Hacked By AnonymousFox
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2023 All Rights Reserved
# http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT
import math
import enum
import json
import typing
from enum import StrEnum
from types import SimpleNamespace
from collections.abc import Sequence, Mapping
from typing import NewType, TypedDict, Protocol, NamedTuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from lveapi import PyLve
SerializedLveId = NewType('SerializedLveId', int)
LveId = NewType('LveId', int)
Timestamp = NewType('Timestamp', int)
class BurstingMultipliers(NamedTuple):
cpu: float
io: float
class LveState(StrEnum):
EXISTED = enum.auto()
UNBURSTED = enum.auto()
BURSTED = enum.auto()
OVERUSING = enum.auto()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.name
class LveStats(Protocol):
cpu: int
io: int # in KB
reseller_id: int
empty_stats = typing.cast(LveStats, SimpleNamespace(
class LveUsage(Protocol):
cpu_usage: int
io_usage: int # in bytes
empty_usage = typing.cast(LveUsage, SimpleNamespace(
class AdjustStepData(NamedTuple):
now: Timestamp
lve_active_ids: Sequence[SerializedLveId]
stats: Mapping[SerializedLveId, LveStats]
lve_usages_by_id: Mapping[SerializedLveId, LveUsage]
class LveLimits(TypedDict):
cpu: int
io: int
class InvalidStateError(RuntimeError):
class ApplyLveSettings(Protocol):
def __call__(self, lve_id: LveId, lve_limits: LveLimits) -> None:
class GetNormalLimits(Protocol):
def __call__(self) -> Mapping[LveId, LveLimits]:
def read_normal_limits_from_proc() -> Mapping[LveId, LveLimits]:
with open('/var/run/cloudlinux/effective-normal-limits', 'r') as f:
result = json.load(f)
result = {LveId(int(k)): v for k, v in result.items()}
return result
class PyLveSettingsApplier:
def __init__(self, pylve: 'PyLve') -> None:
self._pylve = pylve
def __call__(self, lve_id: LveId, lve_limits: LveLimits) -> None:
if lve_id == 0:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot alter LVE with id 0')
lve_settings = self._pylve.liblve_settings()
lve_settings.ls_io = int(lve_limits['io'])
lve_settings.ls_cpu = int(lve_limits['cpu'])
lve_settings.ls_cpus = int(lve_limits['ncpu'])
lve_settings.ls_memory = int(lve_limits['mem'])
lve_settings.ls_enters = int(lve_limits['ep'])
lve_settings.ls_memory_phy = int(lve_limits['pmem'])
lve_settings.ls_nproc = int(lve_limits['nproc'])
lve_settings.ls_iops = int(lve_limits['iops'])
self._pylve.lve_setup(lve_id, lve_settings, err_msg='Can`t setup lve with id {}; error code {{code}}'.format(lve_id))
def infer_lve_state(
stats: LveStats,
normal_limits: LveLimits,
usage: LveUsage,
) -> LveState:
normal_cpu_limit = normal_limits['cpu']
normal_io_limit = normal_limits['io'] * 1024 # to be in bytes
kernel_cpu_limits = stats.cpu
kernel_io_limits = stats.io * 1024 # to be in bytes
current_cpu_usage = usage.cpu_usage
current_io_usage = usage.io_usage # in bytes
if math.isclose(kernel_cpu_limits, normal_cpu_limit) and math.isclose(kernel_io_limits, normal_io_limit):
assert current_cpu_usage <= normal_cpu_limit, 'CPU usage is not expected to be greater than CPU limit!'
assert current_io_usage <= normal_io_limit, 'IO usage is not expected to be greater than IO limit!'
return LveState.UNBURSTED
elif current_cpu_usage < normal_cpu_limit and current_io_usage < normal_io_limit:
return LveState.BURSTED
return LveState.OVERUSING
def get_deserialized_lve_id(serialized_lve_id: SerializedLveId) -> LveId:
# NOTE(vlebedev): This import requires some shared library to be present in order to succeed,
# so deffer it until it's really needed to make unittests writing/running easier.
from lvestats.lib.commons.func import deserialize_lve_id
lve_id, _ = deserialize_lve_id(serialized_lve_id)
return typing.cast(LveId, lve_id)
def calc_bursted_limits(normal_limits: LveLimits, bursting_multipliers: BurstingMultipliers) -> LveLimits:
return {
'cpu': int(normal_limits['cpu'] * bursting_multipliers.cpu),
'io': int(normal_limits['io'] * bursting_multipliers.io)
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox