Hacked By AnonymousFox
# Private/public helper functions for API functions
from lxml.includes cimport uri
cdef void displayNode(xmlNode* c_node, indent):
# to help with debugging
cdef xmlNode* c_child
print indent * u' ', <long>c_node
c_child = c_node.children
while c_child is not NULL:
displayNode(c_child, indent + 1)
c_child = c_child.next
return # swallow any exceptions
cdef inline int _assertValidNode(_Element element) except -1:
assert element._c_node is not NULL, u"invalid Element proxy at %s" % id(element)
cdef inline int _assertValidDoc(_Document doc) except -1:
assert doc._c_doc is not NULL, u"invalid Document proxy at %s" % id(doc)
cdef _Document _documentOrRaise(object input):
u"""Call this to get the document of a _Document, _ElementTree or _Element
object, or to raise an exception if it can't be determined.
Should be used in all API functions for consistency.
cdef _Document doc
if isinstance(input, _ElementTree):
if (<_ElementTree>input)._context_node is not None:
doc = (<_ElementTree>input)._context_node._doc
doc = None
elif isinstance(input, _Element):
doc = (<_Element>input)._doc
elif isinstance(input, _Document):
doc = <_Document>input
raise TypeError, f"Invalid input object: {python._fqtypename(input).decode('utf8')}"
if doc is None:
raise ValueError, f"Input object has no document: {python._fqtypename(input).decode('utf8')}"
return doc
cdef _Element _rootNodeOrRaise(object input):
u"""Call this to get the root node of a _Document, _ElementTree or
_Element object, or to raise an exception if it can't be determined.
Should be used in all API functions for consistency.
cdef _Element node
if isinstance(input, _ElementTree):
node = (<_ElementTree>input)._context_node
elif isinstance(input, _Element):
node = <_Element>input
elif isinstance(input, _Document):
node = (<_Document>input).getroot()
raise TypeError, f"Invalid input object: {python._fqtypename(input).decode('utf8')}"
if (node is None or not node._c_node or
node._c_node.type != tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE):
raise ValueError, f"Input object is not an XML element: {python._fqtypename(input).decode('utf8')}"
return node
cdef bint _isAncestorOrSame(xmlNode* c_ancestor, xmlNode* c_node):
while c_node:
if c_node is c_ancestor:
return True
c_node = c_node.parent
return False
cdef _Element _makeElement(tag, xmlDoc* c_doc, _Document doc,
_BaseParser parser, text, tail, attrib, nsmap,
dict extra_attrs):
u"""Create a new element and initialize text content, namespaces and
This helper function will reuse as much of the existing document as
If 'parser' is None, the parser will be inherited from 'doc' or the
default parser will be used.
If 'doc' is None, 'c_doc' is used to create a new _Document and the new
element is made its root node.
If 'c_doc' is also NULL, a new xmlDoc will be created.
cdef xmlNode* c_node
if doc is not None:
c_doc = doc._c_doc
ns_utf, name_utf = _getNsTag(tag)
if parser is not None and parser._for_html:
if c_doc is NULL:
c_doc = _newHTMLDoc()
if c_doc is NULL:
c_doc = _newXMLDoc()
c_node = _createElement(c_doc, name_utf)
if c_node is NULL:
if doc is None and c_doc is not NULL:
raise MemoryError()
if doc is None:
tree.xmlDocSetRootElement(c_doc, c_node)
doc = _documentFactory(c_doc, parser)
if text is not None:
_setNodeText(c_node, text)
if tail is not None:
_setTailText(c_node, tail)
# add namespaces to node if necessary
_setNodeNamespaces(c_node, doc, ns_utf, nsmap)
_initNodeAttributes(c_node, doc, attrib, extra_attrs)
return _elementFactory(doc, c_node)
# free allocated c_node/c_doc unless Python does it for us
if c_node.doc is not c_doc:
# node not yet in document => will not be freed by document
if tail is not None:
_removeText(c_node.next) # tail
if doc is None:
# c_doc will not be freed by doc
cdef int _initNewElement(_Element element, bint is_html, name_utf, ns_utf,
_BaseParser parser, attrib, nsmap, dict extra_attrs) except -1:
u"""Initialise a new Element object.
This is used when users instantiate a Python Element subclass
directly, without it being mapped to an existing XML node.
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef _Document doc
if is_html:
c_doc = _newHTMLDoc()
c_doc = _newXMLDoc()
c_node = _createElement(c_doc, name_utf)
if c_node is NULL:
if c_doc is not NULL:
raise MemoryError()
tree.xmlDocSetRootElement(c_doc, c_node)
doc = _documentFactory(c_doc, parser)
# add namespaces to node if necessary
_setNodeNamespaces(c_node, doc, ns_utf, nsmap)
_initNodeAttributes(c_node, doc, attrib, extra_attrs)
_registerProxy(element, doc, c_node)
return 0
cdef _Element _makeSubElement(_Element parent, tag, text, tail,
attrib, nsmap, dict extra_attrs):
u"""Create a new child element and initialize text content, namespaces and
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
if parent is None or parent._doc is None:
return None
ns_utf, name_utf = _getNsTag(tag)
c_doc = parent._doc._c_doc
if parent._doc._parser is not None and parent._doc._parser._for_html:
c_node = _createElement(c_doc, name_utf)
if c_node is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
tree.xmlAddChild(parent._c_node, c_node)
if text is not None:
_setNodeText(c_node, text)
if tail is not None:
_setTailText(c_node, tail)
# add namespaces to node if necessary
_setNodeNamespaces(c_node, parent._doc, ns_utf, nsmap)
_initNodeAttributes(c_node, parent._doc, attrib, extra_attrs)
return _elementFactory(parent._doc, c_node)
# make sure we clean up in case of an error
_removeNode(parent._doc, c_node)
cdef int _setNodeNamespaces(xmlNode* c_node, _Document doc,
object node_ns_utf, object nsmap) except -1:
u"""Lookup current namespace prefixes, then set namespace structure for
node (if 'node_ns_utf' was provided) and register new ns-prefix mappings.
'node_ns_utf' should only be passed for a newly created node.
cdef xmlNs* c_ns
cdef list nsdefs
if nsmap:
for prefix, href in _iter_nsmap(nsmap):
href_utf = _utf8(href)
c_href = _xcstr(href_utf)
if prefix is not None:
prefix_utf = _utf8(prefix)
c_prefix = _xcstr(prefix_utf)
c_prefix = <const_xmlChar*>NULL
# add namespace with prefix if it is not already known
c_ns = tree.xmlSearchNs(doc._c_doc, c_node, c_prefix)
if c_ns is NULL or \
c_ns.href is NULL or \
tree.xmlStrcmp(c_ns.href, c_href) != 0:
c_ns = tree.xmlNewNs(c_node, c_href, c_prefix)
if href_utf == node_ns_utf:
tree.xmlSetNs(c_node, c_ns)
node_ns_utf = None
if node_ns_utf is not None:
doc._setNodeNs(c_node, _xcstr(node_ns_utf))
return 0
cdef dict _build_nsmap(xmlNode* c_node):
Namespace prefix->URI mapping known in the context of this Element.
This includes all namespace declarations of the parents.
cdef xmlNs* c_ns
nsmap = {}
while c_node is not NULL and c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
c_ns = c_node.nsDef
while c_ns is not NULL:
if c_ns.prefix or c_ns.href:
prefix = funicodeOrNone(c_ns.prefix)
if prefix not in nsmap:
nsmap[prefix] = funicodeOrNone(c_ns.href)
c_ns = c_ns.next
c_node = c_node.parent
return nsmap
cdef _iter_nsmap(nsmap):
Create a reproducibly ordered iterable from an nsmap mapping.
Tries to preserve an existing order and sorts if it assumes no order.
The difference to _iter_attrib() is that None doesn't sort with strings
in Py3.x.
if python.PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03060000:
# dicts are insertion-ordered in Py3.6+ => keep the user provided order.
if isinstance(nsmap, dict):
return nsmap.items()
if len(nsmap) <= 1:
return nsmap.items()
# nsmap will usually be a plain unordered dict => avoid type checking overhead
if type(nsmap) is not dict and isinstance(nsmap, OrderedDict):
return nsmap.items() # keep existing order
if None not in nsmap:
return sorted(nsmap.items())
# Move the default namespace to the end. This makes sure libxml2
# prefers a prefix if the ns is defined redundantly on the same
# element. That way, users can work around a problem themselves
# where default namespace attributes on non-default namespaced
# elements serialise without prefix (i.e. into the non-default
# namespace).
default_ns = nsmap[None]
nsdefs = [(k, v) for k, v in nsmap.items() if k is not None]
nsdefs.append((None, default_ns))
return nsdefs
cdef _iter_attrib(attrib):
Create a reproducibly ordered iterable from an attrib mapping.
Tries to preserve an existing order and sorts if it assumes no order.
# dicts are insertion-ordered in Py3.6+ => keep the user provided order.
if python.PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03060000 and isinstance(attrib, dict) or (
isinstance(attrib, (_Attrib, OrderedDict))):
return attrib.items()
# assume it's an unordered mapping of some kind
return sorted(attrib.items())
cdef _initNodeAttributes(xmlNode* c_node, _Document doc, attrib, dict extra):
u"""Initialise the attributes of an element node.
cdef bint is_html
cdef xmlNs* c_ns
if attrib is not None and not hasattr(attrib, u'items'):
raise TypeError, f"Invalid attribute dictionary: {python._fqtypename(attrib).decode('utf8')}"
if not attrib and not extra:
return # nothing to do
is_html = doc._parser._for_html
seen = set()
if extra:
if python.PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03060000:
for name, value in extra.items():
_addAttributeToNode(c_node, doc, is_html, name, value, seen)
for name, value in sorted(extra.items()):
_addAttributeToNode(c_node, doc, is_html, name, value, seen)
if attrib:
for name, value in _iter_attrib(attrib):
_addAttributeToNode(c_node, doc, is_html, name, value, seen)
cdef int _addAttributeToNode(xmlNode* c_node, _Document doc, bint is_html,
name, value, set seen_tags) except -1:
ns_utf, name_utf = tag = _getNsTag(name)
if tag in seen_tags:
return 0
if not is_html:
value_utf = _utf8(value)
if ns_utf is None:
tree.xmlNewProp(c_node, _xcstr(name_utf), _xcstr(value_utf))
c_ns = doc._findOrBuildNodeNs(c_node, _xcstr(ns_utf), NULL, 1)
tree.xmlNewNsProp(c_node, c_ns,
_xcstr(name_utf), _xcstr(value_utf))
return 0
ctypedef struct _ns_node_ref:
xmlNs* ns
xmlNode* node
cdef int _collectNsDefs(xmlNode* c_element, _ns_node_ref **_c_ns_list,
size_t *_c_ns_list_len, size_t *_c_ns_list_size) except -1:
c_ns_list = _c_ns_list[0]
cdef size_t c_ns_list_len = _c_ns_list_len[0]
cdef size_t c_ns_list_size = _c_ns_list_size[0]
c_nsdef = c_element.nsDef
while c_nsdef is not NULL:
if c_ns_list_len >= c_ns_list_size:
if c_ns_list is NULL:
c_ns_list_size = 20
c_ns_list_size *= 2
c_nsref_ptr = <_ns_node_ref*> python.lxml_realloc(
c_ns_list, c_ns_list_size, sizeof(_ns_node_ref))
if c_nsref_ptr is NULL:
if c_ns_list is not NULL:
_c_ns_list[0] = NULL
raise MemoryError()
c_ns_list = c_nsref_ptr
c_ns_list[c_ns_list_len] = _ns_node_ref(c_nsdef, c_element)
c_ns_list_len += 1
c_nsdef = c_nsdef.next
_c_ns_list_size[0] = c_ns_list_size
_c_ns_list_len[0] = c_ns_list_len
_c_ns_list[0] = c_ns_list
cdef int _removeUnusedNamespaceDeclarations(xmlNode* c_element, set prefixes_to_keep) except -1:
u"""Remove any namespace declarations from a subtree that are not used by
any of its elements (or attributes).
If a 'prefixes_to_keep' is provided, it must be a set of prefixes.
Any corresponding namespace mappings will not be removed as part of the cleanup.
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef _ns_node_ref* c_ns_list = NULL
cdef size_t c_ns_list_size = 0
cdef size_t c_ns_list_len = 0
cdef size_t i
if c_element.parent and c_element.parent.type == tree.XML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
# include declarations on the document node
_collectNsDefs(c_element.parent, &c_ns_list, &c_ns_list_len, &c_ns_list_size)
tree.BEGIN_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_FROM(c_element, c_element, 1)
# collect all new namespace declarations into the ns list
if c_element.nsDef:
_collectNsDefs(c_element, &c_ns_list, &c_ns_list_len, &c_ns_list_size)
# remove all namespace declarations from the list that are referenced
if c_ns_list_len and c_element.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
c_node = c_element
while c_node and c_ns_list_len:
if c_node.ns:
for i in range(c_ns_list_len):
if c_node.ns is c_ns_list[i].ns:
c_ns_list_len -= 1
c_ns_list[i] = c_ns_list[c_ns_list_len]
#c_ns_list[c_ns_list_len] = _ns_node_ref(NULL, NULL)
if c_node is c_element:
# continue with attributes
c_node = <xmlNode*>c_element.properties
c_node = c_node.next
if c_ns_list is NULL:
return 0
# free all namespace declarations that remained in the list,
# except for those we should keep explicitly
cdef xmlNs* c_nsdef
for i in range(c_ns_list_len):
if prefixes_to_keep is not None:
if c_ns_list[i].ns.prefix and c_ns_list[i].ns.prefix in prefixes_to_keep:
c_node = c_ns_list[i].node
c_nsdef = c_node.nsDef
if c_nsdef is c_ns_list[i].ns:
c_node.nsDef = c_node.nsDef.next
while c_nsdef.next is not c_ns_list[i].ns:
c_nsdef = c_nsdef.next
c_nsdef.next = c_nsdef.next.next
if c_ns_list is not NULL:
return 0
cdef xmlNs* _searchNsByHref(xmlNode* c_node, const_xmlChar* c_href, bint is_attribute):
u"""Search a namespace declaration that covers a node (element or
For attributes, try to find a prefixed namespace declaration
instead of the default namespaces. This helps in supporting
round-trips for attributes on elements with a different namespace.
cdef xmlNs* c_ns
cdef xmlNs* c_default_ns = NULL
cdef xmlNode* c_element
if c_href is NULL or c_node is NULL or c_node.type == tree.XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE:
return NULL
if tree.xmlStrcmp(c_href, tree.XML_XML_NAMESPACE) == 0:
# no special cases here, let libxml2 handle this
return tree.xmlSearchNsByHref(c_node.doc, c_node, c_href)
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
is_attribute = 1
while c_node is not NULL and c_node.type != tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
c_node = c_node.parent
c_element = c_node
while c_node is not NULL:
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
c_ns = c_node.nsDef
while c_ns is not NULL:
if c_ns.href is not NULL and tree.xmlStrcmp(c_href, c_ns.href) == 0:
if c_ns.prefix is NULL and is_attribute:
# for attributes, continue searching a named
# prefix, but keep the first default namespace
# declaration that we found
if c_default_ns is NULL:
c_default_ns = c_ns
elif tree.xmlSearchNs(
c_element.doc, c_element, c_ns.prefix) is c_ns:
# start node is in namespace scope => found!
return c_ns
c_ns = c_ns.next
if c_node is not c_element and c_node.ns is not NULL:
# optimise: the node may have the namespace itself
c_ns = c_node.ns
if c_ns.href is not NULL and tree.xmlStrcmp(c_href, c_ns.href) == 0:
if c_ns.prefix is NULL and is_attribute:
# for attributes, continue searching a named
# prefix, but keep the first default namespace
# declaration that we found
if c_default_ns is NULL:
c_default_ns = c_ns
elif tree.xmlSearchNs(
c_element.doc, c_element, c_ns.prefix) is c_ns:
# start node is in namespace scope => found!
return c_ns
c_node = c_node.parent
# nothing found => use a matching default namespace or fail
if c_default_ns is not NULL:
if tree.xmlSearchNs(c_element.doc, c_element, NULL) is c_default_ns:
return c_default_ns
return NULL
cdef int _replaceNodeByChildren(_Document doc, xmlNode* c_node) except -1:
# NOTE: this does not deallocate the node, just unlink it!
cdef xmlNode* c_parent
cdef xmlNode* c_child
if c_node.children is NULL:
return 0
c_parent = c_node.parent
# fix parent links of children
c_child = c_node.children
while c_child is not NULL:
c_child.parent = c_parent
c_child = c_child.next
# fix namespace references of children if their parent's namespace
# declarations get lost
if c_node.nsDef is not NULL:
c_child = c_node.children
while c_child is not NULL:
moveNodeToDocument(doc, doc._c_doc, c_child)
c_child = c_child.next
# fix sibling links to/from child slice
if c_node.prev is NULL:
c_parent.children = c_node.children
c_node.prev.next = c_node.children
c_node.children.prev = c_node.prev
if c_node.next is NULL:
c_parent.last = c_node.last
c_node.next.prev = c_node.last
c_node.last.next = c_node.next
# unlink c_node
c_node.children = c_node.last = NULL
c_node.parent = c_node.next = c_node.prev = NULL
return 0
cdef object _attributeValue(xmlNode* c_element, xmlAttr* c_attrib_node):
c_href = _getNs(<xmlNode*>c_attrib_node)
value = tree.xmlGetNsProp(c_element, c_attrib_node.name, c_href)
result = funicode(value)
return result
cdef object _attributeValueFromNsName(xmlNode* c_element,
const_xmlChar* c_href, const_xmlChar* c_name):
c_result = tree.xmlGetNsProp(c_element, c_name, c_href)
if c_result is NULL:
return None
result = funicode(c_result)
return result
cdef object _getNodeAttributeValue(xmlNode* c_node, key, default):
ns, tag = _getNsTag(key)
c_href = <const_xmlChar*>NULL if ns is None else _xcstr(ns)
c_result = tree.xmlGetNsProp(c_node, _xcstr(tag), c_href)
if c_result is NULL:
# XXX free namespace that is not in use..?
return default
result = funicode(c_result)
return result
cdef inline object _getAttributeValue(_Element element, key, default):
return _getNodeAttributeValue(element._c_node, key, default)
cdef int _setAttributeValue(_Element element, key, value) except -1:
cdef const_xmlChar* c_value
cdef xmlNs* c_ns
ns, tag = _getNsTag(key)
is_html = element._doc._parser._for_html
if not is_html:
c_tag = _xcstr(tag)
if value is None and is_html:
c_value = NULL
if isinstance(value, QName):
value = _resolveQNameText(element, value)
value = _utf8(value)
c_value = _xcstr(value)
if ns is None:
c_ns = NULL
c_ns = element._doc._findOrBuildNodeNs(element._c_node, _xcstr(ns), NULL, 1)
tree.xmlSetNsProp(element._c_node, c_ns, c_tag, c_value)
return 0
cdef int _delAttribute(_Element element, key) except -1:
ns, tag = _getNsTag(key)
c_href = <const_xmlChar*>NULL if ns is None else _xcstr(ns)
if _delAttributeFromNsName(element._c_node, c_href, _xcstr(tag)):
raise KeyError, key
return 0
cdef int _delAttributeFromNsName(xmlNode* c_node, const_xmlChar* c_href, const_xmlChar* c_name):
c_attr = tree.xmlHasNsProp(c_node, c_name, c_href)
if c_attr is NULL:
# XXX free namespace that is not in use..?
return -1
return 0
cdef list _collectAttributes(xmlNode* c_node, int collecttype):
u"""Collect all attributes of a node in a list. Depending on collecttype,
it collects either the name (1), the value (2) or the name-value tuples.
cdef Py_ssize_t count
c_attr = c_node.properties
count = 0
while c_attr is not NULL:
if c_attr.type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
count += 1
c_attr = c_attr.next
if not count:
return []
attributes = [None] * count
c_attr = c_node.properties
count = 0
while c_attr is not NULL:
if c_attr.type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
if collecttype == 1:
item = _namespacedName(<xmlNode*>c_attr)
elif collecttype == 2:
item = _attributeValue(c_node, c_attr)
item = (_namespacedName(<xmlNode*>c_attr),
_attributeValue(c_node, c_attr))
attributes[count] = item
count += 1
c_attr = c_attr.next
return attributes
cdef object __RE_XML_ENCODING = re.compile(
ur'^(<\?xml[^>]+)\s+encoding\s*=\s*["\'][^"\']*["\'](\s*\?>|)', re.U)
cdef object __HAS_XML_ENCODING = __RE_XML_ENCODING.match
cdef object _stripEncodingDeclaration(object xml_string):
# this is a hack to remove the XML encoding declaration from unicode
return __REPLACE_XML_ENCODING(ur'\g<1>\g<2>', xml_string)
cdef bint _hasEncodingDeclaration(object xml_string) except -1:
# check if a (unicode) string has an XML encoding declaration
return __HAS_XML_ENCODING(xml_string) is not None
cdef inline bint _hasText(xmlNode* c_node):
return c_node is not NULL and _textNodeOrSkip(c_node.children) is not NULL
cdef inline bint _hasTail(xmlNode* c_node):
return c_node is not NULL and _textNodeOrSkip(c_node.next) is not NULL
cdef inline bint _hasNonWhitespaceTail(xmlNode* c_node):
return _hasNonWhitespaceText(c_node, tail=True)
cdef bint _hasNonWhitespaceText(xmlNode* c_node, bint tail=False):
c_text_node = c_node and _textNodeOrSkip(c_node.next if tail else c_node.children)
if c_text_node is NULL:
return False
while c_text_node is not NULL:
if c_text_node.content[0] != c'\0' and not _collectText(c_text_node).isspace():
return True
c_text_node = _textNodeOrSkip(c_text_node.next)
return False
cdef _collectText(xmlNode* c_node):
u"""Collect all text nodes and return them as a unicode string.
