Hacked By AnonymousFox
{fc @ s/ d d l m Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d g Z
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_WHEEL_DIRt formatt globt strt maxt distutilsR t LooseVersion( t pkgt patternt versions( ( R R s* /usr/lib64/python2.7/ensurepip/__init__.pyt _get_most_recent_wheel_version s
setuptoolst pipc C sa | d k r | t j t _ n y d d l m } Wn! t k
rV d d l m } n X| | � S( Ni����( t main( t Nonet sysR
pip._internalR t ImportErrorR ( t argst additional_pathsR ( ( s* /usr/lib64/python2.7/ensurepip/__init__.pyt _run_pip$ s
c C s t S( sA
Returns a string specifying the bundled version of pip.
( t _PIP_VERSION( ( ( s* /usr/lib64/python2.7/ensurepip/__init__.pyR 3 s c C sZ g t j D] } | j d � r
| ^ q
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startswitht devnull( t kt keys_to_remove( ( s* /usr/lib64/python2.7/ensurepip/__init__.pyt# _disable_pip_configuration_settings: s +
C s/ t d | d | d | d | d | d | � d S( s�
Bootstrap pip into the current Python installation (or the given root
Note that calling this function will alter both sys.path and os.environ.
t roott upgradet usert
altinstallt default_pipt verbosityN( t
_bootstrap( R* R+ R, R- R. R/ ( ( s* /usr/lib64/python2.7/ensurepip/__init__.pyR F s
c C s� | r | r t d � � n t � | r8 d t j d <n | sN d t j d <n t j � } zMg } x� t D]� \ } } d j | | � }
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Bootstrap pip into the current Python installation (or the given root
directory). Returns pip command status code.
Note that calling this function will alter both sys.path and os.environ.
s. Cannot use altinstall and default_pip togetherR- t ENSUREPIP_OPTIONSt installs {}-{}-py2.py3-none-any.whlt rbt wbNs
--no-indexs --find-linkss --roots --upgrades --usert -t vi t
ignore_errors( t
ValueErrorR) R R$ t tempfilet mkdtempt _PROJECTSR
t openR
R R t writet readt appendR t shutilt rmtreet True( R* R+ R, R- R. R/ t tmpdirR t projectR t
wheel_namet sfpt fpR R ( ( s* /usr/lib64/python2.7/ensurepip/__init__.pyR0 U s6 !! ,c C s� y d d l } Wn t k
r$ d SX| j t k r` d } t | j | j t � d t j �d St � d d d g } | r� | d d | g 7} n t | g t
t � D] } | d
^ q� � S( s~ Helper to support a clean default uninstall process on Windows
Note that calling this function may alter os.environ.
i����NsO ensurepip will only uninstall a matching version ({!r} installed, {!r} bundled)t filet uninstalls -ys --disable-pip-version-checkR5 R6 i ( R R t __version__R! t printR
R t stderrR) R t reversedR; ( R/ R t msgR R ( ( s* /usr/lib64/python2.7/ensurepip/__init__.pyt _uninstall_helper� s
C s} d d l } | j d d � } | j d d d d d j t � � d d �| j d
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