Hacked By AnonymousFox
j��fG � �D � d Z ddlmZmZmZ G d� dej � � ZdS )z#Reader for existing document trees.� )�readers�utils�
transformsc �$ � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZd� ZdS )�Readera
Adapt the Reader API for an existing document tree.
The existing document tree must be passed as the ``source`` parameter to
the `docutils.core.Publisher` initializer, wrapped in a
`docutils.io.DocTreeInput` object::
pub = docutils.core.Publisher(
..., source=docutils.io.DocTreeInput(document), ...)
The original document settings are overridden; if you want to use the
settings of the original document, pass ``settings=document.settings`` to
the Publisher call above.
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j | j � dd� � | j j � � | j _ dS )zp
No parsing to do; refurbish the document tree instead.
Overrides the inherited method.
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