Hacked By AnonymousFox
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import OrderedDict
from six import add_metaclass
from virtualenv.create.describe import PosixSupports, WindowsSupports
from virtualenv.create.via_global_ref.builtin.ref import RefMust, RefWhen
from virtualenv.util.path import Path
from ..via_global_self_do import ViaGlobalRefVirtualenvBuiltin
class CPython(ViaGlobalRefVirtualenvBuiltin):
def can_describe(cls, interpreter):
return interpreter.implementation == "CPython" and super(CPython, cls).can_describe(interpreter)
def exe_stem(cls):
return "python"
class CPythonPosix(CPython, PosixSupports):
"""Create a CPython virtual environment on POSIX platforms"""
def _executables(cls, interpreter):
host_exe = Path(interpreter.system_executable)
major, minor = interpreter.version_info.major, interpreter.version_info.minor
targets = OrderedDict(
(i, None) for i in ["python", "python{}".format(major), "python{}.{}".format(major, minor), host_exe.name]
must = RefMust.COPY if interpreter.version_info.major == 2 else RefMust.NA
yield host_exe, list(targets.keys()), must, RefWhen.ANY
class CPythonWindows(CPython, WindowsSupports):
def _executables(cls, interpreter):
# symlink of the python executables does not work reliably, copy always instead
# - https://bugs.python.org/issue42013
# - venv
host = cls.host_python(interpreter)
for path in (host.parent / n for n in {"python.exe", host.name}):
yield host, [path.name], RefMust.COPY, RefWhen.ANY
# for more info on pythonw.exe see https://stackoverflow.com/a/30313091
python_w = host.parent / "pythonw.exe"
yield python_w, [python_w.name], RefMust.COPY, RefWhen.ANY
def host_python(cls, interpreter):
return Path(interpreter.system_executable)
def is_mac_os_framework(interpreter):
if interpreter.platform == "darwin":
framework_var = interpreter.sysconfig_vars.get("PYTHONFRAMEWORK")
value = "Python3" if interpreter.version_info.major == 3 else "Python"
return framework_var == value
return False
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox