Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pylint_django/checkers/
Upload File :
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pylint_django/checkers/migrations.py

# Copyright (c) 2018, 2020 Alexander Todorov <atodorov@MrSenko.com>
# Copyright (c) 2020 Bryan Mutai <mutaiwork@gmail.com>

# Licensed under the GPL 2.0: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint-django/blob/master/LICENSE
Various suggestions around migrations. Disabled by default! Enable with
pylint --load-plugins=pylint_django.checkers.migrations

import astroid
from pylint import checkers, interfaces
from pylint.checkers import utils
from pylint_plugin_utils import suppress_message

from pylint_django import compat
from pylint_django.__pkginfo__ import BASE_ID
from pylint_django.utils import is_migrations_module

def _is_addfield_with_default(call):
    if not isinstance(call.func, astroid.Attribute):
        return False

    if not call.func.attrname == "AddField":
        return False

    for keyword in call.keywords:
        # looking for AddField(..., field=XXX(..., default=Y, ...), ...)
        if keyword.arg == "field" and isinstance(keyword.value, astroid.Call):
            # loop over XXX's keywords
            # NOTE: not checking if XXX is an actual field type because there could
            # be many types we're not aware of. Also the migration will probably break
            # if XXX doesn't instantiate a field object!
            for field_keyword in keyword.value.keywords:
                if field_keyword.arg == "default":
                    return True

    return False

class NewDbFieldWithDefaultChecker(checkers.BaseChecker):
    Looks for migrations which add new model fields and these fields have a
    default value. According to Django docs this may have performance penalties
    especially on large tables:

    The preferred way is to add a new DB column with null=True because it will
    be created instantly and then possibly populate the table with the
    desired default values.

    __implements__ = (interfaces.IAstroidChecker,)

    # configuration section name
    name = "new-db-field-with-default"
    msgs = {
        f"W{BASE_ID}98": (
            "%s AddField with default value",
            "Used when Pylint detects migrations adding new fields with a default value.",

    _migration_modules = []
    _possible_offences = {}

    def visit_module(self, node):
        if is_migrations_module(node):

    def visit_call(self, node):
            module = node.frame().parent
        except:  # noqa: E722, pylint: disable=bare-except

        if not is_migrations_module(module):

        if _is_addfield_with_default(node):
            if module not in self._possible_offences:
                self._possible_offences[module] = []

            if node not in self._possible_offences[module]:

    def close(self):
        def _path(node):
            return node.path

        # sort all migrations by name in reverse order b/c
        # we need only the latest ones
        self._migration_modules.sort(key=_path, reverse=True)

        # filter out the last migration modules under each distinct
        # migrations directory, iow leave only the latest migrations
        # for each application
        last_name_space = ""
        latest_migrations = []
        for module in self._migration_modules:
            name_space = module.path[0].split("migrations")[0]
            if name_space != last_name_space:
                last_name_space = name_space

        for module, nodes in self._possible_offences.items():
            if module in latest_migrations:
                for node in nodes:
                    self.add_message("new-db-field-with-default", args=module.name, node=node)

class MissingBackwardsMigrationChecker(checkers.BaseChecker):
    __implements__ = (interfaces.IAstroidChecker,)

    name = "missing-backwards-migration-callable"

    msgs = {
        f"W{BASE_ID}97": (
            "Always include backwards migration callable",
            "Always include a backwards/reverse callable counterpart so that the migration is not irreversable.",

    def visit_call(self, node):
            module = node.frame().parent
        except:  # noqa: E722, pylint: disable=bare-except

        if not is_migrations_module(module):

        if node.func.as_string().endswith("RunPython") and len(node.args) < 2:
            if node.keywords:
                for keyword in node.keywords:
                    if keyword.arg == "reverse_code":
                self.add_message("missing-backwards-migration-callable", node=node)
                self.add_message("missing-backwards-migration-callable", node=node)

def is_in_migrations(node):
    RunPython() migrations receive forward/backwards functions with signature:

        def func(apps, schema_editor):

    which could be unused. This augmentation will suppress all 'unused-argument'
    messages coming from functions in migration modules.
    return is_migrations_module(node.parent)

def load_configuration(linter):  # TODO this is redundant and can be  removed
    # don't blacklist migrations for this checker
    new_black_list = list(linter.config.black_list)
    if "migrations" in new_black_list:
    linter.config.black_list = new_black_list

def register(linter):
    """Required method to auto register this checker."""

    # apply augmentations for migration checkers
    # Unused arguments for migrations

Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox