Hacked By AnonymousFox
# dot-prop [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/dot-prop.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/dot-prop)
> Get, set, or delete a property from a nested object using a dot path
## Install
$ npm install --save dot-prop
## Usage
const dotProp = require('dot-prop');
// getter
dotProp.get({foo: {bar: 'unicorn'}}, 'foo.bar');
//=> 'unicorn'
dotProp.get({foo: {bar: 'a'}}, 'foo.notDefined.deep');
//=> undefined
dotProp.get({foo: {bar: 'a'}}, 'foo.notDefined.deep', 'default value');
//=> 'default value'
dotProp.get({foo: {'dot.dot': 'unicorn'}}, 'foo.dot\\.dot');
//=> 'unicorn'
// setter
const obj = {foo: {bar: 'a'}};
dotProp.set(obj, 'foo.bar', 'b');
//=> {foo: {bar: 'b'}}
const foo = dotProp.set({}, 'foo.bar', 'c');
//=> {foo: {bar: 'c'}}
dotProp.set(obj, 'foo.baz', 'x');
//=> {foo: {bar: 'b', baz: 'x'}}
// has
dotProp.has({foo: {bar: 'unicorn'}}, 'foo.bar');
//=> true
// deleter
const obj = {foo: {bar: 'a'}};
dotProp.delete(obj, 'foo.bar');
//=> {foo: {}}
obj.foo.bar = {x: 'y', y: 'x'};
dotProp.delete(obj, 'foo.bar.x');
//=> {foo: {bar: {y: 'x'}}}
## API
### get(obj, path, [defaultValue])
### set(obj, path, value)
Returns the object.
### has(obj, path)
### delete(obj, path)
#### obj
Type: `Object`
Object to get, set, or delete the `path` value.
#### path
Type: `string`
Path of the property in the object, using `.` to separate each nested key.
Use `\\.` if you have a `.` in the key.
The following path components are invalid and results in `undefined` being returned: `__proto__`, `prototype`, `constructor`.
#### value
Type: `any`
Value to set at `path`.
#### defaultValue
Type: `any`
Default value.
## License
MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](https://sindresorhus.com)
Hacked By AnonymousFox1.0, Coded By AnonymousFox