Hacked By AnonymousFox
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FileProcessora> Processes a file and holdes state.
This processes a file by generating tokens, logical and physical lines,
and AST trees. This also provides a way of passing state about the file
to checks expecting that state. Any public attribute on this object can
be requested by a plugin. The known public attributes are:
- :attr:`blank_before`
- :attr:`blank_lines`
- :attr:`checker_state`
- :attr:`indent_char`
- :attr:`indent_level`
- :attr:`line_number`
- :attr:`logical_line`
- :attr:`max_line_length`
- :attr:`max_doc_length`
- :attr:`multiline`
- :attr:`noqa`
- :attr:`previous_indent_level`
- :attr:`previous_logical`
- :attr:`previous_unindented_logical_line`
- :attr:`tokens`
- :attr:`file_tokens`
- :attr:`total_lines`
- :attr:`verbose`
FN�filename�options�lines�returnc � � || _ || _ |�|n| � � � | _ | � � � d| _ d| _ i | _ i | _ |j | _ d| _
d| _ |j | _ d| _
d| _ |j | _ |j | _ d| _ d| _ d| _ d| _ g | _ t- | j � � | _ |j | _ ddi| _ d| _ d| _ dS )z]Initialice our file processor.
:param filename: Name of the file to process
Nr � F�
logical lines)r r �
read_linesr �
checker_state�hang_closing�indent_char�indent_level�indent_size�line_number�logical_line�max_line_length�max_doc_length� multiline�previous_indent_level�previous_logical� previous_unindented_logical_line�tokens�len�total_lines�verbose�
statistics�_file_tokens�_noqa_line_mapping)�selfr r r s �a/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/flake8/processor.py�__init__zFileProcessor.__init__<