userProfile, $data->get('birthday'));
return $userProfile;
* Retrieve the user region.
* @param User\Profile $userProfile
* @return \Hybridauth\User\Profile
protected function fetchUserRegion(User\Profile $userProfile)
if (!empty($userProfile->region)) {
$regionArr = explode(',', $userProfile->region);
if (count($regionArr) > 1) {
$userProfile->city = trim($regionArr[0]);
$userProfile->country = trim($regionArr[1]);
return $userProfile;
* Retrieve the user birthday.
* @param User\Profile $userProfile
* @param string $birthday
* @return \Hybridauth\User\Profile
protected function fetchBirthday(User\Profile $userProfile, $birthday)
$result = (new Data\Parser())->parseBirthday($birthday);
$userProfile->birthYear = (int)$result[0];
$userProfile->birthMonth = (int)$result[1];
$userProfile->birthDay = (int)$result[2];
return $userProfile;
* /v2.0/me/friends only returns the user's friends who also use the app.
* In the cases where you want to let people tag their friends in stories published by your app,
* you can use the Taggable Friends API.
* https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/faq#unable_full_friend_list
public function getUserContacts()
$contacts = [];
$apiUrl = 'me/friends?fields=link,name';
do {
$response = $this->apiRequest($apiUrl);
$data = new Data\Collection($response);
if (!$data->exists('data')) {
throw new UnexpectedApiResponseException('Provider API returned an unexpected response.');
if (!$data->filter('data')->isEmpty()) {
foreach ($data->filter('data')->toArray() as $item) {
$contacts[] = $this->fetchUserContact($item);
if ($data->filter('paging')->exists('next')) {
$apiUrl = $data->filter('paging')->get('next');
$pagedList = true;
} else {
$pagedList = false;
} while ($pagedList);
return $contacts;
* Parse the user contact.
* @param array $item
* @return \Hybridauth\User\Contact
protected function fetchUserContact($item)
$userContact = new User\Contact();
$item = new Data\Collection($item);
$userContact->identifier = $item->get('id');
$userContact->displayName = $item->get('name');
$userContact->profileURL = $item->exists('link')
?: $this->getProfileUrl($userContact->identifier);
$userContact->photoURL = $this->apiBaseUrl . $userContact->identifier . '/picture?width=150&height=150';
return $userContact;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setPageStatus($status, $pageId)
$status = is_string($status) ? ['message' => $status] : $status;
// Post on user wall.
if ($pageId === 'me') {
return $this->setUserStatus($status);
// Retrieve writable user pages and filter by given one.
$pages = $this->getUserPages(true);
$pages = array_filter($pages, function ($page) use ($pageId) {
return $page->id == $pageId;
if (!$pages) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Could not find a page with given id.');
$page = reset($pages);
// Use page access token instead of user access token.
$headers = [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $page->access_token,
// Refresh proof for API call.
$parameters = $status + [
'appsecret_proof' => hash_hmac('sha256', $page->access_token, $this->clientSecret),
$response = $this->apiRequest("{$pageId}/feed", 'POST', $parameters, $headers);
return $response;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getUserPages($writable = false)
$pages = $this->apiRequest('me/accounts');
if (!$writable) {
return $pages->data;
// Filter user pages by CREATE_CONTENT permission.
return array_filter($pages->data, function ($page) {
return in_array('CREATE_CONTENT', $page->tasks);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getUserActivity($stream = 'me')
$apiUrl = $stream == 'me' ? 'me/feed' : 'me/home';
$response = $this->apiRequest($apiUrl);
$data = new Data\Collection($response);
if (!$data->exists('data')) {
throw new UnexpectedApiResponseException('Provider API returned an unexpected response.');
$activities = [];
foreach ($data->filter('data')->toArray() as $item) {
$activities[] = $this->fetchUserActivity($item);
return $activities;
* @param $item
* @return User\Activity
protected function fetchUserActivity($item)
$userActivity = new User\Activity();
$item = new Data\Collection($item);
$userActivity->id = $item->get('id');
$userActivity->date = $item->get('created_time');
if ('video' == $item->get('type') || 'link' == $item->get('type')) {
$userActivity->text = $item->get('link');
if (empty($userActivity->text) && $item->exists('story')) {
$userActivity->text = $item->get('link');
if (empty($userActivity->text) && $item->exists('message')) {
$userActivity->text = $item->get('message');
if (!empty($userActivity->text) && $item->exists('from')) {
$userActivity->user->identifier = $item->filter('from')->get('id');
$userActivity->user->displayName = $item->filter('from')->get('name');
$userActivity->user->profileURL = $this->getProfileUrl($userActivity->user->identifier);
$userActivity->user->photoURL = $this->apiBaseUrl . $userActivity->user->identifier;
$userActivity->user->photoURL .= '/picture?width=150&height=150';
return $userActivity;
* Get profile URL.
* @param int $identity User ID.
* @return string|null NULL when identity is not provided.
protected function getProfileUrl($identity)
if (!is_numeric($identity)) {
return null;
return sprintf($this->profileUrlTemplate, $identity);
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox