Hacked By AnonymousFox
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d � Z� xZS )�InstrumentationEventsa Events related to class instrumentation events.
The listeners here support being established against
any new style class, that is any object that is a subclass
of 'type'. Events will then be fired off for events
against that class. If the "propagate=True" flag is passed
to event.listen(), the event will fire off for subclasses
of that class as well.
The Python ``type`` builtin is also accepted as a target,
which when used has the effect of events being emitted
for all classes.
Note the "propagate" flag here is defaulted to ``True``,
unlike the other class level events where it defaults
to ``False``. This means that new subclasses will also
be the subject of these events, when a listener
is established on a superclass.
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isinstance�type�_InstrumentationEventsHold��cls�targets �L/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/events.py�_accept_withz"InstrumentationEvents._accept_with5 s'