Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/locale/csb/LC_MESSAGES/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/locale/csb/LC_MESSAGES/gdk-pixbuf.mo

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=9/ A20BMP image has bogus header dataBits per channel of PNG image is invalid.Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG fileCouldn't create new pixbufCouldn't recognize the image file format for file '%s'Couldn't write to BMP fileError interpreting JPEG image file (%s)Error writing to image file: %sFailed to close '%s' while writing image, all data may not have been saved: %sFailed to load animation '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt animation fileFailed to load image '%s': %sFailed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image fileFailed to open '%s' for writing: %sFailed to open file '%s': %sFailed to open temporary fileFailed to read from temporary fileFailure reading GIF: %sFile does not appear to be a GIF fileIcon has zero heightIcon has zero widthImage file '%s' contains no dataImage format unknownImage too large to be saved as ICOImage type '%s' is not supportedIncremental loading of image type '%s' is not supportedInsufficient memory to load PNG fileInsufficient memory to load PNM context structInsufficient memory to load PNM fileInsufficient memory to load image, try exiting some applications to free memoryInsufficient memory to save image into a bufferInsufficient memory to save image to callbackInternal error in the GIF loader (%s)Internal error: Image loader module '%s' failed to complete an operation, but didn't give a reason for the failureInvalid header in animationInvalid header in iconJPEG quality must be a value between 0 and 100; value '%s' could not be parsed.Keys for PNG text chunks must be ASCII characters.Keys for PNG text chunks must have at least 1 and at most 79 characters.Maximum color value in PNM file is 0Maximum color value in PNM file is too largeNo palette found at end of PCX dataNot enough memory to composite a frame in GIF fileNot enough memory to load GIF fileNot enough memory to load ICO fileNot enough memory to load RAS imageNot enough memory to load animationNot enough memory to load bitmap imageNot enough memory to load iconPNM file has an image height of 0PNM file has an image width of 0PNM file has an incorrect initial byteRAS image has bogus header dataRAS image has unknown typeTGA image has invalid dimensionsThe ANI image formatThe BMP image formatThe GIF image formatThe ICO image formatThe JPEG image formatThe PCX image formatThe PNG image formatThe Sun raster image formatThis build of gdk-pixbuf does not support saving the image format: %sUnable to load image-loading module: %s: %sUnrecognized image file formatfailed to allocate image buffer of %u bytefailed to allocate image buffer of %u bytesProject-Id-Version: gdk-pixbuf
POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-16 19:50+0200
PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-24 19:23+0000
Last-Translator: Mark Kwidzińsczi <Unknown>
Language-Team: Kashubian <csb@li.org>
Language: csb
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;
Zmiłkòwi nagłówk òbrôzu BMPLëczba bitów na kanal òbrôzu PNG nie je pòprôwnô.Felëjë pamiãcë na òdczëtanié lopkù JPEGNie je mòżno zrobic nowégò bùfora piksmapëNie mòże pòznac fòrmatu òbrôzu w lopkù '%s'Nie je mòżno zapisac do lopkù BMPFelô przë interpretacëji lopkù z òbrôzã JPEG (%s)Fela przë zapisënkù do lopka òbrôzu: %sNie mòże zamknąc lopka "%s" pò zapisaniém w nim òbrôzu. Mògło dońc do niezapisania dzélu pòdôwków: %sNie mòże òdczëtac animacëji "%s": nieznónô przëczëna, prawdopòdóbno lopk animacëji mô felã.Nie mòże wladowac òbrôzu '%s':%sWczëtanié òbrôzu "%s" nie darzëło sã: nieznónô przëczëna, prawdopòdóbno lopk z felą.Nie mòże òtemknąc '%s' do zapisënkù: %sÒtemkniãce lopka '%s': %s nie darzëło sãNie mòże òtemknąc timczasowégò lopkaNie mòże czëtac timczasowégò lopkaFelô prze òdczëtanim òbrôzu GIF: %sLopk mést nie je lopkã GIFWiżô ikònë je zerowôSzérz ikònë je zerowôLopk z òbrôzã '%s' nie zamëkô w se pòdôwkówNieznóny fòrmat òbrôzuÒbrôz je za wiôldżi, żebë móc zapisac gò jakò ICOÒbrôżë ôrtu "%s" nie są wspierónéFùnkcëjô przërostowégò òdczëtu òbrôzów ôrtu "%s" nie je wspieranô.Felëjë pamiãcë na òdczëtanié lopkù PNGFelëjë pamiãcë na wladowanié strukturë kòntekstu PNMFelëjë pamiãcë na òdczëtanié lopkù PNMFelëjë pamiãcë na òdczëtanié lopkù, spróbùjë zasztëkac jaczé programë abë zwòlnic pamiãcFelëjë pamiãcë bë zapisac òbrôz do bùforaFelëjë pamiãcë bë zapisac òbrôz do òdczëtaniôBënowô fela przë mòdule òdczëtaniô òbrôzów GIF (%s)Bënowô fela: Mòduł "%s" òdczëtëjący òbrôżë nie skùczëł òperacëji, nie pòdając przëczënë nieùdałoscëZmiłkòwi nagłówk animacëjiZmiłkòwi nagłówk ikònëJakòsc òbrôzu JPEG mùszi bëc wôrtnotą òd 0 do 100; wôrtnota '%s' nie je pòprôwna.Klucze tekstowëch elementów PNG mùszą byc céchama ASCII.Klucze tekstowëch elementów PNG mùszą miec długòtã òd 1 do 79 céchów.Maksymalnô wôrtnota farwë w lopkù PNM je 0Maksymalnô wôrtnota farwë w lopkù PNM je za wiôlgôNie je nalazłô paléta na kùńcu pòdôwków PCXFelëjë pamiãcë na zrobienié ramë w lopkù GIFFelëjë pamiãcë na òdczëtanié lopkù GIFFelëjë pamiãcë na òdczëtanié lopkù ICOFelëjë pamiãcë na òdczëtanié òbrôzu RASFelëjë pamiãcë do wladowaniô animacëjiFelëjë pamiãcë na òdczëtanié bitmapë z lopkùFelëjë pamiãcë na òdczëtanié ikònëPlik PNM zamëkô w se òbrôz ò wiżë 0Plik PNM zamëkô w se òbrôz ò szérzë 0Lopk PNM zamëkô w se niepòprôwny zaczątkòwi bajtZmiłkòwi nagłówk òbrôzu RASNieznóny fòrmat òbrôzu RASÒbrôz TGA mô zmiłkòwe miarëFòrmat òbrôzu ANIFòrmat òbrôzu BMPFòrmat òbrôzu GIFFòrmat òbrôzu ICOFòrmat òbrôzu JPEGFòrmat òbrôzu PCXFòrmat òbrôzu PNGRastrowi fòrmat òbrôzu firmë SUNTa kòpiëjô gdk-pixbuf nie zezwôlô na zapisënk òbrôzu w fòrmace: %sNie mòże wladowac mòdulu czëtaniô òbrôzów: %s: %sNierozpòznóny fòrmat lopka z òbrôzãFelëjë pamiãcë na bùfor òbrôzu ò miarze %u bajtaFelëjë pamiãcë na bùfor òbrôzu ò miarze %u bajtówFelëjë pamiãcë na bùfor òbrôzu ò miarze %u bajtów

Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox