Hacked By AnonymousFox
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ej�ZG dd� dejj�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� ZdS )ak DNS Rdata Classes.
@var _by_text: The rdata class textual name to value mapping
@type _by_text: dict
@var _by_value: The rdata class value to textual name mapping
@type _by_value: dict
@var _metaclasses: If an rdataclass is a metaclass, there will be a mapping
whose key is the rdatatype value and whose value is True in this dictionary.
@type _metaclasses: dict� N� � � � � )� RESERVED0�IN�CH�HS�NONE�ANYc c s | ]\}}||fV qd S )N� )�.0�x�yr
� /usr/lib/python3.6/rdataclass.py� <genexpr>2 s r )ZINTERNETZCHAOSZHESIODTzCLASS([0-9]+)$c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�UnknownRdataclasszA DNS class is unknown.N)�__name__�
r r E s r c C sV t j| j� �}|dkrRtj| �}|dkr,t�t|jd��}|dk sJ|dkrRtd��|S )z�Convert text into a DNS rdata class value.
@param text: the text
@type text: string
@rtype: int
@raises dns.rdataclass.UnknownRdataclass: the class is unknown
@raises ValueError: the rdata class value is not >= 0 and <= 65535
Nr r i�� z'class must be between >= 0 and <= 65535) �_by_text�get�upper�_unknown_class_pattern�matchr �int�group�
ValueError)�text�valuer r
r � from_textJ s