Hacked By AnonymousFox
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e ee� � � � �dS )� )�class_mapper)�exc)�Session� )�ScopedRegistry)�ThreadLocalRegistry)�warn�scoped_sessionc �: � e Zd ZdZdZ dd�Zd� Zd� Zd� Zdd�Z dS ) r
ztProvides scoped management of :class:`.Session` objects.
See :ref:`unitofwork_contextual` for a tutorial.
Nc �n � || _ |rt ||� � | _ dS t |� � | _ dS )a� Construct a new :class:`.scoped_session`.
:param session_factory: a factory to create new :class:`.Session`
instances. This is usually, but not necessarily, an instance
of :class:`.sessionmaker`.
:param scopefunc: optional function which defines
the current scope. If not passed, the :class:`.scoped_session`
object assumes "thread-local" scope, and will use
a Python ``threading.local()`` in order to maintain the current
:class:`.Session`. If passed, the function should return
a hashable token; this token will be used as the key in a
dictionary in order to store and retrieve the current
N)�session_factoryr �registryr )�selfr
� scopefuncs �M/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/scoping.py�__init__zscoped_session.__init__! s= � � /���� A�*�?�I�F�F�D�M�M�M�/��@�@�D�M�M�M� c �� � |rV| j � � � rt j d� � � | j di |��}| j � |� � |S | � � � S )a� Return the current :class:`.Session`, creating it
using the :attr:`.scoped_session.session_factory` if not present.
:param \**kw: Keyword arguments will be passed to the
:attr:`.scoped_session.session_factory` callable, if an existing
:class:`.Session` is not present. If the :class:`.Session` is present
and keyword arguments have been passed,
:exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` is raised.
zEScoped session is already present; no new arguments may be specified.N� )r �has�sa_exc�InvalidRequestErrorr
�set)r �kw�sesss r �__call__zscoped_session.__call__8 s � � � #��}� � �"�"�
��0�9�� � �
�!�!�$�'�'�'����=�=�?�?�"r c � � | j � � � r&| � � � � � � | j � � � dS )a� Dispose of the current :class:`.Session`, if present.
This will first call :meth:`.Session.close` method
on the current :class:`.Session`, which releases any existing
transactional/connection resources still being held; transactions
specifically are rolled back. The :class:`.Session` is then
discarded. Upon next usage within the same scope,
the :class:`.scoped_session` will produce a new
:class:`.Session` object.
N)r r �close�clear)r s r �removezscoped_session.removeP sN � � �=����� $��M�M�O�O�!�!�#�#�#��
�������r c �z � | j � � � rt d� � | j j di |�� dS )z�reconfigure the :class:`.sessionmaker` used by this
See :meth:`.sessionmaker.configure`.
ztAt least one scoped session is already present. configure() can not affect sessions that have already been created.Nr )r r r r
� configure)r �kwargss r r"