Start collecting at c_node.
If there was no text to collect, return None
cdef Py_ssize_t scount
cdef xmlChar* c_text
cdef xmlNode* c_node_cur
# check for multiple text nodes
scount = 0
c_text = NULL
c_node_cur = c_node = _textNodeOrSkip(c_node)
while c_node_cur is not NULL:
if c_node_cur.content[0] != c'\0':
c_text = c_node_cur.content
scount += 1
c_node_cur = _textNodeOrSkip(c_node_cur.next)
# handle two most common cases first
if c_text is NULL:
return '' if scount > 0 else None
if scount == 1:
return funicode(c_text)
# the rest is not performance critical anymore
result = b''
while c_node is not NULL:
result += <unsigned char*>c_node.content
c_node = _textNodeOrSkip(c_node.next)
return funicode(<const_xmlChar*><unsigned char*>result)
cdef void _removeText(xmlNode* c_node):
u"""Remove all text nodes.
Start removing at c_node.
cdef xmlNode* c_next
c_node = _textNodeOrSkip(c_node)
while c_node is not NULL:
c_next = _textNodeOrSkip(c_node.next)
c_node = c_next
cdef xmlNode* _createTextNode(xmlDoc* doc, value) except NULL:
cdef xmlNode* c_text_node
if isinstance(value, CDATA):
c_text_node = tree.xmlNewCDataBlock(
doc, _xcstr((<CDATA>value)._utf8_data),
text = _utf8(value)
c_text_node = tree.xmlNewDocText(doc, _xcstr(text))
if not c_text_node:
raise MemoryError()
return c_text_node
cdef int _setNodeText(xmlNode* c_node, value) except -1:
# remove all text nodes at the start first
if value is None:
return 0
# now add new text node with value at start
c_text_node = _createTextNode(c_node.doc, value)
if c_node.children is NULL:
tree.xmlAddChild(c_node, c_text_node)
tree.xmlAddPrevSibling(c_node.children, c_text_node)
return 0
cdef int _setTailText(xmlNode* c_node, value) except -1:
# remove all text nodes at the start first
if value is None:
return 0
# now append new text node with value
c_text_node = _createTextNode(c_node.doc, value)
tree.xmlAddNextSibling(c_node, c_text_node)
return 0
cdef bytes _resolveQNameText(_Element element, value):
cdef xmlNs* c_ns
ns, tag = _getNsTag(value)
if ns is None:
return tag
c_ns = element._doc._findOrBuildNodeNs(
element._c_node, _xcstr(ns), NULL, 0)
return python.PyBytes_FromFormat('%s:%s', c_ns.prefix, _cstr(tag))
cdef inline bint _hasChild(xmlNode* c_node):
return c_node is not NULL and _findChildForwards(c_node, 0) is not NULL
cdef inline Py_ssize_t _countElements(xmlNode* c_node):
u"Counts the elements within the following siblings and the node itself."
cdef Py_ssize_t count
count = 0
while c_node is not NULL:
if _isElement(c_node):
count += 1
c_node = c_node.next
return count
cdef int _findChildSlice(
slice sliceobject, xmlNode* c_parent,
xmlNode** c_start_node, Py_ssize_t* c_step, Py_ssize_t* c_length) except -1:
u"""Resolve a children slice.
Returns the start node, step size and the slice length in the
pointer arguments.
cdef Py_ssize_t start = 0, stop = 0, childcount
childcount = _countElements(c_parent.children)
if childcount == 0:
c_start_node[0] = NULL
c_length[0] = 0
if sliceobject.step is None:
c_step[0] = 1
python._PyEval_SliceIndex(sliceobject.step, c_step)
return 0
sliceobject, childcount, &start, &stop, c_step, c_length)
if start > childcount / 2:
c_start_node[0] = _findChildBackwards(c_parent, childcount - start - 1)
c_start_node[0] = _findChild(c_parent, start)
return 0
cdef bint _isFullSlice(slice sliceobject) except -1:
u"""Conservative guess if this slice is a full slice as in ``s[:]``.
cdef Py_ssize_t step = 0
if sliceobject is None:
return 0
if sliceobject.start is None and \
sliceobject.stop is None:
if sliceobject.step is None:
return 1
python._PyEval_SliceIndex(sliceobject.step, &step)
if step == 1:
return 1
return 0
return 0
cdef _collectChildren(_Element element):
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef list result = []
c_node = element._c_node.children
if c_node is not NULL:
if not _isElement(c_node):
c_node = _nextElement(c_node)
while c_node is not NULL:
result.append(_elementFactory(element._doc, c_node))
c_node = _nextElement(c_node)
return result
cdef inline xmlNode* _findChild(xmlNode* c_node, Py_ssize_t index):
if index < 0:
return _findChildBackwards(c_node, -index - 1)
return _findChildForwards(c_node, index)
cdef inline xmlNode* _findChildForwards(xmlNode* c_node, Py_ssize_t index):
u"""Return child element of c_node with index, or return NULL if not found.
cdef xmlNode* c_child
cdef Py_ssize_t c
c_child = c_node.children
c = 0
while c_child is not NULL:
if _isElement(c_child):
if c == index:
return c_child
c += 1
c_child = c_child.next
return NULL
cdef inline xmlNode* _findChildBackwards(xmlNode* c_node, Py_ssize_t index):
u"""Return child element of c_node with index, or return NULL if not found.
Search from the end.
cdef xmlNode* c_child
cdef Py_ssize_t c
c_child = c_node.last
c = 0
while c_child is not NULL:
if _isElement(c_child):
if c == index:
return c_child
c += 1
c_child = c_child.prev
return NULL
cdef inline xmlNode* _textNodeOrSkip(xmlNode* c_node) nogil:
u"""Return the node if it's a text node. Skip over ignorable nodes in a
series of text nodes. Return NULL if a non-ignorable node is found.
