Hacked By AnonymousFox
# libnpmexec
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The `npm exec` (`npx`) Programmatic API
## Install
`npm install libnpmexec`
## Usage:
const libexec = require('libnpmexec')
await libexec({
args: ['yosay', 'Bom dia!'],
cache: '~/.npm/_cacache',
npxCache: '~/.npm/_npx',
yes: true,
## API:
### `libexec(opts)`
- `opts`:
- `args`: List of pkgs to execute **Array<String>**, defaults to `[]`
- `call`: An alternative command to run when using `packages` option **String**, defaults to empty string.
- `cache`: The path location to where the npm cache folder is placed **String**
- `npxCache`: The path location to where the npx cache folder is placed **String**
- `chalk`: Chalk instance to use for colors? **Required**
- `localBin`: Location to the `node_modules/.bin` folder of the local project to start scanning for bin files **String**, defaults to `./node_modules/.bin`. **libexec** will walk up the directory structure looking for `node_modules/.bin` folders in parent folders that might satisfy the current `arg` and will use that bin if found.
- `locationMsg`: Overrides "at location" message when entering interactive mode **String**
- `globalBin`: Location to the global space bin folder, same as: `$(npm bin -g)` **String**, defaults to empty string.
- `packages`: A list of packages to be used (possibly fetch from the registry) **Array<String>**, defaults to `[]`
- `path`: Location to where to read local project info (`package.json`) **String**, defaults to `.`
- `runPath`: Location to where to execute the script **String**, defaults to `.`
- `scriptShell`: Default shell to be used **String**, defaults to `sh` on POSIX systems, `process.env.ComSpec` OR `cmd` on Windows
- `yes`: Should skip download confirmation prompt when fetching missing packages from the registry? **Boolean**
- `registry`, `cache`, and more options that are forwarded to [@npmcli/arborist](https://github.com/npm/arborist/) and [pacote](https://github.com/npm/pacote/#options) **Object**
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox