Hacked By AnonymousFox
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� de� � � � ZdS )z|MapperProperty implementations.
This is a private module which defines the behavior of individual ORM-
mapped attributes.
� )�absolute_import� )�
attributes)�PropComparator)�StrategizedProperty)�_orm_full_deannotate� )�log)�util��
expression�ColumnPropertyc � � � e Zd ZdZdZdZ ej d�� � � fd�� � Z ej dd� � d � � � Z
� Zed� � � Z
d� Z� fd
�Zd� Zej fd�Zd� Z G d� dej e� � Zd� Z� xZS )r z�Describes an object attribute that corresponds to a table column.
Public constructor is the :func:`_orm.column_property` function.
descriptor� extension�active_history�expire_on_flush�info�doc�strategy_key�_creation_order�_is_polymorphic_discriminator�_mapped_by_synonym�_deferred_column_loader)z0.7z�:class:`.AttributeExtension` is deprecated in favor of the :class:`.AttributeEvents` listener interface. The :paramref:`.column_property.extension` parameter will be removed in a future release.)r c
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