Hacked By AnonymousFox
// look up the realpath, but cache stats to minimize overhead
// If the parent folder is in the realpath cache, then we just
// lstat the child, since there's no need to do a full realpath
// This is not a separate module, and is much simpler than Node's
// built-in fs.realpath, because we only care about symbolic links,
// so we can handle many fewer edge cases.
const { lstat, readlink } = require('node:fs/promises')
const { resolve, basename, dirname } = require('node:path')
const realpathCached = (path, rpcache, stcache, depth) => {
// just a safety against extremely deep eloops
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (depth > 2000) {
throw eloop(path)
path = resolve(path)
if (rpcache.has(path)) {
return Promise.resolve(rpcache.get(path))
const dir = dirname(path)
const base = basename(path)
if (base && rpcache.has(dir)) {
return realpathChild(dir, base, rpcache, stcache, depth)
// if it's the root, then we know it's real
if (!base) {
rpcache.set(dir, dir)
return Promise.resolve(dir)
// the parent, what is that?
// find out, and then come back.
return realpathCached(dir, rpcache, stcache, depth + 1).then(() =>
realpathCached(path, rpcache, stcache, depth + 1))
const lstatCached = (path, stcache) => {
if (stcache.has(path)) {
return Promise.resolve(stcache.get(path))
const p = lstat(path).then(st => {
stcache.set(path, st)
return st
stcache.set(path, p)
return p
// This is a slight fib, as it doesn't actually occur during a stat syscall.
// But file systems are giant piles of lies, so whatever.
const eloop = path =>
Object.assign(new Error(
`ELOOP: too many symbolic links encountered, stat '${path}'`), {
errno: -62,
syscall: 'stat',
code: 'ELOOP',
path: path,
const realpathChild = (dir, base, rpcache, stcache, depth) => {
const realdir = rpcache.get(dir)
// that unpossible
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (typeof realdir === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('in realpathChild without parent being in realpath cache')
const realish = resolve(realdir, base)
return lstatCached(realish, stcache).then(st => {
if (!st.isSymbolicLink()) {
rpcache.set(resolve(dir, base), realish)
return realish
return readlink(realish).then(target => {
const resolved = resolve(realdir, target)
if (realish === resolved) {
throw eloop(realish)
return realpathCached(resolved, rpcache, stcache, depth + 1)
}).then(real => {
rpcache.set(resolve(dir, base), real)
return real
module.exports = realpathCached
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox