Hacked By AnonymousFox
import json, logging, os, pwd, subprocess, sys
from stat import *
from subprocess import PIPE
this = sys.modules[__name__]
this.logged = None
this.serverRoot = '/usr/local/lsws'
def init_logging():
logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d" + " [%(levelname)s] %(message)s",
datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
def server_root():
return this.serverRoot
def set_server_root(root):
this.serverRoot = root
def get_conf_file(fileonly):
return server_root() + "/lsns/conf/" + fileonly
def get_bin_file(fileonly):
return server_root() + "/lsns/bin/" + fileonly
def fatal_error(msg):
def get_options():
return ['cpu', 'io', 'iops', 'mem', 'tasks']
def get_user(param, no_fatal=False):
if param.isdigit():
user_info = pwd.getpwuid(int(param))
except Exception as err:
if not no_fatal:
fatal_error('Error getting UID for %s: %s' % (param, err))
logging.debug('Error getting UID for %s: %s' % (param, err))
return None, False
user_info = pwd.getpwnam(param)
except Exception as err:
if not no_fatal:
fatal_error('Error getting name for %s: %s' % (param, err))
logging.debug('Error getting name for %s: %s' % (param, err))
return None, False
if user_info.pw_uid < get_min_uid():
if not no_fatal:
fatal_error('Specified uid: %d < minimum uid: %d' % (user_info.pw_uid, get_min_uid()))
logging.debug('Specified uid: %d < minimum uid: %d' % (user_info.pw_uid, get_min_uid()))
return None, False
return user_info, True
def get_users(uids, no_fatal=False):
users = []
for uid in uids:
user_info, got = get_user(uid, no_fatal)
if got:
return users
def get_plesk():
if os.path.exists("/etc/plesk-release"):
return True
return False
def get_def_min_uid():
if get_plesk():
return 10000
return 1000
def get_min_uid():
fullfile = get_conf_file('lsns.conf')
f = open(fullfile, 'r')
except Exception as err:
if this.logged is None:
logging.info('Error opening %s: %s, continuing with default min uid %d' % (fullfile, err, get_def_min_uid()))
this.logged = True
return get_def_min_uid()
uidstr = f.readline()
except Exception as err:
if this.logged is None:
logging.info('Error reading %s: %s, continuing with default min uid %d' % (fullfile, err, get_def_min_uid()))
this.logged = True
uidstr = str(get_def_min_uid())
logging.debug('Using min uid: %d' % int(uidstr))
return int(uidstr)
def container_file():
return server_root() + "/lsns/conf/lscntr.txt"
def ols_conf_file():
return server_root() + "/conf/httpd_config.conf"
def lsws_conf_file():
return server_root() + "/conf/httpd_config.xml"
def get_disabled_uid_file():
return server_root() + '/lsns/conf/ns_disabled_uids.conf'
def get_disabled_uid_file():
return server_root() + '/lsns/conf/ns_disabled_uids.conf'
def get_pkg_dir():
return server_root() + '/lsns/conf/packages'
def pkg_to_filename(pkg):
if not os.path.isdir(get_pkg_dir()):
if not os.path.isdir(server_root()):
fatal_error("Missing LiteSpeed high level installation directory")
os.mkdir(get_pkg_dir(), mode=0o700)
return get_pkg_dir() + '/%s.conf' % pkg
def ls_ok():
if os.access(container_file(), 0) == 0:
fatal_error("You must configure LiteSpeed for LiteSpeed Containers")
def touch_restart_external(file, desc):
logging.debug("restart_external %s by touch: %s" % (desc, file))
result = subprocess.run(['touch', file], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
if result.returncode != 0:
fatal_error('Error in running: touch, errors: ' + result.stdout.decode('utf-8') + ' ' + result.stderr.decode('utf-8'))
def restart_external(users, all):
users_used = {}
if os.path.getsize(container_file()) > 0:
f = open(container_file(), 'r')
data = json.load(f)
for file in data['reset_list']:
dironly = os.path.dirname(file)
for user in users:
if user.pw_dir == dironly:
users_used[user.pw_name] = user
if not os.path.exists(dironly):
touch_restart_external(file, "in lscntr.txt")
if all:
touch_restart_external('/usr/local/lsws/admin/tmp/.lsphp_restart.txt', "for all")
for user in users:
if user.pw_name in users_used:
touch_restart_external(user.pw_dir + '/.lsphp_restart.txt', "for home")
except Exception as err:
fatal_error('Error managing restart: %s' % err)
def get_devices():
block_devices = {}
statinfo_dev = {}
files = os.listdir('/dev')
devices = []
for file in files:
if (len(file) >= 4 and file[:4] == 'loop') or (len(file) >= 5 and file[:5] == 'cdrom') or (len(file) >= 2 and (file[:2] == 'dm' or file[:2] == 'sr')):
filename = '/dev/' + file
statinfo = os.stat(filename)
if S_ISBLK(statinfo.st_mode) != 0:
logging.debug('filename: ' + filename + ' statinfo: ' + str(statinfo))
statinfo_dev[filename] = statinfo
for device in devices:
retry = True
while retry:
retry = False
for inner in devices:
if device == inner:
if len(device) < len(inner) and device == inner[:len(device)]:
retry = True
for device in devices:
major = os.major(statinfo_dev[device].st_rdev)
minor = os.minor(statinfo_dev[device].st_rdev)
if not major in block_devices:
block_devices[major] = {}
block_devices[major][minor] = device
logging.debug('Final devices: ' + str(devices) + ' Block Devices: ' + str(block_devices))
return devices, block_devices
def str_num_values(valstr):
if valstr == '':
return ''
val = float(valstr)
if val >= 1099511627776:
divisor = 1099511627776
qualifier = 'T'
elif val >= 1073741824:
divisor = 1073741824
qualifier = 'G'
elif val >= 1048576:
divisor = 1048576
qualifier = 'M'
elif val >= 1024:
divisor = 1024
qualifier = 'K'
return valstr
if round(val / divisor) < 10:
str_num = '%d.%d%s' % (val / divisor, int(round((val / (divisor / 10)) % 10)), qualifier)
str_num = '%d%s' % (val / divisor, qualifier)
if str(int_num_values(str_num)) == valstr:
return str_num
logging.debug("%s != %s use %s" % (str(int_num_values(str_num)), valstr, valstr))
return valstr
def int_num_values(valstr):
if valstr == '' or valstr == '-1':
return -1
if valstr.isdigit():
return int(valstr)
if len(valstr) < 2:
fatal_error('Invalid value specification: %s, must be number optionally followed by T, G, M or K' % valstr)
suffix = valstr[len(valstr) - 1].upper()
if not suffix.isalpha():
suffix = ''
prefix = valstr
prefix = valstr[:len(valstr) - 1]
pref = float(prefix)
except Exception:
fatal_error('Invalid value specification (prefix): %s, must be number optionally followed by T, G, M or K' % valstr)
if suffix == 'T':
multiplier = 1099511627776
elif suffix == 'G':
multiplier = 1073741824
elif suffix == 'M':
multiplier = 1048576
elif suffix == 'K':
multiplier = 1024
elif suffix == '':
multiplier = 1
fatal_error('Invalid value specification (suffix): %s, must be number optionally followed by T, G, M or K' % valstr)
logging.debug("int_num %s, %f * %f = %d" % (valstr, pref, multiplier, (int)(pref * multiplier)))
fl = pref * multiplier
return int(fl)
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox