Hacked By AnonymousFox
--- !ruby/object:RI::MethodDescription
- !ruby/object:RI::AliasName
name: encode
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::H
level: 2
text: Synopsis
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::VERB
body: " URI.escape(str [, unsafe])\n"
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::H
level: 2
text: Args
- !ruby/object:SM::Flow::LIST
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::LI
label: "+str+:"
body: String to replaces in.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::LI
label: "+unsafe+:"
body: Regexp that matches all symbols that must be replaced with codes. By default uses <tt>REGEXP::UNSAFE</tt>. When this argument is a String, it represents a character set.
type: :NOTE
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::H
level: 2
text: Description
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P
body: Escapes the string, replacing all unsafe characters with codes.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::H
level: 2
text: Usage
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::VERB
body: " require 'uri'\n\n enc_uri = URI.escape("http://example.com/?a=\\11\\15")\n p enc_uri\n # => "http://example.com/?a=%09%0D"\n\n p URI.unescape(enc_uri)\n # => "http://example.com/?a=\\t\\r"\n\n p URI.escape("@?@!", "!?")\n # => "@%3F@%21"\n"
full_name: URI::Escape#escape
is_singleton: false
name: escape
params: (str, unsafe = UNSAFE)
visibility: public
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox