Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/
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Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/exc.cpython-311.pyc


�܋f����dZddlmZddlmZeefZ	Gd�dej��Z	e	Z
Gd�dej��ZGd�d	ej��Z
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��ZGd�dej��ZGd�dej��ZGd�dej��ZGd�dej��ZGd�dej��Zd�Zejd��d���ZdS) zSQLAlchemy ORM exceptions.�)�exc)�utilc��eZdZdZdS)�StaleDataErroraaAn operation encountered database state that is unaccounted for.

    Conditions which cause this to happen include:

    * A flush may have attempted to update or delete rows
      and an unexpected number of rows were matched during
      the UPDATE or DELETE statement.   Note that when
      version_id_col is used, rows in UPDATE or DELETE statements
      are also matched against the current known version

    * A mapped object with version_id_col was refreshed,
      and the version number coming back from the database does
      not match that of the object itself.

    * A object is detached from its parent object, however
      the object was previously attached to a different parent
      identity which was garbage collected, and a decision
      cannot be made if the new parent was really the most
      recent "parent".

__module__�__qualname__�__doc__���I/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/exc.pyrrs���������r
FlushErrorz0A invalid condition was detected during flush().Nrrr
UnmappedErrorz?Base for exceptions that involve expected mappings not present.Nrrr
rc��eZdZdZdS)�ObjectDereferencedErrorzPAn operation cannot complete due to an object being garbage

    Nrrr
rc��eZdZdZdZdS)�DetachedInstanceErrorzSAn attempt to access unloaded attributes on a
    mapped instance that is detached.�bhk3N)rr	r
r�coderr
rrr<s������)�)��D�D�Dr
rc�L�eZdZdZejd��dd���Zd�ZdS)�UnmappedInstanceErrorz;An mapping operation was requested for an unknown instance.�sqlalchemy.orm.baseNc�~�|s�	|�t|����tt|����}d|�d|�d�}nV#t$rIt	t|����}t|t��r|dt|��zz
}YnwxYwt�||��dS)NzClass z| is mapped, but this instance lacks instrumentation.  This occurs when the instance is created before sqlalchemy.orm.mapper(z
) was called.z;; was a class (%s) supplied where an instance was required?)�class_mapper�type�_safe_cls_name�UnmappedClassError�_default_unmapped�
isinstancer�__init__)�self�base�obj�msg�names     rr#zUnmappedInstanceError.__init__Fs����	�
&*�T�T�4�4�4�1����&�
�'��S�	�	�2�2���c�4�(�(���$�&4�S�&9�&9�:��C���
����	���t�S�)�)�)�)�)s�AA�AB�Bc�.�|jd|jdffS�N���	__class__�args�r$s r�
__reduce__z UnmappedInstanceError.__reduce__[����~��d�i��l�3�3�3r
�N�rr	r
rr�dependenciesr#r0rr
rc� �eZdZdZdd�Zd�ZdS)r z8An mapping operation was requested for an unknown class.Nc�^�|st|��}t�||��dSr2)r!rr#)r$�clsr's   rr#zUnmappedClassError.__init__bs3���	)�#�C�(�(�C����t�S�)�)�)�)�)r
c�.�|jd|jdffSr*r,r/s rr0zUnmappedClassError.__reduce__gr1r
r2)rr	r
rr#r0rr
rr r _s=������B�B�*�*�*�*�
r c�L�eZdZdZejd��dd���Zd�ZdS)�ObjectDeletedErrora�A refresh operation failed to retrieve the database
    row corresponding to an object's known primary key identity.

    A refresh operation proceeds when an expired attribute is
    accessed on an object, or when :meth:`_query.Query.get` is
    used to retrieve an object which is, upon retrieval, detected
    as expired.   A SELECT is emitted for the target row
    based on primary key; if no row is returned, this
    exception is raised.

    The true meaning of this exception is simply that
    no row exists for the primary key identifier associated
    with a persistent object.   The row may have been
    deleted, or in some cases the primary key updated
    to a new value, outside of the ORM's management of the target

    rNc�z�|sd|�|��z}tj�||��dS)NzDInstance '%s' has been deleted, or its row is otherwise not present.)�	state_str�sa_exc�InvalidRequestErrorr#)r$r%�stater's    rr#zObjectDeletedError.__init__sJ���	�0�26�.�.��2G�2G�H�
c�.�|jd|jdffSr*r,r/s rr0zObjectDeletedError.__reduce__�r1r
r2r3rr
r:c��eZdZdZdS)�UnmappedColumnErrorz5Mapping operation was requested on an unknown column.Nrrr
NoResultFoundz2A database result was required but none was found.Nrrr
rDc��eZdZdZdS)�MultipleResultsFoundzCA single database result was required but more than one were found.Nrrr
rFc��eZdZdZd�ZdS)�LoaderStrategyExceptionz2A loader strategy for an attribute does not exist.c
� �|�(tj�|d|�d|����dStj�|dtj|���d|�dtj|���dtj|���d�	��dS)NzCan't find strategy z for z
Can't apply "z" strategy to property "z", which is a "z7"; this loader strategy is intended to be used with a "z".)r=r>r#r�clsname_as_plain_name)r$�applied_to_property_type�requesting_property�
applies_to�actual_strategy_type�strategy_keys      rr#z LoaderStrategyException.__init__�s��� �'��&�/�/����<�<�!4�!4�6�
�&�/�/���
N)rr	r
rr#rr
rHc��	d�|j|jf��}n2#t$r%t	|dd��}|�t|��}YnwxYw|S)N�.r)�joinr	r�AttributeError�getattr�repr)r7�cls_names  rrr�si��!��8�8�S�^�S�\�:�;�;�����!�!�!��3�
�D�1�1�����C�y�y�H���!�����Os�!$�,A�Arc��	|�|��j}n#t$ri}Ynt$ri}YnwxYwt	|��}|sd|zSdS)NzClass '%s' is not mapped)�manager_of_class�mappers�NO_STATE�	TypeErrorr)r%r7rYr(s    rr!r!�s�����'�'��,�,�4�������������������������#���D��1�)�D�0�0�1�1s��9�9�9N)r�rr=rrS�KeyErrorrZ�SQLAlchemyErrorr�ConcurrentModificationErrorrr>rrrrr r:rBrDrFrHrr4r!rr
r�<module>r`s���!� �������������
�H�%��L������V�+����2-��;�;�;�;�;��'�;�;�;�J�J�J�J�J�F�.�J�J�J������f�4���������F�2����4�4�4�4�4�M�4�4�4�8	4�	4�	4�	4�	4��	4�	4�	4�4�4�4�4�4��3�4�4�4�D@�@�@�@�@�&�4�@�@�@�=�=�=�=�=�F�.�=�=�=�N�N�N�N�N�6�5�N�N�N������f�8����@������(�)�)�

Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox