Hacked By AnonymousFox
�܋f� � �� � d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlmZmZmZ ddl m
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� � ZdS )z'Source file annotation for coverage.py.� )�annotationsN)�Iterable�Optional�
ensure_dir�isolate_module)�FileReporter)�get_analysis_to_report)�Analysis)�TMorf)�Coveragec �l � e Zd ZdZdd�Z ej d� � Z ej d� � Zddd�Z dd�Z
d S )�AnnotateReportera Generate annotated source files showing line coverage.
This reporter creates annotated copies of the measured source files. Each
.py file is copied as a .py,cover file, with a left-hand margin annotating
each line::
> def h(x):
- if 0: #pragma: no cover
- pass
> if x == 1:
! a = 1
> else:
> a = 2
> h(2)
Executed lines use ">", lines not executed use "!", lines excluded from
consideration use "-".
�coverager �return�Nonec �D � || _ | j j | _ d | _ d S �N)r �config� directory)�selfr s �d/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/coverage/annotate.py�__init__zAnnotateReporter.__init__0 s � � ��
��m�*���(,����� z\s*(#|$)z\s*else\s*:\s*(#|$)N�morfs�Optional[Iterable[TMorf]]r �
Optional[str]c � � || _ | j � � � t | j |� � D ]\ }}| � ||� � �dS )zIRun the report.
See `coverage.report()` for arguments.
N)r r �get_datar �
annotate_file)r r r �fr�analysiss r �reportzAnnotateReporter.report8 sa � � #����
��� � � �2�4�=�%�H�H� -� -�L�B�����r�8�,�,�,�,� -� -r r"