Hacked By AnonymousFox
#ifndef RUBY_VERSION_H /*-*-C++-*-vi:se ft=cpp:*/
#define RUBY_VERSION_H 1
* @file
* @author $Author$
* @date Wed May 13 12:56:56 JST 2009
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1993-2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
* @copyright This file is a part of the programming language Ruby.
* Permission is hereby granted, to either redistribute and/or
* modify this file, provided that the conditions mentioned in the
* file COPYING are met. Consult the file for details.
* This file contains only
* - never-changeable information, and
* - interfaces accessible from extension libraries.
* Never try to check RUBY_VERSION_CODE etc in extension libraries,
* check the features with mkmf.rb instead.
* @name The origin.
* These information never change. Just written here to remember.
* @{
/** Author of this project. */
#define RUBY_AUTHOR "Yukihiro Matsumoto"
/** Ruby's birth year. */
#define RUBY_BIRTH_YEAR 1993
/** Ruby's birth month. */
/** Ruby's birth day. */
#define RUBY_BIRTH_DAY 24
/** @} */
* @name The API version.
* API version is different from binary version. These numbers are for API
* stability. When you have distinct API versions x and y, you cannot expect
* codes targeted to x also works for y.
* However let us repeat here that it's a BAD idea to check
* #RUBY_API_VERSION_CODE form extension libraries. Different API versions are
* just different. There is no such thing like upper compatibility.
* @{
* Major version. This digit changes sometimes for various reasons, but that
* doesn't mean a total rewrite. Practically when it comes to API versioning,
* major and minor version changes are equally catastrophic.
* Minor version. As of writing this version changes annually. Greater
* version doesn't mean "better"; they just mean years passed.
* Teeny version. This digit is kind of reserved these days. Kept 0 for the
* entire 2.x era. Waiting for future uses.
* This macro is API versions encoded into a C integer.
* @note Use mkmf.
* @note Don't rely on it.
/** @} */
/* Internal note: this file could be included from verconf.mk _before_
* generating config.h, on Windows. The #ifdef above is to trick such
* situation. */
* @name Interfaces from extension libraries.
* Before using these infos, think thrice whether they are really
* necessary or not, and if the answer was yes, think twice a week
* later again.
* @{
/** API versions, in { major, minor, teeny } order. */
RUBY_EXTERN const int ruby_api_version[3];
* Stringised version.
* @note This is the runtime version, not the API version. For instance it
* was `"2.5.9"` when ::ruby_api_version was `{ 2, 5, 0 }`.
RUBY_EXTERN const char ruby_version[];
/** Date of release, in a C string. */
RUBY_EXTERN const char ruby_release_date[];
* Target platform identifier, in a C string.
* @note Seasoned UNIX programmers should beware that this "platform
* identifier" is our invention; not always identical to so-called
* target triplets that GNU systems use. For instance on @shyouhei's
* machine, ::ruby_platform is `"x64_64-linux"` while its target triplet
* is `x86_64-pc-linux-gnu`.
* @note Note also that we support Windows.
RUBY_EXTERN const char ruby_platform[];
* This is a monotonic increasing integer that describes specific "patch"
* level. You can know the exact changeset your binary is running by this info
* (and ::ruby_version), unless this is -1. -1 means there is no release yet
* for the version; ruby is actively developed. 0 means the initial GA version.
RUBY_EXTERN const int ruby_patchlevel;
* This is what `ruby -v` prints to the standard error. Something like:
* `"ruby 2.5.9p229 (2021-04-05 revision 67829) [x86_64-linux]"`. This doesn't
* include runtime options like a JIT being enabled.
RUBY_EXTERN const char ruby_description[];
/** Copyright notice. */
RUBY_EXTERN const char ruby_copyright[];
* This is just `"ruby"` for us. But different implementations can have
* different strings here.
RUBY_EXTERN const char ruby_engine[];
/** @} */
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox