Hacked By AnonymousFox
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This script is for integration with Emacs and is compatible with Flymake mode.
epylint walks out of python packages before invoking pylint. This avoids
reporting import errors that occur when a module within a package uses the
absolute import path to get another module within this package.
For example:
- Suppose a package is structured as
- Then if y.py imports x as "from a.b import x" the following produces pylint
cd a/c; pylint y.py
- The following obviously doesn't
pylint a/c/y.py
- As this script will be invoked by Emacs within the directory of the file
we are checking we need to go out of it to avoid these false positives.
You may also use py_run to run pylint with desired options and get back (or not)
its output.
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