Hacked By AnonymousFox
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved
# http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from math import ceil
from sqlalchemy import Integer, desc
from sqlalchemy import and_, select, func, case, cast
from sqlalchemy import or_
from lvestats.lib import uidconverter
from lvestats.lib.commons.dateutil import gm_datetime_to_unixtimestamp, gm_to_local, \
unixtimestamp_to_gm_datetime, local_to_gm, round_1m
from lvestats.lib.lveinfolib import OutputFormatter
from lvestats.lib.lveinfolib import convert_to_list, enumerate_duplicate_columns, add_labes_to_column
from lvestats.lib.lveinfolib import dyn_time_unit_groups
from lvestats.orm import history_gov
def get_bitwise_restrict(cause_of_restrict):
:param sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute cause_of_restrict:
:return sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression:
return \
func.max(cause_of_restrict.op('&')(4)) + \
func.max(cause_of_restrict.op('&')(2)) + \
def get_cause_of_restrict(cause_of_restrict):
:param sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression cause_of_restrict:
:return sqlalchemy.sql.elements.Case:
return case(
(cause_of_restrict == 1, 'C'),
(cause_of_restrict == 2, 'R'),
(cause_of_restrict == 3, 'CR'),
(cause_of_restrict == 4, 'W'),
(cause_of_restrict == 5, 'CW'),
(cause_of_restrict == 6, 'RW'),
(cause_of_restrict == 7, 'CRW')
], else_='')
class HistoryShowDBGov(object):
def __init__(self, dbengine, period_from, period_to, uid=None,
server_id='localhost', show_columns=None, order_by=None,
limit=None, cfg=None, time_unit=None, reverse=False, by_usage=None, by_usage_percentage=0.9):
:param bool reverse:
:param sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine dbengine:
:param datetime.datetime period_from:
:param datetime.datetime period_to:
:param int|None uid:
:param str server_id:
:param str|list|tuple|None show_columns:
:param str order_by:
:param int|None limit:
:param dict|None cfg:
:param int|None time_unit:
:param bool reverse:
:param list[str]|str|None by_usage:
:param float by_usage_percentage: value in range [0..1]
:return list:
self.by_usage_percentage = by_usage_percentage
self.by_usage = by_usage
self.dbengine = dbengine
self.period_from = period_from
self.period_to = period_to
self.uid = uid
self.server_id = server_id
self.requested_columns = show_columns
self.order_by = order_by
self.limit = limit
self.cfg = cfg or {'server_id': 'localhost'}
if time_unit == -1:
self.time_unit = None
self.time_unit = time_unit
self.reverse = reverse
def history_dbgov_show_dynamic(self):
Show dbgov statistics with dynamic time-unit.
:rtype: list
if self.uid is None:
return list()
# get first and last record time
max_ts, min_ts = self._get_min_max_ts(self.uid)
period_from = max(gm_to_local(unixtimestamp_to_gm_datetime(min_ts)), gm_to_local(self.period_from))
period_to = min(gm_to_local(unixtimestamp_to_gm_datetime(max_ts)), gm_to_local(self.period_to))
# remove seconds from time
period_from = round_1m(period_from)
period_to = round_1m(period_to)
rows = []
for t_from, t_to, time_unit in reversed(dyn_time_unit_groups(period_from, period_to)):
self.period_from = local_to_gm(t_from)
self.period_to = local_to_gm(t_to)
self.time_unit = time_unit
rows += self.history_dbgov_show()
return rows
def history_dbgov_show(self):
Show statistics from history_gov table
:rtype: list
# check and return some data without run sql query
if self.uid == tuple() or self.uid == list():
return list()
if self.uid is not None and not isinstance(self.uid, (list, tuple)) and self.uid <= 0:
return list()
t_from = gm_datetime_to_unixtimestamp(self.period_from)
t_to = gm_datetime_to_unixtimestamp(self.period_to)
# convert 0 to None
limit = self.limit or None
# get information how to aggregate info in different columns
# e.g. 'ts': sum(history_gov.ts) or 'cpu': avg(history_gov.cpu)
table_aggregate_info = self._get_table_aggregate_info(t_from, t_to)
# get list of columns to select from database
columns_to_select = self._get_columns_for_select(table_aggregate_info)
# order_by query
order_by_query = self._get_order_by_query(table_aggregate_info)
where_query = and_(history_gov.ts.between(t_from, t_to),
history_gov.server_id == self.server_id)
# query to group
group_by_time_query = self.round_time(t_from)
if isinstance(self.uid, int):
query = select(
history_gov.uid == self.uid)
if self.time_unit is not None:
query = query.group_by(
query = query.group_by(
query = select(
# filter by user list if need
if isinstance(self.uid, (list, tuple)):
query = query.where(history_gov.uid.in_(list(self.uid)))
# group and limit
query = query.group_by(
if self.by_usage:
query = query.having(self._get_by_usage_query(table_aggregate_info))
rows = self.dbengine.execute(query)
# replace uid with username and normalise types
results = OutputFormatter(
(['USER'], lambda uid_: uidconverter.uid_to_username(int(uid_), self.cfg['server_id'], self.server_id,
(['CPU', 'READ', 'WRITE'], lambda x: x if x is None else round(float(x), 7)), # pylint: disable=round-builtin
(['TS', 'FROM', 'TO', 'lCPU', 'lREAD', 'lWRITE', 'CON'], lambda x: x if x is None else int(x))
return results.get_corrected_list()
def _get_columns_for_select(self, table_aggregate_info):
Return list of columns that should be selected from table.
:param table_aggregate_info: dict from _get_table_aggregate_info
:return: query for each column
:rtype: list
columns_to_select = []
for column_name in convert_to_list(self.requested_columns):
return columns_to_select
def _get_table_aggregate_info(self, t_from, t_to):
Returns dictionary:
column_name: aggregate_query
Ignores t_from and t_to if self.uid is not None;
:type t_from: int
:type t_to: int
:rtype: dict
if self.uid is None or isinstance(self.uid, list):
columns_info = self.get_history_gov_all_users_func(t_to - t_from)
columns_info = self.get_history_gov_all_users_func()
return columns_info
def _get_min_max_ts(self, uid):
Get min and max timestamp for given user id.
:rtype: tuple(int, int)
query = select(
[func.min(history_gov.ts), func.max(history_gov.ts)]
history_gov.uid == uid
min_ts, max_ts = self.dbengine.execute(query).fetchall()[0]
return max_ts, min_ts
def _get_order_by_query(self, history_gov_aggregate_func):
Create order_by query
:param history_gov_aggregate_func:
:return: sqlalchemy query
# generate order by
if self.order_by is None or self.order_by == 'con': # con - deprecated; use default
self.order_by = self.DEFAULT_ORDER
if self.order_by == 'ts' and self.uid is None:
self.order_by = 'id'
order_by_query = history_gov_aggregate_func[self.order_by.lower()]
if self.order_by not in ('id', 'con', 'ts') and self.reverse:
order_by_query = desc(order_by_query)
return order_by_query
def _get_by_usage_query(self, table_aggregate_info):
Get by_usage query.
:param table_aggregate_info: dict from _get_table_aggregate_info
filter_list = []
for by_usage_item in convert_to_list(self.by_usage):
if by_usage_item.lower() == 'cpu':
filter_list.append((table_aggregate_info['cpu'] / table_aggregate_info['lcpu']) > self.by_usage_percentage)
elif by_usage_item.lower() == 'io':
filter_list.append((table_aggregate_info['io'] / table_aggregate_info['lio']) > self.by_usage_percentage)
raise NotImplementedError()
return or_(*filter_list)
def get_history_gov_all_users_func(self, time_period=None):
:type time_period: int
:rtype: dict
t_from = gm_datetime_to_unixtimestamp(self.period_from)
# round time depending on time_unit
normalized_from = self.round_time(t_from, offset=0, ts_query=func.min(history_gov.ts))
normalized_to = self.round_time(t_from, offset=1, ts_query=func.min(history_gov.ts))
time_interval = time_period or self.time_unit
if time_interval is None:
column_labels = add_labes_to_column({
'from': normalized_from,
'to': normalized_to,
'ts': history_gov.ts,
'id': history_gov.uid,
'user': history_gov.uid,
'cpu': func.max(history_gov.sum_cpu),
'read': func.sum(history_gov.sum_read),
'write': func.sum(history_gov.sum_write),
'io': func.avg(history_gov.sum_write + history_gov.sum_read),
'lio': func.max(history_gov.limit_write_on_period_end + history_gov.limit_read_on_period_end),
'con': 0, # 'CON' deprecated every time 0
'lcpu': func.max(history_gov.limit_cpu_on_period_end),
'lread': func.max(history_gov.limit_read_on_period_end),
'lwrite': func.max(history_gov.limit_write_on_period_end),
'restrict': get_cause_of_restrict(history_gov.cause_of_restrict)})
minutes_passed = int(ceil(time_interval / 60.0))
column_labels = add_labes_to_column({
'from': normalized_from,
'to': normalized_to,
'ts': func.max(history_gov.ts),
'id': history_gov.uid,
'user': history_gov.uid,
'cpu': func.sum(history_gov.sum_cpu) / minutes_passed,
'read': func.sum(history_gov.sum_read) / minutes_passed,
'write': func.sum(history_gov.sum_write) / minutes_passed,
'con': 0, # 'CON' deprecated every time 0
'io': func.sum(history_gov.sum_write + history_gov.sum_read) / minutes_passed,
'lio': func.max(history_gov.limit_write_on_period_end + history_gov.limit_read_on_period_end),
'lcpu': func.max(history_gov.limit_cpu_on_period_end),
'lread': func.max(history_gov.limit_read_on_period_end),
'lwrite': func.max(history_gov.limit_write_on_period_end),
'restrict': get_cause_of_restrict(get_bitwise_restrict(history_gov.cause_of_restrict))
return column_labels
def round_time(self, time_from, offset=0, ts_query=None):
Round time depending on time_unit.
Returns query, that returns nearest
(N * time_unit + time_from) for current ts.
:param ts_query: custom column
:type time_from: int
:type offset: int
if ts_query is None:
ts_query = history_gov.ts
if self.time_unit:
if self.dbengine.url.drivername == 'sqlite':
# cast(..., Integer) using for compatibility with lve-stats-2.1-8 database; 'created' saved as float
return cast(((ts_query - time_from) / self.time_unit + offset), Integer) * self.time_unit + time_from
return func.floor((ts_query - time_from) / self.time_unit + offset) * self.time_unit + time_from
return ts_query
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox