Hacked By AnonymousFox
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e�ZdS )z�distutils.command.bdist_dumb
Implements the Distutils 'bdist_dumb' command (create a "dumb" built
distribution -- i.e., just an archive to be unpacked under $prefix or
$exec_prefix).� N)�Command)�get_platform)�remove_tree�ensure_relative)�*)�get_python_version)�logc @ s^ e Zd ZdZdddde� fdddd d
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bdist_dumbz"create a "dumb" built distribution)z
bdist-dir=�dz1temporary directory for creating the distributionz
plat-name=�pz;platform name to embed in generated filenames (default: %s))zformat=�fz>archive format to create (tar, gztar, bztar, xztar, ztar, zip))� keep-temp�kzPkeep the pseudo-installation tree around after creating the distribution archive)z dist-dir=r
z-directory to put final built distributions in)�
skip-buildNz2skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging))�relativeNz7build the archive using relative paths (default: false))zowner=�uz@Owner name used when creating a tar file [default: current user])zgroup=�gzAGroup name used when creating a tar file [default: current group]r
r r Zgztar�zip)�posix�ntc C s: d | _ d | _d | _d| _d | _d | _d| _d | _d | _d S )Nr ) � bdist_dir� plat_name�format� keep_temp�dist_dir�
skip_buildr �owner�group)�self� r �A/opt/alt/python38/lib64/python3.8/distutils/command/bdist_dumb.py�initialize_options2 s zbdist_dumb.initialize_optionsc C sz | j d kr&| �d�j}tj�|d�| _ | jd krfz| jtj | _W n" t k
rd t
dtj ��Y nX | �dddd� d S )NZbdistZdumbz@don't know how to create dumb built distributions on platform %s)r r )r r )r r )r Zget_finalized_command�
bdist_base�os�path�joinr �default_format�name�KeyError�DistutilsPlatformErrorZset_undefined_options)r r"