Hacked By AnonymousFox
import os
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from unittest import TestCase
from warnings import catch_warnings
from py.path import local
from testfixtures.mock import Mock
from testfixtures import (
TempDirectory, Replacer, ShouldRaise, compare, OutputCapture
from ..rmtree import rmtree
some_bytes = '\xa3'.encode('utf-8')
some_text = '\xa3'
class TestTempDirectory(TestCase):
def test_cleanup(self):
d = TempDirectory()
p = d.path
assert os.path.exists(p) is True
p = d.write('something', b'stuff')
assert os.path.exists(p) is False
def test_cleanup_all(self):
d1 = TempDirectory()
d2 = TempDirectory()
assert os.path.exists(d1.path) is True
p1 = d1.path
assert os.path.exists(d2.path) is True
p2 = d2.path
assert os.path.exists(p1) is False
assert os.path.exists(p2) is False
def test_with_statement(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
p = d.path
assert os.path.exists(p) is True
d.write('something', b'stuff')
assert os.listdir(p) == ['something']
with open(os.path.join(p, 'something')) as f:
assert f.read() == 'stuff'
assert os.path.exists(p) is False
def test_listdir_sort(self): # pragma: no branch
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('ga', b'')
d.write('foo1', b'')
d.write('Foo2', b'')
d.write('g.o', b'')
with OutputCapture() as output:
class TempDirectoryTests(TestCase):
def test_write_with_slash_at_start(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
with ShouldRaise(ValueError(
'Attempt to read or write outside the temporary Directory'
d.write('/some/folder', 'stuff')
def test_makedir_with_slash_at_start(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
with ShouldRaise(ValueError(
'Attempt to read or write outside the temporary Directory'
def test_read_with_slash_at_start(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
with ShouldRaise(ValueError(
'Attempt to read or write outside the temporary Directory'
def test_listdir_with_slash_at_start(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
with ShouldRaise(ValueError(
'Attempt to read or write outside the temporary Directory'
def test_compare_with_slash_at_start(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
with ShouldRaise(ValueError(
'Attempt to read or write outside the temporary Directory'
d.compare((), path='/some/folder')
def test_read_with_slash_at_start_ok(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
path = d.write('foo', b'bar')
compare(d.read(path), b'bar')
def test_dont_cleanup_with_path(self):
d = mkdtemp()
fp = os.path.join(d, 'test')
with open(fp, 'w') as f:
td = TempDirectory(path=d)
self.assertEqual(d, td.path)
# checks
self.assertEqual(os.listdir(d), ['test'])
with open(fp) as f:
self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'foo')
def test_dont_create_with_path(self):
d = mkdtemp()
td = TempDirectory(path=d)
self.assertEqual(d, td.path)
def test_compare_sort_actual(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('ga', b'')
d.write('foo1', b'')
d.write('Foo2', b'')
d.write('g.o', b'')
d.compare(['Foo2', 'foo1', 'g.o', 'ga'])
def test_compare_sort_expected(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('ga', b'')
d.write('foo1', b'')
d.write('Foo2', b'')
d.write('g.o', b'')
d.compare(['Foo2', 'ga', 'foo1', 'g.o'])
def test_compare_path_tuple(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('a/b/c', b'')
d.compare(path=('a', 'b'),
def test_recursive_ignore(self):
with TempDirectory(ignore=['.svn']) as d:
d.write('.svn/rubbish', b'')
d.write('a/.svn/rubbish', b'')
d.write('a/b/.svn', b'')
d.write('a/b/c', b'')
d.write('a/d/.svn/rubbish', b'')
def test_files_only(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('a/b/c', b'')
d.compare(['a/b/c'], files_only=True)
def test_path(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
expected1 = d.makedir('foo')
expected2 = d.write('baz/bob', b'')
expected3 = d.as_string('a/b/c')
actual1 = d.as_string('foo')
actual2 = d.as_string('baz/bob')
actual3 = d.as_string(('a', 'b', 'c'))
self.assertEqual(expected1, actual1)
self.assertEqual(expected2, actual2)
self.assertEqual(expected3, actual3)
def test_getpath(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
expected1 = d.getpath()
expected2 = d.getpath('foo')
