Hacked By AnonymousFox
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Z� xZS )#�PyreverseConfigz~Holds the configuration options for Pyreverse.
The default values correspond to the defaults of the options' parser.
�PUB_ONLYNF�dot� � �mode�str�classes�list[str] | None�show_ancestors�
int | None�
all_ancestors�bool | None�show_associated�all_associated�show_builtin�bool�module_names�only_classnames�
output_format� colorized�max_color_depth�int�
color_palette�tuple[str, ...]�ignore_list�project�output_directory�return�Nonec �< �� t � � � � � || _ |r|| _ ng | _ || _ || _ || _ || _ || _ || _ | | _
| _ || _ || _
| _ || _ || _ || _ d S )N)�super�__init__r r r r r r r r r r r r r"