This is used to skip over XInclude nodes when collecting adjacent text
while c_node is not NULL:
if c_node.type == tree.XML_TEXT_NODE or \
c_node.type == tree.XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
return c_node
elif c_node.type == tree.XML_XINCLUDE_START or \
c_node.type == tree.XML_XINCLUDE_END:
c_node = c_node.next
return NULL
return NULL
cdef inline xmlNode* _nextElement(xmlNode* c_node):
u"""Given a node, find the next sibling that is an element.
if c_node is NULL:
return NULL
c_node = c_node.next
while c_node is not NULL:
if _isElement(c_node):
return c_node
c_node = c_node.next
return NULL
cdef inline xmlNode* _previousElement(xmlNode* c_node):
u"""Given a node, find the next sibling that is an element.
if c_node is NULL:
return NULL
c_node = c_node.prev
while c_node is not NULL:
if _isElement(c_node):
return c_node
c_node = c_node.prev
return NULL
cdef inline xmlNode* _parentElement(xmlNode* c_node):
u"Given a node, find the parent element."
if c_node is NULL or not _isElement(c_node):
return NULL
c_node = c_node.parent
if c_node is NULL or not _isElement(c_node):
return NULL
return c_node
cdef inline bint _tagMatches(xmlNode* c_node, const_xmlChar* c_href, const_xmlChar* c_name):
u"""Tests if the node matches namespace URI and tag name.
A node matches if it matches both c_href and c_name.
A node matches c_href if any of the following is true:
* c_href is NULL
* its namespace is NULL and c_href is the empty string
* its namespace string equals the c_href string
A node matches c_name if any of the following is true:
* c_name is NULL
* its name string equals the c_name string
if c_node is NULL:
return 0
if c_node.type != tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
# not an element, only succeed if we match everything
return c_name is NULL and c_href is NULL
if c_name is NULL:
if c_href is NULL:
# always match
return 1
c_node_href = _getNs(c_node)
if c_node_href is NULL:
return c_href[0] == c'\0'
return tree.xmlStrcmp(c_node_href, c_href) == 0
elif c_href is NULL:
if _getNs(c_node) is not NULL:
return 0
return c_node.name == c_name or tree.xmlStrcmp(c_node.name, c_name) == 0
elif c_node.name == c_name or tree.xmlStrcmp(c_node.name, c_name) == 0:
c_node_href = _getNs(c_node)
if c_node_href is NULL:
return c_href[0] == c'\0'
return tree.xmlStrcmp(c_node_href, c_href) == 0
return 0
cdef inline bint _tagMatchesExactly(xmlNode* c_node, qname* c_qname):
u"""Tests if the node matches namespace URI and tag name.
This differs from _tagMatches() in that it does not consider a
NULL value in qname.href a wildcard, and that it expects the c_name
to be taken from the doc dict, i.e. it only compares the names by
A node matches if it matches both href and c_name of the qname.
A node matches c_href if any of the following is true:
* its namespace is NULL and c_href is the empty string
* its namespace string equals the c_href string
A node matches c_name if any of the following is true:
* c_name is NULL
* its name string points to the same address (!) as c_name
return _nsTagMatchesExactly(_getNs(c_node), c_node.name, c_qname)
cdef inline bint _nsTagMatchesExactly(const_xmlChar* c_node_href,
const_xmlChar* c_node_name,
qname* c_qname):
u"""Tests if name and namespace URI match those of c_qname.
This differs from _tagMatches() in that it does not consider a
NULL value in qname.href a wildcard, and that it expects the c_name
to be taken from the doc dict, i.e. it only compares the names by
A node matches if it matches both href and c_name of the qname.
A node matches c_href if any of the following is true:
* its namespace is NULL and c_href is the empty string
* its namespace string equals the c_href string
A node matches c_name if any of the following is true:
* c_name is NULL
* its name string points to the same address (!) as c_name
cdef char* c_href
if c_qname.c_name is not NULL and c_qname.c_name is not c_node_name:
return 0
if c_qname.href is NULL:
return 1
c_href = python.__cstr(c_qname.href)
if c_href[0] == '\0':
return c_node_href is NULL or c_node_href[0] == '\0'
elif c_node_href is NULL:
return 0
return tree.xmlStrcmp(<const_xmlChar*>c_href, c_node_href) == 0
cdef Py_ssize_t _mapTagsToQnameMatchArray(xmlDoc* c_doc, list ns_tags,
qname* c_ns_tags, bint force_into_dict) except -1:
u"""Map a sequence of (name, namespace) pairs to a qname array for efficient
matching with _tagMatchesExactly() above.
Note that each qname struct in the array owns its href byte string object
if it is not NULL.
cdef Py_ssize_t count = 0, i
cdef bytes ns, tag
for ns, tag in ns_tags:
if tag is None:
c_tag = <const_xmlChar*>NULL
elif force_into_dict:
c_tag = tree.xmlDictLookup(c_doc.dict, _xcstr(tag), len(tag))
if c_tag is NULL:
# clean up before raising the error
for i in xrange(count):
raise MemoryError()
c_tag = tree.xmlDictExists(c_doc.dict, _xcstr(tag), len(tag))
if c_tag is NULL:
# not in the dict => not in the document
c_ns_tags[count].c_name = c_tag
if ns is None:
c_ns_tags[count].href = NULL
cpython.ref.Py_INCREF(ns) # keep an owned reference!
c_ns_tags[count].href = <python.PyObject*>ns
count += 1
return count
cdef int _removeNode(_Document doc, xmlNode* c_node) except -1:
u"""Unlink and free a node and subnodes if possible. Otherwise, make sure
it's self-contained.
cdef xmlNode* c_next
c_next = c_node.next
_moveTail(c_next, c_node)
if not attemptDeallocation(c_node):
# make namespaces absolute
moveNodeToDocument(doc, c_node.doc, c_node)
return 0
cdef int _removeSiblings(xmlNode* c_element, tree.xmlElementType node_type, bint with_tail) except -1:
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef xmlNode* c_next
c_node = c_element.next
while c_node is not NULL:
c_next = _nextElement(c_node)
if c_node.type == node_type:
if with_tail:
c_node = c_next
c_node = c_element.prev
while c_node is not NULL:
c_next = _previousElement(c_node)
if c_node.type == node_type:
if with_tail:
c_node = c_next
return 0
cdef void _moveTail(xmlNode* c_tail, xmlNode* c_target):
cdef xmlNode* c_next
# tail support: look for any text nodes trailing this node and
# move them too
c_tail = _textNodeOrSkip(c_tail)
while c_tail is not NULL:
c_next = _textNodeOrSkip(c_tail.next)
c_target = tree.xmlAddNextSibling(c_target, c_tail)
c_tail = c_next
cdef int _copyTail(xmlNode* c_tail, xmlNode* c_target) except -1:
cdef xmlNode* c_new_tail
# tail copying support: look for any text nodes trailing this node and
# copy it to the target node
c_tail = _textNodeOrSkip(c_tail)
while c_tail is not NULL:
if c_target.doc is not c_tail.doc:
c_new_tail = tree.xmlDocCopyNode(c_tail, c_target.doc, 0)
c_new_tail = tree.xmlCopyNode(c_tail, 0)
if c_new_tail is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
c_target = tree.xmlAddNextSibling(c_target, c_new_tail)
c_tail = _textNodeOrSkip(c_tail.next)
return 0
cdef int _copyNonElementSiblings(xmlNode* c_node, xmlNode* c_target) except -1:
cdef xmlNode* c_copy
cdef xmlNode* c_sibling = c_node
while c_sibling.prev != NULL and \
(c_sibling.prev.type == tree.XML_PI_NODE or
c_sibling.prev.type == tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE or
c_sibling.prev.type == tree.XML_DTD_NODE):
c_sibling = c_sibling.prev
while c_sibling != c_node:
if c_sibling.type == tree.XML_DTD_NODE:
c_copy = <xmlNode*>_copyDtd(<tree.xmlDtd*>c_sibling)
if c_sibling == <xmlNode*>c_node.doc.intSubset:
c_target.doc.intSubset = <tree.xmlDtd*>c_copy
else: # c_sibling == c_node.doc.extSubset
c_target.doc.extSubset = <tree.xmlDtd*>c_copy
c_copy = tree.xmlDocCopyNode(c_sibling, c_target.doc, 1)
if c_copy is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
tree.xmlAddPrevSibling(c_target, c_copy)
c_sibling = c_sibling.next
while c_sibling.next != NULL and \
(c_sibling.next.type == tree.XML_PI_NODE or
c_sibling.next.type == tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE):
c_sibling = c_sibling.next
c_copy = tree.xmlDocCopyNode(c_sibling, c_target.doc, 1)
if c_copy is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
tree.xmlAddNextSibling(c_target, c_copy)
cdef int _deleteSlice(_Document doc, xmlNode* c_node,
Py_ssize_t count, Py_ssize_t step) except -1:
u"""Delete slice, ``count`` items starting with ``c_node`` with a step
width of ``step``.