actual1 = d.as_string()
actual2 = d.as_string('foo')
compare(expected1, actual=actual1)
compare(expected2, actual=actual2)
def test_atexit(self):
# http://bugs.python.org/issue25532
from testfixtures.mock import call
m = Mock()
with Replacer() as r:
# make sure the marker is false, other tests will
# probably have set it
r.replace('testfixtures.TempDirectory.atexit_setup', False)
r.replace('atexit.register', m.register)
d = TempDirectory()
expected = [call.register(d.atexit)]
compare(expected, m.mock_calls)
with catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
self.assertTrue(len(w), 1)
compare(str(w[0].message), ( # pragma: no branch
"TempDirectory instances not cleaned up by shutdown:\n" +
compare(set(), TempDirectory.instances)
# check re-running has no ill effects
def test_read_decode(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
with open(os.path.join(d.path, 'test.file'), 'wb') as f:
compare(d.read('test.file', 'utf8'), some_text)
def test_read_no_decode(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
with open(os.path.join(d.path, 'test.file'), 'wb') as f:
compare(d.read('test.file'), b'\xc2\xa3')
def test_write_bytes(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('test.file', b'\xc2\xa3')
with open(os.path.join(d.path, 'test.file'), 'rb') as f:
compare(f.read(), b'\xc2\xa3')
def test_write_unicode(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('test.file', some_text, 'utf8')
with open(os.path.join(d.path, 'test.file'), 'rb') as f:
compare(f.read(), b'\xc2\xa3')
def test_write_unicode_bad(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
with ShouldRaise(TypeError("a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'")):
d.write('test.file', u'\xa3')
def test_just_empty_non_recursive(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
expected=['bar', 'baz'],
def test_just_empty_dirs(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.compare(['foo/', 'foo/bar/', 'foo/baz/'])
def test_symlink(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('foo/bar.txt', b'x')
os.symlink(d.as_string('foo'), d.as_string('baz'))
d.compare(['baz/', 'foo/', 'foo/bar.txt'])
def test_follow_symlinks(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('foo/bar.txt', b'x')
os.symlink(d.as_string('foo'), d.as_string('baz'))
d.compare(['baz/', 'baz/bar.txt', 'foo/', 'foo/bar.txt'],
def test_trailing_slash(self):
with TempDirectory() as d:
d.write('source/foo/bar.txt', b'x')
d.compare(path='source/', expected=['foo/', 'foo/bar.txt'])
def test_default_encoding(self):
encoded = b'\xc2\xa3'
decoded = encoded.decode('utf-8')
with TempDirectory(encoding='utf-8') as d:
d.write('test.txt', decoded)
compare(d.read('test.txt'), expected=decoded)
def test_override_default_encoding(self):
encoded = b'\xc2\xa3'
decoded = encoded.decode('utf-8')
with TempDirectory(encoding='ascii') as d:
d.write('test.txt', decoded, encoding='utf-8')
compare(d.read('test.txt', encoding='utf-8'), expected=decoded)
def test_as_path_minimal(self):
with TempDirectory(encoding='ascii') as d:
compare(d.as_path(), expected=Path(d.path), strict=True)
def test_as_path_relative_string(self):
with TempDirectory(encoding='ascii') as d:
compare(d.as_path('foo/bar'), expected=Path(d.path) / 'foo' / 'bar', strict=True)
def test_as_path_relative_sequence(self):
with TempDirectory(encoding='ascii') as d:
compare(d.as_path(('foo', 'bar')), expected=Path(d.path) / 'foo' / 'bar', strict=True)
def test_as_local_minimal(self):
with TempDirectory(encoding='ascii') as d:
compare(d.as_local(), expected=local(d.path), strict=True)
def test_as_local_relative_string(self):
with TempDirectory(encoding='ascii') as d:
compare(d.as_local('foo/bar'), expected=local(d.path) / 'foo' / 'bar', strict=True)
def test_as_local_relative_sequence(self):
with TempDirectory(encoding='ascii') as d:
compare(d.as_local(('foo', 'bar')), expected=local(d.path) / 'foo' / 'bar', strict=True)
def test_wrap_path(tmp_path: Path):
with TempDirectory(tmp_path) as d:
assert d.path == str(tmp_path)
assert tmp_path.exists()
def test_wrap_local(tmpdir: local):
with TempDirectory(tmpdir) as d:
assert d.path == str(tmpdir)
assert tmpdir.exists()
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox