Hacked By AnonymousFox
�܋f � �" � d dl mZ dZ G d� de� � Z G d� deej � � Z G d� deej � � Z G d � d
eej � � Z G d� deej � � Z
G d
� deej � � Z G d� deej � � ZdS )� )�types)� INT4RANGE� INT8RANGE�NUMRANGEc �B � e Zd ZdZ G d� dej j � � ZdS )�RangeOperatorsaI
This mixin provides functionality for the Range Operators
listed in Table 9-44 of the `postgres documentation`__ for Range
Functions and Operators. It is used by all the range types
provided in the ``postgres`` dialect and can likely be used for
any range types you create yourself.
__ http://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/functions-range.html
No extra support is provided for the Range Functions listed in
Table 9-45 of the postgres documentation. For these, the normal
:func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func` object should be used.
c �` � � e Zd ZdZ� fd�Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� ZeZ d� Z
Zd� Zd � Z
� Zd� Z� xZS )�!RangeOperators.comparator_factoryz-Define comparison operations for range types.c � �� |�-t t j | � � � |� � S | j � dd�� � |� � S )z<Boolean expression. Returns true if two ranges are not equalNz<>T��
is_comparison)�superr �comparator_factory�__ne__�expr�op)�self�other� __class__s ��\/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/ranges.pyr z(RangeOperators.comparator_factory.__ne__ sT �� ��}��^�>��E�E�L�L��� � � >�t�y�|�|�D��|�=�=�e�D�D�D� c �L � | j � dd�� � |� � S )z�Boolean expression. Returns true if the right hand operand,
which can be an element or a range, is contained within the
z@>Tr �r r )r r �kws r �containsz*RangeOperators.comparator_factory.contains) s&