cdef xmlNode* c_next
cdef Py_ssize_t c, i
cdef _node_to_node_function next_element
if c_node is NULL:
return 0
if step > 0:
next_element = _nextElement
step = -step
next_element = _previousElement
# now start deleting nodes
c = 0
c_next = c_node
while c_node is not NULL and c < count:
for i in range(step):
c_next = next_element(c_next)
if c_next is NULL:
_removeNode(doc, c_node)
c += 1
c_node = c_next
return 0
cdef int _replaceSlice(_Element parent, xmlNode* c_node,
Py_ssize_t slicelength, Py_ssize_t step,
bint left_to_right, elements) except -1:
u"""Replace the slice of ``count`` elements starting at ``c_node`` with
positive step width ``step`` by the Elements in ``elements``. The
direction is given by the boolean argument ``left_to_right``.
``c_node`` may be NULL to indicate the end of the children list.
cdef xmlNode* c_orig_neighbour
cdef xmlNode* c_next
cdef xmlDoc* c_source_doc
cdef _Element element
cdef Py_ssize_t seqlength, i, c
cdef _node_to_node_function next_element
assert step > 0
if left_to_right:
next_element = _nextElement
next_element = _previousElement
if not isinstance(elements, (list, tuple)):
elements = list(elements)
if step != 1 or not left_to_right:
# *replacing* children stepwise with list => check size!
seqlength = len(elements)
if seqlength != slicelength:
raise ValueError, f"attempt to assign sequence of size {seqlength} " \
f"to extended slice of size {slicelength}"
if c_node is NULL:
# no children yet => add all elements straight away
if left_to_right:
for element in elements:
assert element is not None, u"Node must not be None"
_appendChild(parent, element)
for element in elements:
assert element is not None, u"Node must not be None"
_prependChild(parent, element)
return 0
# remove the elements first as some might be re-added
if left_to_right:
# L->R, remember left neighbour
c_orig_neighbour = _previousElement(c_node)
# R->L, remember right neighbour
c_orig_neighbour = _nextElement(c_node)
# We remove the original slice elements one by one. Since we hold
# a Python reference to all elements that we will insert, it is
# safe to let _removeNode() try (and fail) to free them even if
# the element itself or one of its descendents will be reinserted.
c = 0
c_next = c_node
while c_node is not NULL and c < slicelength:
for i in range(step):
c_next = next_element(c_next)
if c_next is NULL:
_removeNode(parent._doc, c_node)
c += 1
c_node = c_next
# make sure each element is inserted only once
elements = iter(elements)
# find the first node right of the new insertion point
if left_to_right:
if c_orig_neighbour is not NULL:
c_node = next_element(c_orig_neighbour)
# before the first element
c_node = _findChildForwards(parent._c_node, 0)
elif c_orig_neighbour is NULL:
# at the end, but reversed stepping
# append one element and go to the next insertion point
for element in elements:
assert element is not None, u"Node must not be None"
_appendChild(parent, element)
c_node = element._c_node
if slicelength > 0:
slicelength -= 1
for i in range(1, step):
c_node = next_element(c_node)
if c_node is NULL:
c_node = c_orig_neighbour
if left_to_right:
# adjust step size after removing slice as we are not stepping
# over the newly inserted elements
step -= 1
# now insert elements where we removed them
if c_node is not NULL:
for element in elements:
assert element is not None, u"Node must not be None"
# move element and tail over
c_source_doc = element._c_node.doc
c_next = element._c_node.next
tree.xmlAddPrevSibling(c_node, element._c_node)
_moveTail(c_next, element._c_node)
# integrate element into new document
moveNodeToDocument(parent._doc, c_source_doc, element._c_node)
# stop at the end of the slice
if slicelength > 0:
slicelength -= 1
for i in range(step):
c_node = next_element(c_node)
if c_node is NULL:
if c_node is NULL:
# everything inserted
return 0
# append the remaining elements at the respective end
if left_to_right:
for element in elements:
assert element is not None, u"Node must not be None"
_appendChild(parent, element)
for element in elements:
assert element is not None, u"Node must not be None"
_prependChild(parent, element)
return 0
cdef int _linkChild(xmlNode* c_parent, xmlNode* c_node) except -1:
"""Adaptation of 'xmlAddChild()' that deep-fix the document links iteratively.
assert _isElement(c_node)
c_node.parent = c_parent
if c_parent.children is NULL:
c_parent.children = c_parent.last = c_node
c_node.prev = c_parent.last
c_parent.last.next = c_node
c_parent.last = c_node
_setTreeDoc(c_node, c_parent.doc)
return 0
cdef int _appendChild(_Element parent, _Element child) except -1:
u"""Append a new child to a parent element.
c_node = child._c_node
c_source_doc = c_node.doc
# prevent cycles
if _isAncestorOrSame(c_node, parent._c_node):
raise ValueError("cannot append parent to itself")
# store possible text node
c_next = c_node.next
# move node itself
# do not call xmlAddChild() here since it would deep-traverse the tree
_linkChild(parent._c_node, c_node)
_moveTail(c_next, c_node)
# uh oh, elements may be pointing to different doc when
# parent element has moved; change them too..
moveNodeToDocument(parent._doc, c_source_doc, c_node)
return 0
cdef int _prependChild(_Element parent, _Element child) except -1:
u"""Prepend a new child to a parent element.
c_node = child._c_node
c_source_doc = c_node.doc
# prevent cycles
if _isAncestorOrSame(c_node, parent._c_node):
raise ValueError("cannot append parent to itself")
# store possible text node
c_next = c_node.next
# move node itself
c_child = _findChildForwards(parent._c_node, 0)
if c_child is NULL:
# do not call xmlAddChild() here since it would deep-traverse the tree
_linkChild(parent._c_node, c_node)
tree.xmlAddPrevSibling(c_child, c_node)
_moveTail(c_next, c_node)
# uh oh, elements may be pointing to different doc when
# parent element has moved; change them too..
moveNodeToDocument(parent._doc, c_source_doc, c_node)
return 0
cdef int _appendSibling(_Element element, _Element sibling) except -1:
u"""Add a new sibling behind an element.
return _addSibling(element, sibling, as_next=True)
cdef int _prependSibling(_Element element, _Element sibling) except -1:
u"""Add a new sibling before an element.
return _addSibling(element, sibling, as_next=False)
cdef int _addSibling(_Element element, _Element sibling, bint as_next) except -1:
c_node = sibling._c_node
c_source_doc = c_node.doc
# prevent cycles
if _isAncestorOrSame(c_node, element._c_node):
if element._c_node is c_node:
return 0 # nothing to do
raise ValueError("cannot add ancestor as sibling, please break cycle first")
# store possible text node
c_next = c_node.next
# move node itself
if as_next:
tree.xmlAddNextSibling(element._c_node, c_node)
tree.xmlAddPrevSibling(element._c_node, c_node)
_moveTail(c_next, c_node)
# uh oh, elements may be pointing to different doc when
# parent element has moved; change them too..
moveNodeToDocument(element._doc, c_source_doc, c_node)
return 0
cdef inline bint isutf8(const_xmlChar* s):
cdef xmlChar c = s[0]
while c != c'\0':
if c & 0x80:
return True
s += 1
c = s[0]
return False
cdef bint isutf8l(const_xmlChar* s, size_t length):
Search for non-ASCII characters in the string, knowing its length in advance.
cdef unsigned int i
cdef unsigned long non_ascii_mask
cdef const unsigned long *lptr = <const unsigned long*> s
cdef const unsigned long *end = lptr + length // sizeof(unsigned long)
if length >= sizeof(non_ascii_mask):
# Build constant 0x80808080... mask (and let the C compiler fold it).
non_ascii_mask = 0
for i in range(sizeof(non_ascii_mask) // 2):
non_ascii_mask = (non_ascii_mask << 16) | 0x8080
# Advance to long-aligned character before we start reading longs.
while (<size_t>s) % sizeof(unsigned long) and s < <const_xmlChar *>end:
if s[0] & 0x80:
return True
s += 1
# Read one long at a time
lptr = <const unsigned long*> s
while lptr < end:
if lptr[0] & non_ascii_mask:
return True
lptr += 1
s = <const_xmlChar *>lptr
while s < (<const_xmlChar *>end + length % sizeof(unsigned long)):
if s[0] & 0x80:
return True
s += 1
return False
cdef int _is_valid_xml_ascii(bytes pystring):
"""Check if a string is XML ascii content."""
cdef signed char ch
# When ch is a *signed* char, non-ascii characters are negative integers
# and xmlIsChar_ch does not accept them.
for ch in pystring:
if not tree.xmlIsChar_ch(ch):
return 0
return 1
cdef bint _is_valid_xml_utf8(bytes pystring):
u"""Check if a string is like valid UTF-8 XML content."""
cdef const_xmlChar* s = _xcstr(pystring)
cdef const_xmlChar* c_end = s + len(pystring)
cdef unsigned long next3 = 0
if s < c_end - 2:
next3 = (s[0] << 8) | (s[1])
while s < c_end - 2:
next3 = 0x00ffffff & ((next3 << 8) | s[2])
if s[0] & 0x80:
# 0xefbfbe and 0xefbfbf are utf-8 encodings of
# forbidden characters \ufffe and \uffff
if next3 == 0x00efbfbe or next3 == 0x00efbfbf:
return 0
# 0xeda080 and 0xedbfbf are utf-8 encodings of
# \ud800 and \udfff. Anything between them (inclusive)
# is forbidden, because they are surrogate blocks in utf-16.
if 0x00eda080 <= next3 <= 0x00edbfbf:
return 0
elif not tree.xmlIsChar_ch(s[0]):
return 0 # invalid ascii char
s += 1
while s < c_end:
if not s[0] & 0x80 and not tree.xmlIsChar_ch(s[0]):
return 0 # invalid ascii char
s += 1
return 1
cdef inline object funicodeOrNone(const_xmlChar* s):
return funicode(s) if s is not NULL else None
cdef inline object funicodeOrEmpty(const_xmlChar* s):
return funicode(s) if s is not NULL else ''
cdef object funicode(const_xmlChar* s):
cdef Py_ssize_t slen
cdef const_xmlChar* spos
cdef bint is_non_ascii
return s.decode('UTF-8')
spos = s
is_non_ascii = 0
while spos[0] != c'\0':
if spos[0] & 0x80:
is_non_ascii = 1
spos += 1
slen = spos - s
if spos[0] != c'\0':
slen += cstring_h.strlen(<const char*> spos)
if is_non_ascii:
return s[:slen].decode('UTF-8')
return <bytes>s[:slen]
cdef bytes _utf8(object s):
"""Test if a string is valid user input and encode it to UTF-8.
Reject all bytes/unicode input that contains non-XML characters.
Reject all bytes input that contains non-ASCII characters.
cdef int valid
cdef bytes utf8_string
if python.IS_PYTHON2 and type(s) is bytes:
utf8_string = <bytes>s
valid = _is_valid_xml_ascii(utf8_string)
elif isinstance(s, unicode):
utf8_string = (<unicode>s).encode('utf8')
valid = _is_valid_xml_utf8(utf8_string)
elif isinstance(s, (bytes, bytearray)):
utf8_string = bytes(s)
valid = _is_valid_xml_ascii(utf8_string)
raise TypeError("Argument must be bytes or unicode, got '%.200s'" % type(s).__name__)
if not valid:
raise ValueError(
"All strings must be XML compatible: Unicode or ASCII, no NULL bytes or control characters")
return utf8_string
cdef bytes _utf8orNone(object s):
return _utf8(s) if s is not None else None
cdef strrepr(s):
"""Build a representation of strings which we can use in __repr__
methods, e.g. _Element.__repr__().
return s.encode('unicode-escape') if python.IS_PYTHON2 else s
cdef enum:
cdef bint _isFilePath(const_xmlChar* c_path):
u"simple heuristic to see if a path is a filename"
cdef xmlChar c
# test if it looks like an absolute Unix path or a Windows network path
if c_path[0] == c'/':
# test if it looks like an absolute Windows path or URL
if c'a' <= c_path[0] <= c'z' or c'A' <= c_path[0] <= c'Z':
c_path += 1
if c_path[0] == c':' and c_path[1] in b'\0\\':
return ABS_WIN_FILE_PATH # C: or C:\...
# test if it looks like a URL with scheme://
while c'a' <= c_path[0] <= c'z' or c'A' <= c_path[0] <= c'Z':
c_path += 1
if c_path[0] == c':' and c_path[1] == c'/' and c_path[2] == c'/':
# assume it's a relative path
cdef object _NO_FSPATH = object()
cdef object _getFSPathOrObject(object obj):
Get the __fspath__ attribute of an object if it exists.
Otherwise, the original object is returned.
if _isString(obj):
return obj
if python.PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03060000:
return python.PY_FSPath(obj)
except TypeError:
return obj
fspath = getattr(obj, '__fspath__', _NO_FSPATH)
if fspath is not _NO_FSPATH and callable(fspath):
return fspath()
return obj
cdef object _encodeFilename(object filename):
u"""Make sure a filename is 8-bit encoded (or None).
if filename is None:
return None
elif isinstance(filename, bytes):
return filename
elif isinstance(filename, unicode):
filename8 = (<unicode>filename).encode('utf8')
if _isFilePath(<unsigned char*>filename8):
return python.PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return filename8
raise TypeError("Argument must be string or unicode.")
cdef object _decodeFilename(const_xmlChar* c_path):
u"""Make the filename a unicode string if we are in Py3.
return _decodeFilenameWithLength(c_path, tree.xmlStrlen(c_path))
cdef object _decodeFilenameWithLength(const_xmlChar* c_path, size_t c_len):
u"""Make the filename a unicode string if we are in Py3.
if _isFilePath(c_path):
return python.PyUnicode_Decode(
<const_char*>c_path, c_len, _C_FILENAME_ENCODING, NULL)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return (<unsigned char*>c_path)[:c_len].decode('UTF-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# this is a stupid fallback, but it might still work...
return (<unsigned char*>c_path)[:c_len].decode('latin-1', 'replace')
cdef object _encodeFilenameUTF8(object filename):
u"""Recode filename as UTF-8. Tries ASCII, local filesystem encoding and
UTF-8 as source encoding.
cdef char* c_filename
if filename is None:
return None
elif isinstance(filename, bytes):
if not isutf8l(<bytes>filename, len(<bytes>filename)):
# plain ASCII!
return filename
c_filename = _cstr(<bytes>filename)
# try to decode with default encoding
filename = python.PyUnicode_Decode(
c_filename, len(<bytes>filename),
except UnicodeDecodeError as decode_exc:
# try if it's proper UTF-8
return filename
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise decode_exc # otherwise re-raise original exception
if isinstance(filename, unicode):
return (<unicode>filename).encode('utf8')
raise TypeError("Argument must be string or unicode.")
cdef tuple _getNsTag(tag):
u"""Given a tag, find namespace URI and tag name.
Return None for NS uri if no namespace URI provided.
return __getNsTag(tag, 0)
cdef tuple _getNsTagWithEmptyNs(tag):
u"""Given a tag, find namespace URI and tag name. Return None for NS uri
if no namespace URI provided, or the empty string if namespace
part is '{}'.
return __getNsTag(tag, 1)
cdef tuple __getNsTag(tag, bint empty_ns):
cdef char* c_tag
cdef char* c_ns_end
cdef Py_ssize_t taglen
cdef Py_ssize_t nslen
cdef bytes ns = None
# _isString() is much faster than isinstance()
if not _isString(tag) and isinstance(tag, QName):
tag = (<QName>tag).text
tag = _utf8(tag)
c_tag = _cstr(tag)
if c_tag[0] == c'{':
c_tag += 1
c_ns_end = cstring_h.strchr(c_tag, c'}')
if c_ns_end is NULL:
raise ValueError, u"Invalid tag name"
nslen = c_ns_end - c_tag
taglen = python.PyBytes_GET_SIZE(tag) - nslen - 2
if taglen == 0:
raise ValueError, u"Empty tag name"
if nslen > 0:
ns = <bytes>c_tag[:nslen]
elif empty_ns:
ns = b''
tag = <bytes>c_ns_end[1:taglen+1]
elif python.PyBytes_GET_SIZE(tag) == 0:
raise ValueError, u"Empty tag name"
return ns, tag
cdef inline int _pyXmlNameIsValid(name_utf8):
return _xmlNameIsValid(_xcstr(name_utf8)) and b':' not in name_utf8
cdef inline int _pyHtmlNameIsValid(name_utf8):
return _htmlNameIsValid(_xcstr(name_utf8))
cdef inline int _xmlNameIsValid(const_xmlChar* c_name):
return tree.xmlValidateNameValue(c_name)
cdef int _htmlNameIsValid(const_xmlChar* c_name):
if c_name is NULL or c_name[0] == c'\0':
return 0
while c_name[0] != c'\0':
if c_name[0] in b'&<>/"\'\t\n\x0B\x0C\r ':
return 0
c_name += 1
return 1
cdef bint _characterReferenceIsValid(const_xmlChar* c_name):
cdef bint is_hex
if c_name[0] == c'x':
c_name += 1
is_hex = 1
is_hex = 0
if c_name[0] == c'\0':
return 0
while c_name[0] != c'\0':
if c_name[0] < c'0' or c_name[0] > c'9':
if not is_hex:
return 0
if not (c'a' <= c_name[0] <= c'f'):
if not (c'A' <= c_name[0] <= c'F'):
return 0
c_name += 1
return 1
cdef int _tagValidOrRaise(tag_utf) except -1:
if not _pyXmlNameIsValid(tag_utf):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid tag name {(<bytes>tag_utf).decode('utf8')!r}")
return 0
cdef int _htmlTagValidOrRaise(tag_utf) except -1:
if not _pyHtmlNameIsValid(tag_utf):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid HTML tag name {(<bytes>tag_utf).decode('utf8')!r}")
return 0
cdef int _attributeValidOrRaise(name_utf) except -1:
if not _pyXmlNameIsValid(name_utf):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid attribute name {(<bytes>name_utf).decode('utf8')!r}")
return 0
cdef int _prefixValidOrRaise(tag_utf) except -1:
if not _pyXmlNameIsValid(tag_utf):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid namespace prefix {(<bytes>tag_utf).decode('utf8')!r}")
return 0
cdef int _uriValidOrRaise(uri_utf) except -1:
cdef uri.xmlURI* c_uri = uri.xmlParseURI(_cstr(uri_utf))
if c_uri is NULL:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid namespace URI {(<bytes>uri_utf).decode('utf8')!r}")
return 0
cdef inline object _namespacedName(xmlNode* c_node):
return _namespacedNameFromNsName(_getNs(c_node), c_node.name)
cdef object _namespacedNameFromNsName(const_xmlChar* href, const_xmlChar* name):
if href is NULL:
return funicode(name)
elif not python.IS_PYPY and (python.LXML_UNICODE_STRINGS or isutf8(name) or isutf8(href)):
return python.PyUnicode_FromFormat("{%s}%s", href, name)
s = python.PyBytes_FromFormat("{%s}%s", href, name)
if python.IS_PYPY and (python.LXML_UNICODE_STRINGS or isutf8l(s, len(s))):
return (<bytes>s).decode('utf8')
return s
cdef _getFilenameForFile(source):
u"""Given a Python File or Gzip object, give filename back.
Returns None if not a file object.
# urllib2 provides a geturl() method
return source.geturl()
# file instances have a name attribute
filename = source.name
if _isString(filename):
return os_path_abspath(filename)
# gzip file instances have a filename attribute (before Py3k)
filename = source.filename
if _isString(filename):
return os_path_abspath(filename)
# can't determine filename
return None
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox