Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/ruby18/share/ri/1.8/system/Net/IMAP/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/ruby18/share/ri/1.8/system/Net/IMAP/add_response_handler-i.yaml

--- !ruby/object:RI::MethodDescription 
aliases: []

- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P 
  body: Adds a response handler. For example, to detect when the server sends us a new EXISTS response (which normally indicates new messages being added to the mail box), you could add the following handler after selecting the mailbox.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::VERB 
  body: "  imap.add_response_handler { |resp|\n    if resp.kind_of?(Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse) and resp.name == "EXISTS"\n      puts "Mailbox now has #{resp.data} messages"\n    end\n  }\n"
full_name: Net::IMAP#add_response_handler
is_singleton: false
name: add_response_handler
params: (handler = Proc.new)
visibility: public

Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox