Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /var/softaculous/ilias/
Upload File :
Current File : //var/softaculous/ilias/notes.txt

1. Before starting manual installation copy /setup/minimal-config.json to /data_dir/config.json and fill neccessary details refering following guide. (Add parameter "Database" as well) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/release_9/setup/README.md

2. Install using following command.
php setup/setup.php install [[data_dir]]/config.json

### Keep root directory writable before starting manual installation ###

To fill config.json: https://docu.ilias.de/ilias.php?ref_id=367&obj_id=75023&cmd=layout&cmdClass=illmpresentationgui&cmdNode=13g&baseClass=ilLMPresentationGUI
Default Credentials are:
Username: root
Password: homer

3. Enter "clientid" in Client ID.
4. set location of ilias.log in [[softdatadir]]\ilias.log in manual
5. set location of log folder in [[softdatadir]]\logs in manual
6. client.ini.php is writable admin can delete and create new client, permission is required to delete the client.
7. Keep timezone = "America/New_York" and [log] details as it is in ilias.ini.php
8. Check and create symlinks in every version.
9. PHP REQUIREMENT LINK : https://docu.ilias.de/ilias.php?baseClass=ilwikihandlergui&cmdNode=16n:r6&cmdClass=ilobjwikigui&cmd=viewPage&ref_id=1357&page=Required_and_Supported_Software_ILIAS_9#ilPageTocA11
10. Windows not supported : https://www.ilias.de/docu/goto.php?target=lm_367&client_id=docu#supported-platforms
11. apply following settings in php.ini to resolve strict error confirmed with vendor
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT;
display_errors = Off
12. SQL export doesn't works on server, take sql dump using command. mysqldump --routines -u root -pmysql ilias88 > ilias88.sql
13. Keep ilias_uuid value as it is because it is constant for all installations. (/setup/sql/ilias3.sql)
14 We have created config.json file in softdatadir because installer states to keep this file outside doc-root.
15. Keep /logs folder in data directory as we have put these path in config.json for error log.
16. Ignore the directories created in [[softpath]]/data/ during manual installation. The script uses data directory path which is outside webroot.
17. ILIAS supports only CLI upgrade.
18. Check and move /datadir/clientid/storage/fsv2
19. Under `settings` table in sql, make sure that details filled in config.json i.e admin_fname, admin_lname, admin_email are configured in sql as well.

Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox