Hacked By AnonymousFox

Current Path : /opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/lib2to3/fixes/__pycache__/
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Current File : //opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/lib2to3/fixes/__pycache__/fix_dict.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc

��Yf��@s�dZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZm	Z	m
mZmZm
ddlmZejdhBZGd	d
ej�ZdS)ajFixer for dict methods.

d.keys() -> list(d.keys())
d.items() -> list(d.items())
d.values() -> list(d.values())

d.iterkeys() -> iter(d.keys())
d.iteritems() -> iter(d.items())
d.itervalues() -> iter(d.values())

d.viewkeys() -> d.keys()
d.viewitems() -> d.items()
d.viewvalues() -> d.values()

Except in certain very specific contexts: the iter() can be dropped
when the context is list(), sorted(), iter() or for...in; the list()
can be dropped when the context is list() or sorted() (but not iter()
or for...in!). Special contexts that apply to both: list(), sorted(), tuple()
set(), any(), all(), sum().

Note: iter(d.keys()) could be written as iter(d) but since the
original d.iterkeys() was also redundant we don't fix this.  And there
are (rare) contexts where it makes a difference (e.g. when passing it
as an argument to a function that introspects the argument).
fixer_util�iterc@s^eZdZdZdZdd�ZdZeje�Z	dZ
�Zdd�Zd	S)
    power< head=any+
         trailer< '.' method=('keys'|'items'|'values'|
                              'viewkeys'|'viewitems'|'viewvalues') >
         parens=trailer< '(' ')' >
Csn|d}|dd}|d}|j}|j}|jd�}|jd�}	|s^|	rn|dd�}dd	�|D�}d
d	�|D�}|o�|j||�}
|tj|jt�t|d|j	�g�|dj
�g}tj|j|�}|
p|	s<d
|_	tt|r*dnd�|g�}|r^tj|j|g|�}|j	|_	|S)N�head�method��tailr
<listcomp>Bs	z%FixDict.transform.<locals>.<listcomp>cSsg|]}|j��qSr)r)rrrrrrCs	�prefixZparens��list)
�self�node�resultsrrrrZmethod_name�isiterZisviewZspecial�args�newrrr�	transform7s2

				$zFixDict.transformz3power< func=NAME trailer< '(' node=any ')' > any* >zmfor_stmt< 'for' any 'in' node=any ':' any* >
            | comp_for< 'for' any 'in' node=any any* >
         cCs�|jdkrdSi}|jjdk	r�|jj|jj|�r�|d|kr�|rm|djtkS|djtjkS|s�dS|jj|j|�o�|d|kS)NFr"�func)�parent�p1�matchr�iter_exemptr�consuming_calls�p2)r!r"r$r#rrrr [szFixDict.in_special_contextN)
__module__�__qualname__Z
BM_compatibleZPATTERNr'ZP1rZcompile_patternr*ZP2r.r rrrrr*s
rN)�__doc__rrrZpgen2rrrrrrr	r

Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox