Hacked By AnonymousFox
from tuned import exports
import tuned.logs
import tuned.exceptions
from tuned.exceptions import TunedException
import threading
import tuned.consts as consts
from tuned.utils.commands import commands
__all__ = ["Controller"]
log = tuned.logs.get()
class TimerStore(object):
def __init__(self):
self._timers = dict()
self._timers_lock = threading.Lock()
def store_timer(self, token, timer):
with self._timers_lock:
self._timers[token] = timer
def drop_timer(self, token):
with self._timers_lock:
timer = self._timers[token]
del self._timers[token]
def cancel_all(self):
with self._timers_lock:
for timer in self._timers.values():
class Controller(tuned.exports.interfaces.ExportableInterface):
Controller's purpose is to keep the program running, start/stop the tuning,
and export the controller interface (currently only over D-Bus).
def __init__(self, daemon, global_config):
super(Controller, self).__init__()
self._daemon = daemon
self._global_config = global_config
self._terminate = threading.Event()
self._cmd = commands()
self._timer_store = TimerStore()
def run(self):
Controller main loop. The call is blocking.
log.info("starting controller")
res = self.start()
daemon = self._global_config.get_bool(consts.CFG_DAEMON, consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON)
if not res and daemon:
if daemon:
# we have to pass some timeout, otherwise signals will not work
while not self._cmd.wait(self._terminate, 1):
log.info("terminating controller")
def terminate(self):
def sighup(self):
if not self._daemon._sighup_processing.is_set():
if not self.reload():
def profile_changed(self, profile_name, result, errstr):
# exports decorator checks the authorization (currently through polkit), caller is None if
# no authorization was performed (i.e. the call should process as authorized), string
# identifying caller (with DBus it's the caller bus name) if authorized and empty
# string if not authorized, caller must be the last argument
def _log_capture_abort(self, token):
@exports.export("ii", "s")
def log_capture_start(self, log_level, timeout, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return ""
token = tuned.logs.log_capture_start(log_level)
if token is None:
return ""
if timeout > 0:
timer = threading.Timer(timeout,
self._log_capture_abort, args = [token])
self._timer_store.store_timer(token, timer)
return "" if token is None else token
@exports.export("s", "s")
def log_capture_finish(self, token, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return ""
res = tuned.logs.log_capture_finish(token)
return "" if res is None else res
@exports.export("", "b")
def start(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return False
if self._global_config.get_bool(consts.CFG_DAEMON, consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON):
if self._daemon.is_running():
return True
elif not self._daemon.is_enabled():
return False
return self._daemon.start()
def _stop(self, profile_switch = False):
if not self._daemon.is_running():
res = True
res = self._daemon.stop(profile_switch = profile_switch)
return res
@exports.export("", "b")
def stop(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return False
return self._stop(profile_switch = False)
@exports.export("", "b")
def reload(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return False
if self._daemon.is_running():
stop_ok = self._stop(profile_switch = True)
if not stop_ok:
return False
except TunedException as e:
log.error("Failed to reload TuneD: %s" % e)
return False
return self.start()
def _switch_profile(self, profile_name, manual):
was_running = self._daemon.is_running()
msg = "OK"
success = True
reapply = False
if was_running:
self._daemon.stop(profile_switch = True)
self._daemon.set_profile(profile_name, manual)
except tuned.exceptions.TunedException as e:
success = False
msg = str(e)
if was_running and self._daemon.profile.name == profile_name:
log.error("Failed to reapply profile '%s'. Did it change on disk and break?" % profile_name)
reapply = True
log.error("Failed to apply profile '%s'" % profile_name)
if was_running:
if reapply:
log.warn("Applying previously applied (possibly out-dated) profile '%s'." % profile_name)
elif not success:
log.info("Applying previously applied profile.")
return (success, msg)
@exports.export("s", "(bs)")
def switch_profile(self, profile_name, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return (False, "Unauthorized")
return self._switch_profile(profile_name, True)
@exports.export("", "(bs)")
def auto_profile(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return (False, "Unauthorized")
profile_name = self.recommend_profile()
return self._switch_profile(profile_name, False)
@exports.export("", "s")
def active_profile(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return ""
if self._daemon.profile is not None:
return self._daemon.profile.name
return ""
@exports.export("", "(ss)")
def profile_mode(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return "unknown", "Unauthorized"
manual = self._daemon.manual
if manual is None:
# This means no profile is applied. Check the preset value.
profile, manual = self._cmd.get_active_profile()
if manual is None:
manual = profile is not None
except TunedException as e:
mode = "unknown"
error = str(e)
return mode, error
mode = consts.ACTIVE_PROFILE_MANUAL if manual else consts.ACTIVE_PROFILE_AUTO
return mode, ""
@exports.export("", "s")
def post_loaded_profile(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return ""
return self._daemon.post_loaded_profile or ""
@exports.export("", "b")
def disable(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return False
if self._daemon.is_running():
if self._daemon.is_enabled():
self._daemon.set_all_profiles(None, True, None,
return True
@exports.export("", "b")
def is_running(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return False
return self._daemon.is_running()
@exports.export("", "as")
def profiles(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return []
return self._daemon.profile_loader.profile_locator.get_known_names()
@exports.export("", "a(ss)")
def profiles2(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return []
return self._daemon.profile_loader.profile_locator.get_known_names_summary()
@exports.export("s", "(bsss)")
def profile_info(self, profile_name, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return tuple(False, "", "", "")
if profile_name is None or profile_name == "":
profile_name = self.active_profile()
return tuple(self._daemon.profile_loader.profile_locator.get_profile_attrs(profile_name, [consts.PROFILE_ATTR_SUMMARY, consts.PROFILE_ATTR_DESCRIPTION], [""]))
@exports.export("", "s")
def recommend_profile(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return ""
return self._daemon.profile_recommender.recommend()
@exports.export("", "b")
def verify_profile(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return False
return self._daemon.verify_profile(ignore_missing = False)
@exports.export("", "b")
def verify_profile_ignore_missing(self, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return False
return self._daemon.verify_profile(ignore_missing = True)
@exports.export("", "a{sa{ss}}")
def get_all_plugins(self, caller = None):
"""Return dictionary with accesible plugins
dictionary -- {plugin_name: {parameter_name: default_value}}
if caller == "":
return False
plugins = {}
for plugin_class in self._daemon.get_all_plugins():
plugin_name = plugin_class.__module__.split(".")[-1].split("_", 1)[1]
conf_options = plugin_class._get_config_options()
plugins[plugin_name] = {}
for key, val in conf_options.items():
plugins[plugin_name][key] = str(val)
return plugins
def get_plugin_documentation(self, plugin_name, caller = None):
"""Return docstring of plugin's class"""
if caller == "":
return False
return self._daemon.get_plugin_documentation(str(plugin_name))
def get_plugin_hints(self, plugin_name, caller = None):
"""Return dictionary with plugin's parameters and their hints
plugin_name -- name of plugin
dictionary -- {parameter_name: hint}
if caller == "":
return False
return self._daemon.get_plugin_hints(str(plugin_name))
@exports.export("s", "b")
def register_socket_signal_path(self, path, caller = None):
"""Allows to dynamically add sockets to send signals to
path -- path to socket to register for sending signals
bool -- True on success
if caller == "":
return False
if self._daemon._application and self._daemon._application._unix_socket_exporter:
return True
return False
# devices - devices to migrate from other instances, string of form "dev1,dev2,dev3,..."
# or "cpulist:CPULIST", where CPULIST is e.g. "0-3,6,8-9"
# instance_name - instance where to migrate devices
@exports.export("ss", "(bs)")
def instance_acquire_devices(self, devices, instance_name, caller = None):
if caller == "":
return (False, "Unauthorized")
found = False
for instance_target in self._daemon._unit_manager.instances:
if instance_target.name == instance_name:
log.debug("Found instance '%s'." % instance_target.name)
found = True
if not found:
rets = "Instance '%s' not found" % instance_name
return (False, rets)
devs = set(self._cmd.devstr2devs(devices))
log.debug("Instance '%s' trying to acquire devices '%s'." % (instance_target.name, str(devs)))
for instance in self._daemon._unit_manager.instances:
devs_moving = instance.processed_devices & devs
if len(devs_moving):
devs -= devs_moving
log.info("Moving devices '%s' from instance '%s' to instance '%s'." % (str(devs_moving),
instance.name, instance_target.name))
if (instance.plugin.name != instance_target.plugin.name):
rets = "Target instance '%s' is of type '%s', but devices '%s' are currently handled by " \
"instance '%s' which is of type '%s'." % (instance_target.name,
instance_target.plugin.name, str(devs_moving), instance.name, instance.plugin.name)
return (False, rets)
instance.plugin._remove_devices_nocheck(instance, devs_moving)
instance_target.plugin._add_devices_nocheck(instance_target, devs_moving)
if (len(devs)):
rets = "Ignoring devices not handled by any instance '%s'." % str(devs)
return (False, rets)
return (True, "OK")
@exports.export("s", "(bsa(ss))")
def get_instances(self, plugin_name, caller = None):
"""Return a list of active instances of a plugin or all active instances
plugin_name -- name of the plugin or an empty string
bool -- True on success
string -- error message or "OK"
list of string pairs -- [(instance_name, plugin_name)]
if caller == "":
return (False, "Unauthorized", [])
if plugin_name != "" and plugin_name not in self.get_all_plugins().keys():
rets = "Plugin '%s' does not exist" % plugin_name
return (False, rets, [])
instances = filter(lambda instance: instance.active, self._daemon._unit_manager.instances)
if plugin_name != "":
instances = filter(lambda instance: instance.plugin.name == plugin_name, instances)
return (True, "OK", list(map(lambda instance: (instance.name, instance.plugin.name), instances)))
@exports.export("s", "(bsas)")
def instance_get_devices(self, instance_name, caller = None):
"""Return a list of devices assigned to an instance
instance_name -- name of the instance
bool -- True on success
string -- error message or "OK"
list of strings -- device names
if caller == "":
return (False, "Unauthorized", [])
for instance in self._daemon._unit_manager.instances:
if instance.name == instance_name:
return (True, "OK", sorted(list(instance.processed_devices)))
rets = "Instance '%s' not found" % instance_name
return (False, rets, [])
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox