Hacked By AnonymousFox
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zshlex.__init__c C s* | j dkrtdt|� � | jj|� dS )z:Push a token onto the stack popped by the get_token methodr zshlex: pushing token N)r �print�reprr �
appendleft)r) �tokr+ r+ r, �
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zshlex.push_tokenc C sp t |t�rt|�}| jj| j| j| jf� || _|| _d| _| jrl|dk r\t d| jf � nt d| jf � dS )z9Push an input source onto the lexer's input source stack.r Nzshlex: pushing to file %szshlex: pushing to stream %s)
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zshlex.push_sourcec C sD | j j� | jj� \| _| _ | _| jr:td| j | jf � d| _dS )zPop the input source stack.zshlex: popping to %s, line %dr N) r �closer! �popleftr r r r. r )r) r+ r+ r, �
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kr�tdt|� � ntd� |S )zBGet a token from the input stream (or from stack if it's nonempty)r zshlex: popping token Nz
shlex: token=zshlex: token=EOF)
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